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Rebirth of the Charming Girl in Space

 Chapter 289: 

Enduring No More

Murong Lingran hesitated and said, "Ninth Young Master, selling is one thing, but the price..."

"Don't worry, this Lord is knowledgeable. What you plant is indeed good. As long as the taste is good and the price is not too excessive, this Lord can accept it."

Murong Lingran nodded repeatedly, "Okay, as long as they ripen, I will definitely do as you say. By the way, Lord Wei, do you want to buy some for Lady Wei when the time comes?"

Helian Rongjiu quickly added, "Yes, Jingxuan, buy some for his mother too. Didn't she not like the cherries this girl sold last time?"

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Since Ninth Young Master said so, Wei Jingxuan couldn't refuse. "Alright, I will instruct the subordinates when I go back."

"That's settled then."

Helian Rongjiu acted quickly. The next day, when she arrived at the government office, Zequ was holding the land deed for the other half of the hill, waiting for her.

Therefore, after Murong Lingran bought the remaining half of the mountain, she consolidated the deeds into one, written in her name.

When she came home, Dad said that everything in the house now was thanks to her efforts. Apart from her, no one else had the qualifications to put their names on it. He also said that the fifty acres of land and the barren mountain bought this time were her dowry.

She felt that writing anyone's name was the same; they were all family.

She was only ten years old, turning eleven this year, and it was too early for her to get married. There would definitely be more family property in the future, and she could write their names then. She didn't refuse, so only she and Lizheng came today.

The Mountain cost her two hundred taels, and fifty acres of land cost her two hundred and fifty taels.

After handling the land deed, Murong Lingran went to various places and looked around. After searching for a long time, she couldn't find anyone selling fruit trees. She bought some thank-you gifts for Lizheng and then returned to Lihua Village.

The nearby wasteland near Murong Lingran's house had already been mostly bought by her twice before. Therefore, this fifty acres of wasteland was only partially adjacent to the twenty acres she bought the second time. The rest was not scattered but all next to her little barren mountain.

Although it was a bit troublesome at the foot of the mountain, guarding against wild animals coming down the mountain in winter due to a lack of food, it was easy for her to walk over since all the land was near her house.

She left the opening work to her older brothers, who had done it before, and she wasn't worried.

Because fifty acres of land and a small hill required a lot of seeds and seedlings, Murong Lingran only took Hei Mao up the mountain when she had time. After collecting the herbs, she entered the space and began preparing seeds and seedlings.

As before, the seeds were in the same-born bottle, and she didn't need to worry about them.

As for fruit tree seedlings, besides planting them in the backyard, there were still quite a few left from the various types she bought in her previous life.

But it was impossible to plant the entire mountain with them, even with the additional tree saplings she bought from Xuanqing Kingdom last time.

Hey Mao saw that his master was in a bad mood and didn't dare to move around her. Finding a place to stay quietly, he silently watched his master.


Hearing Murong Lingran sigh for the eighth time, Changqi Shenjun finally couldn't bear it anymore. How did this silly girl become the master of his space?


Murong Lingran was thinking carefully and didn't notice, so Changqi Shenjun couldn't endure it any longer. "Girl."

Murong Lingran was focused on her thoughts, considering whether to go to other villages or to the capital next door to see if there were any fruit trees. If not, she would use the seeds from the fruit to plant directly in the space to see if they would germinate.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.



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