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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 3: 

 Punishing the Wicked Maid

Xiao Tao was stunned, sensing that Ouyang Nuan was different from before. "Miss, I..." 

"Silence!" Ouyang Nuan snapped, ignoring Xiao Tao's attempt to explain and disregarding her usual bright smile. "Did I not tell you to kneel down?!"

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Ouyang Nuan was usually kind and gentle, never speaking with such severity. Xiao Tao immediately knelt down with tears in her eyes. "Miss, this servant was only anxious, worried that the medicine would cool down and make you uncomfortable after drinking it. It was never my intention to disturb your rest."

In the room stood Fang Mama, Hongyu, and Xiao Tao, while the other two senior maids, four second-tier maids, eight third-tier maids, and four nurses were all standing outside the door, bowing their heads. They looked at Ouyang Nuan with some astonishment, unsure of what she was about to do.

Ouyang's voice was cold as she said, "Without my orders, who dares to intrude into my room? Xiao Tao, where did you learn such manners?"

"Someone is here." "Please give your orders, Miss."

Ouyang Nuan's cascading hair was scattered, her face though still calm, had a hint of unspoken fierceness in her eyes.

"Intruding into Miss's room, defying Madam, and daring to justify yourself with artful words, take her out and give her fifty lashes."

Hongyu was also startled and quickly pleaded for Xiaotao, "Miss, Xiaotao was just being reckless for a moment to dare to confront you. If she's given fifty lashes, she might not survive!"

Not survive?

Ouyang Nuan flashed a faint smile. This wouldn't do. Xiaotao was still useful to her. "Since Hongyu is pleading for you, we'll start with thirty lashes. The remaining twenty will be kept in reserve. After the lashes, you'll be confined for three days, allowed only water, no food."

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"Miss..." Xiaotao was completely dumbfounded as she was forcibly dragged away by the robust maids. From afar, her cries echoed, "Miss! Miss, I was wrong... I was wrong... Spare me... Spare me, please..."

Hongyu, feeling distressed, was about to say something more, but Ouyang Nuan softly stated, "I'm tired." Seeing this, Madam Fang, though surprised by Ouyang Nuan's actions, was secretly pleased. That maid was indeed too unruly. If left unchecked, who would still heed Miss's admonishments? Quickly, she helped Ouyang Nuan lie down. Hongyu, observing Ouyang Nuan's frosty demeanor, swallowed her pleas and turned to tidy up the shards scattered on the floor.

Ouyang Nuan glanced at Hongyu and sighed inwardly. Xiao Tao had always been favored and had not hesitated to bully others behind their backs. Yet, here was Hongyu, speaking up for her. It was indeed a kind-hearted gesture from Hongyu. However, Ouyang Nuan couldn't help but feel that her own heart was too soft when it came to dealing with such people.

Within half an hour, the maids outside reported, "Madam Lin has arrived."

Madam Lin—Ouyang Nuan smirked. The news traveled fast. She had just shut the door on the dog, and now its owner had arrived. It seemed like there would be some cleaning up to do in this courtyard.

Hongyu personally lifted the curtain, and a graceful woman walked in. She wore an elaborate hair bun, dressed in a red silk robe embroidered with colorful patterns. Below, her skirt trailed elegantly with intricate golden designs. Her eyes resembled rippling waves, and her lips curved with a gentle smile. Ouyang Nuan squinted as she looked at the newcomer, feeling a sense of déjà vu. Her own mother had passed away early, but Madam Lin bore a resemblance to her in some aspects, which instantly endeared her to Ouyang Nuan.

Ouyang Nuan smiled and attempted to rise to greet her, but Madam Lin quickly stopped her, her eyes filled with concern. She held Ouyang Nuan's hand intimately, showing no signs of pretense. "Silly child, don't get up. Let Mother take a look at your forehead."

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Hearing the term "Mother," Ouyang Nuan felt a surge of nausea. This woman was too hypocritical, pretending to be a loving mother for so many years. She couldn't help but admire her acting skills.

Madam Lin examined the wound carefully. After a moment, a relieved smile spread across her face, as if a heavy burden had been lifted. Unaware of the coldness in Ouyang Nuan's eyes, she wore a kind smile and gently comforted her, "Thank goodness the injury isn't severe. Nuan'er, you've suffered. I rushed back as soon as I received the news about your injury. That little maid of your sister's is too naughty. I'll have to discipline her properly when I return to your maternal family!"

"Mother, don't blame my sister. She's still very young," Ouyang Nuan said gently, masking her true feelings behind a warm smile.

"She can't compare to you in terms of being sensible, that's why mother dotes on you so much. Nuan, although your forehead injury isn't severe, how will it look if it leaves a scar?" Madam Lin's gaze, full of affection, lingered on Ouyang Nuan's forehead before she continued, "By the way, mother has a box of excellent healing ointment that promotes blood circulation and tissue regeneration. I'll have someone bring it to you soon."

On the side, Fang Mama watched with concern, fearing that her young lady would be deceived again by this honey-tongued but treacherous Madam. However, constrained by her position, she couldn't say much.

Ouyang Nuan sneered inwardly. Originally, her forehead injury was just a minor wound. It was Madam Lin who brought this so-called miracle ointment, claiming it was effective. But after using it, the wound seemed to heal quickly on the surface, yet it left a lifelong scar. She could only hide it under thick bangs, almost covering her eyes. She would never forget the pity and ridicule of others, nor the surprise and sympathy in the eyes of those noble ladies at occasional banquets.

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In her heart, Ouyang Nuan understood the bitter efforts of her stepmother for her own daughter, Ouyang Ke. But what was her fault in all this? She realized her biggest mistake was occupying the position of the legitimate granddaughter of the Marquis of Zhengguo and the eldest daughter of the Ouyang household, always leaving Ouyang Ke far behind in status.

Ouyang Ke was born beautiful and talented in various arts and skills, but as long as Ouyang Nuan existed, she remained nothing more than the second daughter of the Ouyang family. Moreover, her mother was just a concubine-borne in the Marquis of Zhengguo's household. In an era where lineage was highly valued, Ouyang Ke's background was her fatal flaw. So in her previous life, no matter how outstanding Ouyang Ke was, those true aristocratic families would not come to seek her hand in marriage. That's why she set her sights on the wealthiest merchant family, the Su family.

"Xiao Tao, remember to apply the medicine to Miss three times a day once it arrives, and she'll recover soon. Hmm, where has Xiao Tao gone? She's not here to attend to you..."

Just as expected—Ouyang Nuan deliberately showed a displeased expression. "Mother, let's not talk about her. Just now, I was resting, and she barged in without even asking. I remembered that she was closest to Ke'er at the time, but she didn't think to shield my sister. She's truly a blockhead! That's why I had her punished a bit, to make sure she learns her lesson. Next time she faces a similar situation, she'll know who the master is and who the servant is!"

The words were a mix of truth and falsehood, downplaying the severity of the situation. Even though Madam Lin was slightly puzzled, she didn't harbor too many suspicions. Instead, she patted Nuan'er's hand gently. "Silly girl, it's heartwarming to see the strong bond between you and Ke'er. Seeing you two like this puts my mind at ease." True to her words, she didn't bring up Xiao Tao's matter again and instead focused on instructing Hongyu to apply the medicine to Miss on time.

She longed for nothing more than to ruin her own appearance. With an expression of boundless affection on her face, Ouyang Nuan concealed her inner disdain with each smile. 'Madam Lin, do you know that the twelve-year-old girl before you has already shed her old self for a heart of stone? Do you realize that the soul within this body detests you to the core? Do you ever wonder what fate awaits you in the future?'

After spending a full hour entertaining the incessantly talkative Madam Lin, who resembled a caring mother, Ouyang Nuan lay back on her pillow, silently pondering her thoughts. The quest for vengeance could wait for another day. For now, there was something far more pressing to attend to—

She seemed to have forgotten something extremely important. What could it be? Ah, yes—her younger brother! It was Jue'er, her own flesh and blood!

She was reborn at the age of twelve, the same year her forehead was injured and the year her brother, Jue, drowned! Ouyang Nuan jumped out of bed and grabbed Hongyu's arm tightly: "Where is Jue? Where is he?"

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