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Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

Chapter 51:


"My Old Madam Xia visited my mother's yard, and my mother invited both my younger brother and younger sister to join. However, my younger sister only brought a Lu Chang Gong and didn't bring Qing Ge'er."

"Qing Ge'er is my younger brother's biological son, yet she favors an outsider."

This statement wasn't suitable for children to hear. When Lu Jia started speaking, the Old Madam had already instructed someone to take Qing Ge'er away.

The expression on Old Madam Lu's face didn't look very pleasant.

Despite so many things happening, Qing Ge'er indeed didn't have Lin Yunwan's favor, but she is his legitimate mother and she shouldn't treat the two children differently.

The Old Madam loves her grandson, and there is no reasonable argument against what Lu Jia was saying. She said, "When there's time, I'll have a talk with Yunwan."

Lu Jia was pleased to hear this and added, "In my opinion, even if you tell her the truth, what difference would it make?"

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"She is the legitimate mother, no matter how the child came into being. As long as it's a legitimate child, isn't it her responsibility to raise them?"

"Why be afraid of speaking directly to her? Would she dare to be angry with her husband?"

Lu Zhengliu frowned, "Big sister, the situation is not as simple as you think."

Lu Jia didn't know how things could get more complicated and said disdainfully, "Qing Ge'er's identity is not glorious, but in the end, he's just a child born out of wedlock before marriage. He is still the only bloodline of the Lu family! Lin Yunwan can't refuse."

If only it were that simple!

Behind Qing Ge'er, there is also Ge Bao'er, who is not simple at all. Bringing her son into the noble family and even scheming to take the position of the main Madam, her ambitions are not small.

Old Madam Lu glanced at Lu Zhengliu.

Unfortunately, her stubborn and obstinate grandson has gradually fallen into the trap set by Ge Bao'er, and now it's not as easy to explain as being just an illegitimate child.

Feeling irritated, she said, "Alright, stop talking. You don't need to worry about the family affairs."

Lu Jia's expression changed.

Was she being told that, as an outsider daughter-in-law, she was meddling in things that weren't her concern?

Well, she didn't hear such words when they wanted her son to get close to Qing Ge'er!

She quickly regained her composure and asked in a casual tone, "I heard that there's a new cousin in the family. How come I didn't know we had such relatives? Why doesn't Grandmother let my sister come out for everyone to meet?"

"I've never had any sisters since I was young. Now that I have a cousin, I'm genuinely happy about it."

However, Grandma Lu did not respond positively and dismissed it, "Just a distant relative from the countryside, kept here because there was no better option. Don't ask too much."

"Now that you have time, tell us more about the Xia family."

Lu Jia smiled meaningfully.

It's quite interesting; she wants to inquire about her maternal family, but the old lady refuses to tell her anything, treating her as an outsider, yet she's pushing her to talk about the affairs of her husband's family as if eager to know everything.

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However, Lu Jia did share some information about the Xia family, but she didn't dare to reveal the family's secrets entirely.

Grandma Lu was still impressed and valued this marital relationship even more. She held Lu Jia's hand, expressing great excitement, "It wasn't in vain that your mother and I worked so hard to arrange this marriage for you. You, my dear, are truly blessed."

Lu Jia remained noncommittal.

As a daughter of a concubine, being able to marry into the prestigious Xia family in Yu Province is already quite an honorable position.

After listening for a while, Lu Zhengliu expressed concern about Old Madam Xia's brother. "Is his eye care really superb?" 

Lu Jia nodded and said, "Uncle's medical skills are well-known in Yu Province. He has the ability to 'revive the dead' when it comes to treating eye conditions, even restoring sight to the blind."

This information stirred up emotions within Lu Zhengliu.

Of course, Old Madam Lu knew what he was thinking, probably hoping to reconcile with Lin Yunwan through this matter. She also emphasized, "If your uncle from the Xia family can cure Yunwan's mother's eyes, it would be even better."

Lu Zhengliu was burdened with concerns, his brows furrowed.

He pursed his lips and decided to ask directly, "Grandmother, is Yunwan's mother permanent blindness... does it have anything to do with me?"

Lu Jia suddenly became alert, fixing her gaze on both of them.

Grandma Lu remained silent for a long time before saying, "Which mother doesn't wish for her daughter to have a good life in her husband's family? You left for several years, leaving her to keep guard over an empty house. But it's true that you couldn't return from the border,  so there's nothing to blame you for. Madam Lin is still heartbroken for her daughter and sheds tears."

Speaking of that year's events, the old lady continued, "After Yunwan visited her mother and returned, Yunwan cried heartbreakingly. However, her mother already had eye problems and could no longer see clearly. Losing her sight was just a matter of time, so Yunwan came to terms with it."

Lu Zhengliu lowered his head, burdened with indescribable self-blame.

He used to think that by marrying her and as long as he didn't interfere or hurt her, it would be fair to both of them. It could be considered adhering to the ways of a gentleman.

Apparently, it was not the case.

Grandma Lu advised him again, "Yunwan has already accepted it; you don't need to dwell on it too much. There's a long road ahead, just make it up to her properly."

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"Grandson understands."

Lu Zhengliu's mood was not good.

The brother and sister left Yu Shou Tang together, but he didn't speak much. When Lu Jia asked questions, he responded absentmindedly.

Lu Jia simply stopped talking to him.

A messenger arrived in a hurry, and Lu Jia stopped him to inquire, "What's going on?"

The young servant, aged five or six, with a childish voice, said, "There's a message from Lord Xia."

News from the Xia family's uncle?

Lu Zhengliu suddenly became excited, "Where is the person?"

The young servant pointed to the front courtyard and said, "In the front hall."

"Big sister, I'll go and take a look first."

"Alright, go ahead."

Lu Jia didn't go back to the courtyard.

Now she lived in the same courtyard as her mother-in-law. After returning, she had to consider her mother-in-law's mood, so she led her trusted maid, Ruojuan, to stroll around the garden.

"Haven't been back for a long time, it feels like the garden has changed."

Ruojuan smiled and said, "Madam, you miss home. Anyway, you have come back. In the future, you, the Master, and the Old Madam will often stay in the capital. Whenever you want to come, you can visit anytime."

Lu Jia smiled without saying a word. It wasn't so easy to come and go as she pleased; her mother-in-law didn't like her going out frequently. However, it was still better than the time in Yu Prefecture, where she couldn't return to her family all year round.

Speaking of returning to her family, she was actually somewhat dissatisfied. 

Lu Jia sighed, "After all, a married daughter is like spilled water. I'm already an outsider."

Ruojuan assisted her into the pavilion and said, "Madam, then why do you talk so much about the Xia family to the Old Madam?"

"Silly girl, the Marquis of Wu Ding's mansion is still my family. Although I've added Xia to my name, 'Lu' will always be my name."

"Xia's family claims to be a respectable family, but Xia Ji's chambers are hardly devoid of women, is it? He has countless concubines outside! There's also a pile of illegitimate children in the family. As for me, I'm just a daughter-in-law, a stepmother, living slightly better than a servant."

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"If I don't support my family, who will support me in the future? I'll be at the mercy of Old Madam Xia!" 

Thinking of her mother-in-law's face, Lu Jia's anger crawled onto her face. Ruojuan tried to comfort her with a few words.

Lu Jia was accustomed to such a life. After being upset for a while, she didn't dwell on it.

"I want to meet my 'cousin' when I have the chance," she said with a meaningful tone.

During her absence, she was unaware of the family's secrets, and the identity of that cousin seemed to be quite complex.

"Madam, the weather is getting cooler. Let's head back," reminded Ruojuan.

Lu Jia didn't want to delay any longer. She needed to check if her mother-in-law had awakened and attend to her when she got up.

Fortunately, her mother-in-law was still asleep.

Returning to her room, she suddenly felt that the place was quite dusty, not as bright and glamorous as it used to be in her maiden chambers.

Looking around, she concluded that Lin Yunwan had poorly decorated the room!

"Is this the kind of stuff you provide for me?" Lu Jia exclaimed, holding a blue and white teacup adorned with congratulations for having sons.

A maidservant hurriedly replied, "Madam, please calm down. I'll replace it for you right away."

After taking away that tea set, she went to find Ping Ye in the Chui Si Tang. Even though this set was already of high quality, obtaining an even better one would require Madam's approval to access the storage room.

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