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Rebirth of the Charming Girl in Space

 Chapter 300: 

Get used to it.

Chen Yongfu shared a room with Murong Cai, so as soon as Chen Deye entered, he directly carried his son into Murong Cai's room and asked Murong Qi to quickly fetch a doctor.

Seeing that the Chen family was in disarray, with disheveled clothes, messy hair, and carrying an unconscious person back, Chen Lianlian's face was unusually swollen, like they had encountered bandits. Mrs. Liu questioned, "Uncle of Acai, how did you end up like this?"

Chen Deye immediately angrily recounted the situation at Murong Zhe's house.

Mrs. Wu occasionally added details.

"Oh, dear, this is how it is. I never expected your son and grandchildren to be so disrespectful. It's just children not understanding things and eating something they shouldn't have. Moreover, it was specially prepared for the dog. Is it necessary to be so harsh? After all, we are relatives. How can you be so ruthless, especially that Murong Lingran? He even hit Lianlian without any rules. You must intercede for us!"

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Madam Liu, upon hearing this, widened her eyes in disbelief. "What are you saying? Murong Zhe actually cooked a big pot of meat for the dog? And because of the dog's food, he beat you like this?"

"It's true," Mrs. Wu knew her daughter's attention was here, so she quickly nudged her.

Chen Lianlian, whose face was still burning, felt even more pain as she spoke. She had to endure the pain and said, "It's true. It was a big pot. Big brother and I ate for quite a while before finishing it. Although it was meant for the dog, the taste was quite good. It could even compete with human food. Their family is so generous to the dog."

Madam Liu was suddenly furious, her entire body trembling with anger. "Good... good! Murong Zhe cooks a big pot of meat for the dog every day and doesn't offer it to me. This is truly unfilial. I can't even eat meat every day, but a dog's life is better than mine. This time, I will find everyone in the village to discuss this and see what else they have to say!"

Having said that, she hastily prepared to leave.

The sinister smiles on the faces of the Chen couple widened.

Humph, dared to treat them like this. They would find the people they feared the most to deal with them!

Although their sister, Mrs. Chen, had already informed them that Murong Zhe basically didn't care about Madam Liu, she was, after all, their biological mother. If they put an unfilial hat on them, they would be unable to stay in the village!

Unexpectedly, before they could revel in their satisfaction, Murong Liang suddenly rebuked in a cold tone, "Stop right there! If you dare to cause trouble for Zhe and the others, I'll break your dog's legs!"

The expressions of the Chen family changed instantly. They didn't expect the old man to side with his ungrateful wife.

As for the Murong family, they had gotten used to it recently. After all, Murong Liang had kicked someone to the point of spitting blood not long ago.

Madam Liu was shocked. "Old man, how can you speak up for that unfilial son? Listen to what they just said. The dog eats better than us. Can you bear to endure this? I can't endure it!"

Murong Liang glanced meaningfully at the Chen couple and said slowly, "A few days ago, when Acai and I were on the mountain, we happened to see Black Hair pounce on a wild chicken. Aran explained that Black Hair is very well-behaved and can hunt for itself if it wants to eat something. It has a large build, a big appetite, and likes to eat meat. In order not to burden them, it will find food itself every time it goes up the mountain with them. It's extremely sensible."

Madam Liu was taken aback. "Are you saying that the meat was hunted by Black Hair itself, not bought by Murong Zhe?"

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.



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