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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 33: 

 When the Mountain Rain Strikes, Wind Fills The Building[1]

Old Madam Li's remarks were made without instructing the maids and servants to leave, indicating her lack of concern about the matter spreading. 

Once Madam Lin's guilt is established, she will no longer be able to maintain her demeanor as the mistress in front of the servants. This implies that Old Madam Li was not intending to relinquish the managerial authority back to Madam Lin! 

As Ouyang Nuan contemplated this, her expression of worry deepened, as if genuinely concerned about Madam Lin. Seeing her expression, Ouyang Ke was infuriated to the point of wanting to spit blood. To an uninformed observer, it would seem as if the kneeling Madam Lin was Ouyang Nuan's own mother!

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Zhang Mama had already instructed a line of maids to bring all the items from Zhou Yiniang's courtyard and place them on the table. Ouyang Zhi looked at these rouge boxes, clothes, and jewelry items, his face also showing surprise.

Just as Madam Lin was still waiting for Ouyang Zhi to come to her rescue, her expression changed immediately upon seeing these items. 

Old Madam Li sneered and nodded to the doctor. 

Doctor Wang walked over, pointing at the rouge boxes, and said, "These are the rouge and powder from Aunt Zhou's room. I have already examined them, and there is a small amount of mercury hidden inside. People who are not knowledgeable about medicine wouldn't know. Mercury is highly toxic, but small amounts may not immediately kill. In some unsanitary places... they use mercury as a contraceptive, but it definitely causes significant harm to the body. With long-term use, it's likely to be fatal!"

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"Unsanitary places?" Ouyang Zhi's expression changed upon hearing this. How could such things exist in the household? 

Doctor Wang picked up some tea residue wrapped in a piece of paper and said, "After careful examination, I found traces of safflower powder mixed inside." 

Doctor Wang came from a family of medical practitioners and was well-versed in medicinal herbs. There were few medicinal concoctions, whether from the imperial court or folk remedies, that he didn't know about. If he said so, it must be true. Ouyang Zhi's expression grew even darker.

"Inside this box of scented ointment, there's a significant amount of pomegranate seed powder," Doctor Wang continued. 

"Pomegranate seeds? What are they used for?" Ouyang Zhi couldn't help but ask. 

Doctor Wang explained slowly, "Adding pomegranate seed powder to the scented ointment makes it smoother and more fragrant. However, it also has contraceptive properties. For pregnant women, it's highly forbidden. If used excessively, it can induce miscarriage."

Ouyang Zhi's face grew increasingly dark as he stared at these items, unable to utter a word.

But the matter wasn't over yet. 

The doctor continued, picking up a brightly colored embroidered robe, "This robe appears to be fine at first glance, but I remembered a similar case from medical texts I've read in the past. So, I pulled out a thread and examined it closely. I found that the threads in this garment are actually woven from wool balls soaked in gum, coconut, and honey..."

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He paused for a moment, then continued with a heavy voice, "Old Madam Li and Master may not have heard of this before, but these kinds of items were previously used as malicious means originating from the palace. If one wears such clothing for an extended period, the child born might not...might not survive..." The doctor finished speaking, and the faces of everyone in the room turned pale.

Old Madam Li's chest heaved rapidly, and she took a deep breath, suppressing her anger. "Enough!" she exclaimed. "Doctor, there's no need to say more. Thank you for your dedicated service to our family. You will be duly rewarded in the future! Someone, escort the doctor out!"

This is a complete purge... Ouyang Nuan looked on coldly, as if witnessing the greatest farce in the world, with a calm and serene expression from start to finish. Ouyang Ke, on the other hand, bit her lips tightly, almost drawing blood, unable to utter a single word.

"Old Madam, the things just mentioned—" Ouyang Zhi was also shocked by these malicious methods, unable to say a word.

"Hmph, all these were prepared for the child in Zhou Yiniang's belly!" Old Madam Li snorted coldly.

Ouyang Zhi's face changed drastically. First, he was pleasantly surprised to hear about Zhou Yiniang's pregnancy, but then he was furious. Who dared to harm his child so audaciously...

Before Ouyang Zhi could speak, Madam Lin preempted, seizing the initiative: "Li Yiniang, do you have anything else to say? You've been trusted by the Old Madam, yet you dare to secretly harm the Master's own flesh and blood!"

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Madam Li was taken aback, her complexion turning pale as she said, "I don't know anything about this, Old Madam, Master, please believe me!"

With a sudden bang on the table, Old Madam Li's gaze turned fiercely towards Madam Lin. "Quiet! Go and wake up Cui Mama!" she ordered.

Zhang Mama exchanged a glance and immediately had the maids rush to awaken Cui Mama. Upon waking, her face turned pale with fear, and she trembled as she knelt down, "Old Madam, please spare my life!"

"You better speak up! Who instructed you to give these things to Madam Zhou? If you dare utter a single false word, I'll skin you alive!" Old Madam Li said fiercely.

Cui Mama glanced at Madam Lin, clenched her teeth, and dared not say a word. Ouyang Zhi stepped forward and delivered a harsh kick to Cui Mama's chest. "You damned old servant! If you don't speak up now, I'll sell your entire family!"

Cui Mama stumbled backward from the kick, falling to the ground with a loud thud. She coughed up blood, struggling to rise to her knees. It seemed she was damned if she spoke and damned if she didn't. 

Old Madam Li sneered, "Even if you don't speak, I already know. You've been a servant in this mansion for years. Madam Li only arrived recently and hasn't been in charge for long. Could she have orchestrated this?!" Her gaze turned piercingly towards Madam Lin. "What else do you have to say? These items were all sent to Madam Zhou by your orders. Yet you dare to shift the blame onto Madam Li? You shameless wretch!"

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Ouyang Nuan glanced calmly at Aunt Li, who immediately grasped the situation. 

With quick wit, she rose and knelt at Ouyang Zhi's feet, her face drained of color, a look of panic on her face. "Master! It wasn't me... Before I entered this household, even though I was from a humble background, I had never encountered such despicable things! If not for Doctor Wang mentioning it, I wouldn't have even heard of them! Old Madam Li is right, I've only been in charge for a few days. How could Cui Mama possibly take orders from me? Master, please, you must speak up for me!" She repeatedly pleaded her innocence, tears streaming down her cheeks, appearing more pitiable than a weeping pear blossom.

Ouyang Zhi's heart shattered at the sight. Li Yiniang's face betrayed confusion and injustice, which was understandable. She was just a daughter from a modest family, incapable of devising such sinister schemes. Moreover, she had only taken charge recently; how could she possibly have orchestrated such a complex and malicious plot in such a short time? After pondering for a moment, he helped Li Yiniang to her feet. "Stop crying. I believe you're innocent. Stand aside for now."

On the ground remained only Madam Lin. Ouyang Zhi stared at her intently, unable to reconcile the image of this gentle woman with that of a malicious individual.

"This past few years, I've let you handle the affairs of the concubines and maids in the courtyard as you pleased. I turned a blind eye to it all, thinking it was just petty jealousy and rivalry. After all, which mistress doesn't employ some clever tactics to maintain her position? But this time is different. It involves the heirs of the Ouyang family, our bloodline! I've warned you repeatedly: if these concubines aren't pregnant, you can handle them as you wish. But if they are, you must be extremely cautious. Yet, what did you do? You concealed the fact that Zhou Yiniang was pregnant and subjected her to all sorts of torment. Did you ever heed my words? Did you ever consider me or your husband?"

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[1] 山雨袭来风满楼 is translated into English as "When the mountain rain strikes, the wind fills the building." It is often used metaphorically to describe a situation where multiple problems or crises occur simultaneously, creating chaos and confusion.

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