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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 27: 

Paying a Visit to Inquire about the Guilt 

Shou'an Hall-

Old Madam Li sat solemnly in the main hall, with Ouyang Zhi seated below her. Seeing Old Madam Li's displeased expression, he felt a hint of nervousness.

"Old Madam, tonight's incident was truly disgraceful. Rest assured, I will punish Zhang Wendin severely! We will restore the honor of the Ouyang family!" Ouyang Zhi vowed.

"Honor? What honor do we have left now?" Old Madam Li's anger flared, and she slammed her hand on the table, coughing harshly afterward. Zhang Mama, sensing her distress, swiftly lifted a cup of tea to Old Madam Li's lips and gently rubbed her back with the other hand.

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Ouyang Zhi, seeing the situation, appeared anxious and eager. "Old Madam, please take care of yourself. Whatever instructions you have, your son will follow them!"

"I thought over the years you had become more astute in handling matters, allowing you to make decisions independently. Yet you handed over everything in the mansion to Madam Lin, resulting in chaos. Not only that, but you also jeopardized the untainted reputation of the Ouyang family!" Old Madam Li said coldly.

Ouyang Zhi wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief he pulled from his sleeve.

Old Madam Li sighed softly, glancing at him before delicately stirring the tea leaves in her cup. Zhang Mama, sensing the atmosphere, discreetly signaled the maidservants and other attendants in the room to leave before returning to serve in the main hall. Old Madam Li continued speaking, her tone calmer now.

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"I didn't want to meddle in your affairs unnecessarily, but look at the state of your household. Your wife has caused quite a commotion over the years. You should inquire around; how many families have only one son left at your age? You've been accommodating to her, but she never learned restraint. First, she brought trouble upon my grandson, and now she's embroiled us in this scandal today!"

Ouyang Zhi's face was flushed with embarrassment as he stood up, bowing repeatedly. "It's all my fault. I've been foolish, always thinking of her as the heiress of the Marquis's family, marrying her as my second wife. Over the years, she has shown her filial respect to Old Madam, and worked hard to take care of our children. I couldn't help but feel sorry for her, but I never expected her to become more and more insolent. I will definitely discipline her properly from now on!"

Upon hearing his words, Old Madam Li knew he was still speaking up for Madam Lin. She couldn't help but let out a few soft, ironic laughs without saying a word. Seeing this, Zhang Mama stepped forward and said, "Master, Old Madam has a kind heart. There are some matters she doesn't want to meddle in, and some words she finds it inconvenient to say. Today, let this old servant bear the burden and explain things clearly to the master. Please don't blame her."

Ouyang Zhi, upon hearing Zhang Mama speak, hurriedly said, "Mama, whatever you have to say, over these years you've served Old Madam with dedication and care, treating me as your own family elder. Feel free to speak your mind."

Zhang Mama nodded slightly and said, "The former Madam and the current Madam both came from the Marquis's family, one from the legitimate wife and the other from a concubine, but they grew up by Old Madam's side since childhood, and their relationship was extremely good. The former Madam was virtuous, generous, and magnanimous, displaying the demeanor of a great lady in every way. She treated her younger sister with great kindness when she came to our mansion, providing her with the best of everything, be it food, clothing, or daily necessities. However, who would have thought that this younger sister would have such big ideas? Privately, she developed feelings for you, Master. Old Madam didn't approve of this matter at first. Bringing her here was to take care of her sister, how could she cause trouble with her brother-in-law? It would damage your reputation if it got out. Fortunately, the former Madam was considerate and magnanimous, advocating for you in front of Old Madam and even personally went to discuss the matter with the Marquis's family's Old Madam. The former Madam's health was initially improving, but after this incident, her condition worsened day by day until she passed away. Looking back now, even the most generous woman can have some pride..."

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Ouyang Zhi felt deeply ashamed and embarrassed, his face flushing red, unable to utter a word. Everyone assumed that the former Madam had chosen this concubine for him, not knowing that he and Wanru had already been involved when Wanqing fell ill. Speaking of which, Wanqing's early death did indeed implicate them.

Zhang Mama glanced at Old Madam Li's expression and sighed softly, "During the time when the former Madam was here, the relationship between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was affectionate and harmonious, with mutual respect and understanding. However, in recent years, since the arrival of the current Madam, things have taken a turn for the worse. She used to show some respect for Old Madam, but lately, her behavior has been unacceptable. First, she turned the Young Master's courtyard into a mess, and when he fell ill, she insisted that Old Madam visit him personally. Tonight's incident is just another example. Please don't blame Old Madam for being upset; the current Madam has truly hurt her deeply!"

Ouyang Zhi knelt down with a thud in front of Old Madam Li, tears streaming down his face as he said, "I deserve ten thousand deaths for bringing so much unhappiness to the Old Madam. I am unfilial, truly unfilial." Zhang Mama hurried to assist Ouyang Zhi, but he refused to rise, expressing his deep remorse. Old Madam Li said, "You may rise first."

Ouyang Zhi got up, and Zhang Mama prepared a hot towel to wipe his face, then brought a chair for him to sit on. Old Madam Li took a deep breath and continued, "Currently, your career is indeed smooth sailing. However, there are still many people outside waiting to find fault with you. Tonight's incident, to put it lightly, is a false accusation by a thief. But if it is interpreted differently, it could be seen as a lack of proper family discipline. If outsiders were to learn of this, accusing you of incompetence in managing your household, could you still continue your official duties smoothly?"

Ouyang Zhi was startled, sweating profusely. "Old Madam's reminder is valid! But son believes today's incident couldn't be caused by her. She is not such a malicious person..."

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"Hmph, you believe her! Li Yiniang was originally from a scholarly family and was determined to marry into a respectable household as a proper wife. If it weren't for the family's misfortune, she wouldn't even consider being a concubine. She has only been in charge of the household affairs for a short time, yet when trouble arises, your wife dares to blame others! Have you ever considered that there must be someone malicious behind this? If she could harm Nuan'er today, she could target others tomorrow. The Ouyang family cannot tolerate such a person! This matter must be thoroughly investigated, starting with your wife!"

"Yes, son will go back and inquire thoroughly. If it is indeed her doing, son will not condone it!"


After leaving Shou'an Hall, Ouyang Zhi went straight to the Furui Pavilion, only to find Madam Lin waiting for him.

As soon as he entered, Madam Lin personally came to serve him. Seeing her in a thin dress, with her hair scattered loosely over her shoulders like someone who had just recovered from a serious illness, she looked pitiful and vulnerable. Despite his initial anger, seeing her like this softened his heart slightly.

"Just now in the main hall, I saved you some face. According to Zhang Wendin... did you orchestrate tonight's events?" Ouyang Zhi asked in a cold and stern tone.

Madam Lin's eyes shimmered with tears. "Master gave me face, how could I not know? Today, coming here alone to talk to me, I might as well tell everything. That Zhang Wendin is the son of an old acquaintance of Master's. His family fell on hard times, so he came here seeking refuge. Master may have kept him around as a retainer. He got drunk and caused trouble everywhere, even intruding into Nuan'er's courtyard. To save himself, he falsely accused her, and when he was exposed, he spouted nonsense and implicated me as well. This is clear to anyone with eyes. Does Master suspect that I instructed him?"

"Hmph, there's no smoke without fire. Why didn't he accuse anyone else and just singled you out?" 

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