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Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

Chapter 41:

East and West

"Old Madam, this was picked up and reported by the servants in the inner courtyard. It's a serious matter, and I couldn't handle it myself, so I had to bring it to you for resolution," Lin Yunwan explained, handing over a peculiar object.

At least, to Zhuqing, it seemed peculiar. The object appeared to be a ceramic box. When opened, it revealed two figurines – one male and one female – engaged in an intimate act, completely naked.

"Ah, this..." Zhuqing covered her mouth, afraid that she might exclaim too loudly.

This obscene item, who lost it? If this gets out, the reputation of the Wu Ding Marquis Mansion will be completely ruined! How can the people of the Lu family face the world in the future?

Even the Old Madam Lu family knows the urgency of the situation, her face looking extremely unpleasant.

"Lay it aside for now," she instructed sternly.

Yan Mama felt it unlucky too, so she wrapped it with a handkerchief and placed it aside.

"Yunwan, which servant found this? Where did she find it?" 

Lin Yunwan said, "That servant is waiting in the courtyard. Madam might as well inquire personally."

Madam Lu had such intentions and summoned the servant. The servant entered the room and stammered nervously, "… It was hot… I came into the courtyard in the morning to water the plants. At first glance, I saw something delicate… thinking it was the master's lost jewelry… approaching to take a closer look… it turned out to be such a thing… so I handed it over to Madam."

Old Madam Lu's mind was filled with countless thoughts. After hearing the old servant's words, she sternly asked, "Are you not lying?"

"No, no! I dare not lie!" The servant waved her hands in panic.

Yan Mama, with a stern face, stepped forward, "This is a prohibited item by the court. If you dare tell a false word and Madam finds out, it would be better to die than face the consequences!"

The servant knelt on the ground, trembling, "Please spare me! I'm just a menial servant. How would I dare deceive the master?"

Looking at her, it didn't seem like she dared to lie.

Madam Lu furrowed her brow and said, "Alright, you can leave now. Watch your tongue, and if a word leaks out, consider yourself dead!" 

The servant, drenched in cold sweat, replied, "I understand, Madam."

Young Madam Lin Yunwan instructed Zhuqing to help the servant up and added, "Since you took the risk to pick up this item and handed it over, it's considered a merit. Come to my place later to receive your reward."

The servant, still trembling, managed a thankful smile, "Thank you, Madam."

Madam Lu didn't stop her. Suppressing such incidents would only make the servants hesitant to pick up things even when necessary. If word got out, it would tarnish the reputation of the entire household. 

After the servant left, Madam Lu turned to Lin Yunwan and finally looked at Zhuqing, asking, "Is this yours?"

Zhuqing hurriedly knelt down, "Madam, I've only returned to the mansion recently. How would I dare to involve people in such matters? I fear death, and the people below me fear it even more." Before entering the mansion, she underwent a thorough body check to ensure she brought nothing from her previous residence.

Madam Lu quickly formed an idea. Since it wasn't Zhuqing and it couldn't be Lin Yunwan, as she wouldn't even have time to conceal it with a servant, the most likely person was...

Madam Lu hesitated and asked, "Indeed, it's a matter of great importance. Yunwan, what do you think we should do?"

Supporting Zhuqing to rise, Lin Yunwan said, "There are many people in the mansion. It's impossible to guess whose it is based on speculation alone. Regardless of the owner, the crucial point is that relatives will visit soon. As of now, only our own people know about this. If it gets out in front of relatives..."

Madam Lu and Yan Mama felt their scalps tingle at the thought. They dared not even consider the consequences if outsiders were to learn about the lewdness within the Lu residence.

Lin Yunwan continued, "The first thing to do now, while the relatives haven't arrived, is to rectify the inner courtyard."

Madam Lu, with a stern expression, responded, "Indeed, it's time to rectify matters."

Madam Lu instructed Lin Yunwan, "You must quickly start checking every corner; we can't let the relatives witness a spectacle!"

"Yes," replied Lin Yunwan, leading away Zhuqing.

Madam Lu, infuriated, pounded the table as soon as they left, "Apart from her, who else in the mansion would use such obscene things? Go and bring that little girl to me!"

Yan Mama advised, "Madam, calling the young lady over immediately after Young Madam Lin left might arouse suspicion. Why not wait until nightfall to ease everyone's doubts?"

Old Madam Lu acknowledged the sound reasoning and nodded. However, inside, she wished she could dismantle Gao Bao'er's body.

"I'm tired; help me to rest," she said, and Yan Mama assisted Madam Lu to her resting area. Feeling exhausted herself, Yan Mama laid down on another small couch in the room and dozed off.

When they woke up, the entire mansion had undergone a tremendous upheaval.

"What? Raiding and inspecting the inner residence?"

Old Madam Lu woke up abruptly, startled by the news. S

he sat up from the bed, her eyes wide open. Her disheveled appearance, with uncombed hair, added to the distress. Yan Mama, equally alarmed, questioned the maids in the yard, "How did this inspection come about?"

The maid replied, "Young Madam mobilized personnel from Madam Lu, and several housekeeping mamas like Yuan Mama and Xu Mama are involved."

These were influential housekeeping figures within the mansion.

Old Madam Lu's heart sank. With such an inspection, if it implicated Gao Bao'er...

The situation was dire! Yan Mama dismissed the maids and reassured Old Madam Lu in a hushed tone, "Rest assured, Madam wouldn't dare to inspect Yu Shou Tang. It would be impossible for her to explain if it came to that."

Old Madam Lu's face turned ashen, and she said with determination, "I'm believe she won't dare to inspect the Yu Shou Tang. By then, she won't be able to explain herself even if she has a hundred mouths."

She glanced at the sky outside; it wasn't dark yet.

"No, we can't wait any longer. Go and inform Ge Bao'er about this immediately. Tell her to hand over any dirty things to me!"

If Lin Yunwan truly discovered this, nothing could be concealed. 

"I'll go right away, Madam."

However, it was already too late. Just as Yan Mama dressed and prepared to leave, Lin Yunwan and Madam Wei had already led a group of people into the Yu Shou Tang. Prominent maids and servants from the residence followed them, forming a strict formation, appearing extremely solemn.

This grand scene was something Yan Mama hadn't witnessed in many years.

She was startled, standing there in shock, not knowing how to react. She quickly returned to inform the old lady, "Bad news, Young Madam has already come with people. Madam Wei is there too!"

Old Madam Lu's face darkened, and she helplessly said, "Help me up."

As Yan Mama walked in, she assisted the old lady in freshening up, changing her clothes, then approached to greet Lin Yunwan and the managing housekeeper in the courtyard.

"Old Madam." Lian Yunwan and Madam Wei stood up to pay their respects when the old lady came out. 

Old Madam Lu, after sitting down, scrutinized Lin Yunwan deeply and questioned, "Who gave you the authority to make such a big fuss?"

With a stern expression, she continued, "Don't you realize that causing such a commotion will inevitably lead to leaks? In a few days, rumors of our Marquis's residence losing its virtue will spread throughout the city like a storm!"

Madam Wei looked puzzled and asked, "Rumors? What rumors?"

Madam Wei explained, "Old Madam, it's just a maidservant who stole something from you. Although it's a bit improper, it doesn't amount to losing virtue..."

She continued, "You're being too severe in your words."

Old Madam Lu was momentarily stunned, "Stole something?!"

Not to mention the Old Madam, Yan Mama was confused. Who stole something?

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  1. haha, what a drama, Yunwen being a fantastic director! Thank you for the chapter.

    1. Yunwan is so smart it's like she hardly has to even lift a finger and these dimwits just fall into place! She really was just far too trusting in her first life, believing that everyone was as honorable as her maiden family. Thank you for reading :)


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