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Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

Chapter 46:


"It is just the arrival of guests, why are you so happy?" Lin Yunwan asked with a smile.

With a cheerful expression, Ping Ye replied, "Guests bring gifts for the young madam. Isn't that a reason to be happy?"

Tao Ye teased, "Is that the only reason? Your enthusiasm seems a bit shallow."

Ping Ye stuck out her tongue, "I just feel bored. Guests bring some liveliness to the house. Anything is better than looking at that gloomy face every day."

She pointed towards the direction where Gao Bao'er stayed. Lin Yunwan smiled faintly, "Don't be too happy too soon. Guests might not be easy to get along with."

Ping Ye looked curious, "Madam, you haven't interacted with the Xia family before. How do you know they're not easy to get along with?"

How could she have not interacted with them before? In the previous life, when Lu Jia stayed for a short period, her son and Qing Ge'er caused chaos in the mansion, creating quite a stir. The incidents were significant enough to almost alert the palace. Lin Yunwan casually explained, "During my marriage, Elder Sister Jia came back for a visit. You were still young and might not remember. Although our interaction was brief, it was clear she was a domineering person."

Ping Ye was skeptical, "This is the Lu family, even Elder Young Miss is married away. Moreover..." She lowered her voice, "she's a concubine-born. How dare she act so presumptuously in front of you!"

Despite her disbelief, hearing Lin Yunwan's words made her alert, and she didn't dare to take things lightly.


Yu Shou Hall.

Lin Yunwan entered to pay respects, "Respects to the Old Madam and Mother-in-law."

The small hall was already filled with guests. Sitting beside Madame Lu was a slightly younger elderly woman. She was a bit leaner than Old Madame Lu, with slender cheeks, giving her a serious appearance.

She was the mother-in-law of Lu Jia, Old Madame Xia.

"Yunwan, come and greet Old Madame Xia quickly."

Old Madame Lu waved Lin Yunwan over, and she went forward to pay respects, "Junior pays respects to Old Madame Xia."

Old Madame Xia, who had been solemn until now, unexpectedly broke into a smile. She held Lin Yunwan's hand warmly and said, "Good niece-in-law, I often hear your sister-in-law talking about you at home. Now that I see you, indeed, you're a good person."

Lin Yunwan politely replied, "Aunt-in-law overpraises me."

Old Madame Xia presented her with a pair of jade bracelets. The quality was excellent, and the light from the flower-shaped window shone through, making the jade bracelets appear clear as water.

"This... is too valuable."

Lin Yunwan hesitated to accept the gift, trying to decline, but Old Madame Xia insisted and clasped the jade bracelets around her wrist. She said, "The renowned Lin lineage is well-known even in Yu Province. Our family's old master has spoken highly of your father. If you refuse, it would be like looking down on my Xia family."

It turned out Old Madame Xia was impressed by the reputation of Lin Yunwan's father. Overwhelmed by Old Madam Xia's insistence, Lin Yunwan accepted the pair of bracelets. She slowly recalled that not only was the Xia family well-regarded in literary circles, but Old Madame Xia herself came from an educated background. Despite marrying into the Marquis Mansion, she held deep admiration for the scholarly Lin family.

So Old Madame Xia held a special regard for Lin Yunwan.

"The old lady indeed favors Yunwan," remarked Luo Jia, walking over from behind. Her long, black hair was coiled into a mature woman's hairstyle, and her sharp features resembled those of the Marquis Wu Ding. However, her character was somewhat narrow-minded, and her words sounded like she was harboring jealousy.

Old Madame Xia's expression darkened slightly, but she didn't respond.

After all, she was at the Lu family mansion, she had to consider Lu Jia's face.

"Big Sister," Lin Yunwan turned to her, bowing respectfully.

Luo Jia smiled, "This is my gift, not as precious as our Old Madam's, but I hope my sister-in-law won't find it too simple."

Lin Yunwan had her maid take the brocade box, saying, "How could it be considered simple? It's all Sister's thoughtful gesture, and we value the sentiment more than the gift."

"Indeed, no wonder our Old Madam values you so much, sister-in-law. Your words are always thoughtful," Luo Jia also chuckled.

"Alright, keep it quiet in front of the elders, don't always be so talkative," Old Madam Xia glanced heavily at Luo Jia.

Lin Yunwan looked up at Old Madam Xia. While she usually appeared serious, now there was a hint of sharpness in her eyes, something indescribably severe.

Compared to her mother-in-law's severity, Luo Jia's sharpness was completely overshadowed.


Luo Jia reluctantly stepped aside and quietly stood with her sister-in-laws and nieces, not daring to interject.

Old Madam Xia felt a bit uncomfortable in her heart.

Madam Wei also felt uneasy. This was the Luo family; what did it mean to criticize their daughter like this?

But scolding her own daughter-in-law wasn't wrong either. Their maternal family had no say in such matters.

Old Madam Lu suddenly asked, "Why hasn't Young Master Xia appeared?"

Old Madam Xia replied, "He's an unmarried young man; it's not appropriate to let him enter the inner courtyard."

Old Madam Lu chuckled, "We're all one family; relatives meeting each other is no big deal."

"I'll make sure he greets you next time," Old Madam Xia replied with a smile. She then asked, "Why isn't the heir present? Is he too busy today?"

Her youngest son was from a concubine, unlike Lu Zhengliu. According to conventions, he should have been here to welcome his elder sister. Old Madam Lu vaguely replied, "He's occupied with official matters, but he should be returning soon."

She exchanged a glance with Yan Mama, who found it hard to speak, as she had already sent someone to convey the message to Luo Zhengliu. 

Why hadn't the heir arrived by this time? It was quite unusual. Despite her official duties by the Old Madam's side, Yan Mama discreetly went out to search for Lu Zhengliu. While she had duties to attend to, Mrs. Yan couldn't help but feel relieved.

She muttered, "I've never seen such a difficult old lady." Mrs. Xia seemed strict and not easy to deal with. Even standing in there made Yan Mama feel breathless, let alone imagining what life was like for the elder sister in the Xia family.

Yan Mama searched for Lu Zhengliu but couldn't find him. Fortunately, when she returned to the Yu Shou Tang, the Xia family members had already settled in the guest courtyard. However, she heard a burst of crying. Lu Jia was crying inside, "Grandma, Mother... Jia'er has finally returned to see you."

Old Madam Luo also felt distressed, after all, she was the only young lady in the mansion. Back in the day, they cherished her like a pearl. Madam Wei advised, "Alright, stop crying. So as not to let your mother-in-law see, and she would have something to say about you."

Lu Jia wiped away her tears.

Old Madam Luo also complained, "Your mother-in-law, too bound by rules and neglectful of human emotions. No matter how you put it, you are the eldest daughter of our Luo family. She scolded you like that in front of us; she really doesn't regard the Luo family highly."

These words couldn't be spread around. Luo Jia hurriedly defended her mother-in-law, "My mother-in-law is not that kind of person. Even though my father-in-law has the prospect of being promoted to the cabinet in the future, my mother-in-law won't look down on our Lu family for that. She just can't tolerate a daughter-in-law not following proper womanly virtues."

"Anyway, I've been a daughter-in-law for so many years, and I've gotten used to it."

She wiped away her tears.

"The cabinet? Can your father-in-law really enter the cabinet?"

Old Madam Lu suddenly became excited.

Speaking of this, Luo Jia was also proud. She smiled and said, "Secretly, I'll tell you and mother, don't underestimate my father-in-law's current rank; he is a confidant of a high-ranking official. This time, his achievements outside are quite remarkable, and he's just waiting for a promotion when he returns. In less than three years, he will have a prominent position in the capital."

"If someone in the cabinet steps down one day, my father-in-law will ascend sooner or later."

"Once my father-in-law steps down, it will be my husband's turn..."

Old Madam Lu's eyes shone brightly, becoming more and more fond of her granddaughter.

Old Madam Lu spoke with emphasis and solemnity to Lu Jia, "Your younger brother's position in the guardhouse is not a long-term arrangement. If he can step by step reach the presence of the Cabinet and the Emperor, our Wu Ding Marquis Mansion can hold its head high."

"Seven years ago, our Lu family was in a dire situation. Even if you were not at home, you must have heard about it..."

"Jia'er, with just one stroke of the brush, the character 'Lu' carries the dignity of the Luo family. The respectability of the Lu family is your respectability. When your younger brother and nephew achieve success, the people of the Xia family won't dare to treat you so casually and disrespectfully."

Lu Jia nodded, "Grandmother, I understand everything you've said... But grandmother, what about the nephew you mentioned? How could the mansion let my younger brother adopt two children?" 

Old Madam Lu dismissed Madam Wei and revealed the truth to Lu Jia, "Qing Ge'er is your true nephew. In the future, you should treat Zuo Ge'er and Qing Ge'er like real brothers."

Luo Jia was shocked for a while before saying, "Grandmother, I understand."

"Grandmother, who is Qing Ge'er's birth mother?"

Old Madam Lu replied, "She's already deceased outside."

Lu Jia nodded and said, "This is a good thing. Even if she didn't die, you shouldn't let her live."

As night fell and Lu Jia left, Old Madam Luo couldn't sleep at all.

"How is that troublesome woman doing?"

Yan Mama replied, "She's behaving well."

Old Madam Luo sighed, "It would be better if I could just die from illness." She expressed her worries, "But don't let her cause any trouble. In the future, Lu family will rely on the Xia family."

Yan Mama replied, "Even if we don't rely on the Xia family, we can't let the reputation of our Lu family be tarnished."

After some consideration, Old Mama Luo said, "Once the Xia family leaves, we will settle the matter between her and Zhengliu immediately. Keep an eye on her. She is not allowed to come out until the Xia family leaves."

"I understand. It's late now; you should rest," Madam Yan said.

Before Old Madam Lu went to bed, she asked again, "Where is Zhengliu? Haven't seen him all day."

"I haven't found the young master either. He'll come to pay his respects tomorrow. You should rest for now," Yan Mama reassured her.

Old Madam Lu lay down to sleep. Little did she know, Zhengliu did not appear because he had gone to meet with Ge Bao'er.

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  1. What a surprise, Zhengliu meeting Bao'er in a crucial time. He is an idiot. And Old Md Lu, you has a face to talk about neglecting a DIL emotions? If you wouldn't want to squeeze out every bit of worth out of Yunwan, you long ago disposed of her because of your precious grandson and great-grandson. While I wouldn't fault you to love them, you indulge them recklessy. Sorry for the rant, and thank you for the chapter Falmingobees.

    1. Agreed! The Old Madam is the type of person who wants to keep her cake and eat it too! You cannot have it both ways! We will see how that plays out for her in the end..... Thank you for reading! :)


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