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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 265: 

Crown Princess

The Crown Prince's funeral was a grand affair, with temples across the capital tolling their bells and beating their drums. Inside and outside the Forbidden City, there was an air of desolation.

Emperor Jingshunhun allocated a separate palace as the Crown Prince's memorial hall. 

The Crown Princess stood before the memorial hall, weeping bitterly, her sorrow palpable to all who witnessed it.

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Lin Yunwan couldn't help but feel softened by the scene and took Qi Zaijun with her to console the Crown Princess.

During the night vigil, Lin Yunwan couldn't bear the exhaustion and took Qi Zaijun to rest for a while first.

Qi Lingheng whispered, "You two go ahead. I'll go check on the fires outside."

After all, the Crown Prince was his elder brother, and as his younger brother, he needed to be attentive in such a big event.


Lin Yunwan's eyes turned red from staying awake, and she held the nearly sleeping Qi Zaijun as they went to rest in a side hall.

In less than an hour, a eunuch shouted with a shrill voice, "The Crown Princess...the Crown Princess has also passed away..."

Lin Yunwan jolted awake abruptly.

Qi Zaijun woke up groggily, rubbing his eyes and asking, "Mother, what's happening?"

Lin Yunwan covered his eyes and helped him lie back down, frowning as she said, "...You continue sleeping. You're not allowed to come out no matter what you hear, understood?"


Lin Yunwan entrusted the child to Cuiqin and went out to see. The Crown Princess had collapsed in front of the Crown Prince's coffin.

The palace staff were all dumbfounded.

Lin Yunwan took charge of the situation, ordering someone to summon the imperial physician first and then instructing palace maids to tidy up the Crown Princess's appearance and clothing, before having her moved to a place where she could rest.

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She also sent someone to find Qi Lingheng.

"The imperial physician hasn't arrived yet?"

Lin Yunwan touched the Crown Princess's hand, feeling her heart sink.

"They should be arriving soon..."

With the Crown Prince's passing, the imperial physicians were afraid to leave the palace, fearing that Emperor Jingshun might become overly distressed and any mistakes could occur. However, in the late hours of the night, some delays were inevitable.

After waiting for less than half an hour, the imperial physician finally arrived, still not fully dressed. Hastily, he took the Crown Princess's pulse and his expression turned grim. "Your Majesty, the Crown Princess has taken poison."

Princess Lin was stunned. "It wasn't an accident?"


This was a deliberate act of suicide!

Qi Lingheng arrived, and Madam Lin hurriedly went out to talk to him. "...The Crown Princess followed the Crown Prince. Go and inform the Emperor and Empress." It was better for someone close to deliver the news; Emperor Jingshun would likely be even more devastated if someone else did.

"Understood." Qi Lingheng instructed A'Fu, "Inform the Crown Princess's family." He then hastened to meet Emperor Jingshun.

Emperor Jingshun couldn't sleep at all. Upon hearing that his daughter-in-law had also gone, his heart ached, and he uttered only two words: "Give them a grand burial."

The Crown Prince and Crown Princess were buried together in the imperial mausoleum, a process that took a month.

In the blink of an eye, summer arrived in the capital.

Qi Lingheng and Princess Lin voluntarily observed mourning for the couple for six months, wearing plain clothes and abstaining from meat. They rarely went out to meet guests unless necessary.

However, Qi Zaijun often visited the palace.

Emperor Jingshun's mental state was deteriorating, and only when Qi Zaijun visited did the Emperor's complexion show some improvement.

"Emperor Grandfather, why do you look unhappy again?"

Emperor Jingshun sighed, feeling tired, his eyes weary from reviewing documents. He decided to take a stroll with Prince Zaijun, his grandson, and asked with a smile, "How did you notice that I'm not feeling happy?"

"Your hair has turned much whiter," Zaijun replied.

Emperor Jingshun chuckled, "I'm not unhappy, just feeling a bit... a bit..."

"A bit what?" Zaijun was genuinely curious, as he had a fondness for his grandfather and wanted to know why he wasn't feeling his usual self.

"A bit of self-blame," the Emperor admitted.

"Because of Uncle and Aunt?" Zaijun inquired.

"Yes," nodded the Emperor.

"In that case, why don't you talk to father? He's really good at easing worries. Whenever Mother isn't happy, he can always cheer her up," Zaijun suggested earnestly.

Emperor Jingshun appreciated Zaijun's concern but felt it was a complicated matter to discuss with a child. However, he still wanted to share some of his thoughts, "Your uncle is my eldest son, despite his poor health since birth. I designated him as the Crown Prince, hoping for his well-being. Unfortunately, his health deteriorated further as he grew older. And he didn't leave you with any cousins."

"That's okay... It might have been troublesome if he did leave some," Zaijun replied thoughtfully, beginning to understand. "Grandfather, do you like my father and me more?"

Emperor Jingshun patted Zaijun's shoulder gently, "I don't play favorites between you, your uncle, and your father. Everyone has their own duties and responsibilities. Your uncle, despite his poor health, is still my son, and I wish for his happiness. But sometimes, fate has its own plans, and there's little I can do about it."

Zaijun nodded, as if grasping the gravity of the situation, "Grandfather, please don't be too sad. I'll always be here for you." 

Emperor Jingshun smiled softly, touched by Zaijun's words, "I know, you're a sensible child." With that, they continued their stroll through the palace gardens, each lost in their own thoughts.

Emperor Jingshun chuckled and lightly tapped Zaijun's forehead, saying, "As long as you understand it in your heart, there's no need to say it out loud."

Zaijun winced, rubbing his forehead where he was tapped, his face wrinkling in pain.

Suddenly, Emperor Jingshun wore a bitter smile and asked, "Does Zaijian also think that I'm biased?"

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Zaijun replied with a touch of bitterness, "What's the use of favoring me? Even if you favor me, you're still getting more white hairs. Can you see Zaijun getting white hairs too?"

Emperor Jingshun paused, then said, "I cannot."

You are correct, my apologies for the mistake. Let me correct that:

齐载钧 (Qí Zàijūn) should be translated as Zaijun.

I'll revise the translation accordingly:

Zaijun said with a hint of grievance, "But you have already seen Uncle Da's white hair."

Emperor Jingshun was taken aback.

In truth, he had never thought of himself as biased. He had cherished his eldest son for over a decade, raising him personally. He had also favored Lingheng for over a decade, even driving him out of the capital when he was twelve or thirteen due to the incident with the Crown Prince's wet nurse.

While his eldest son was alive, he had never deprived him of his position as Crown Prince.

However... deep down, he had already designated Lingheng as the successor to the throne.

"Lingheng is right. There are some things that cannot be balanced by anyone. I am the emperor, but I am just an ordinary father after all."

Zaijun grinned, "Grandfather, how about Lingheng dyes his hair white for you to see?"

"No, I don't want to see you with white hair," Emperor Jingshun said, touching his own temples. "I already have enough white hair. Let's leave it at that for you."

Six months after the Crown Prince's death, Emperor Jingshun's mood gradually stabilized. However, with age, his white hair continued to increase.

A year later, following the advice of his courtiers, he appointed Lingheng as the Crown Prince and Yunwan as the Crown Princess.

"Cough... I'm not feeling well. I want to spend some comfortable days with your mother. From now on, you will handle the court affairs," he said.

Emperor Jingshun intended to delegate authority.

Lingheng was already familiar with government affairs. At his age, taking over the administration posed no difficulty.

"Your Majesty's command shall be obeyed," he replied.

Due to their marriage in Jianqian, the ceremony was much simpler compared to the grandeur of the Crown Prince's wedding.

However, the ceremony for the Crown Prince and Crown Princess was particularly solemn.

On that day, Yunwan got up before dawn to change clothes and put on makeup. By the time she returned to the Crown Prince's residence, it was already dark.

After sleeping for the entire day, as soon as Yunwan woke up, Zaijun was right there in front of her, saying, "Mother, Mother, Mother. Congratulations to you."

Yunwan replied, "You're grown up now. You can't just come into my room whenever you want."

Zaijun said he understood, then added mysteriously, "Mother, guess who's here?"

"What time is it?" Yunwan asked.

Cuqin replied that it was already past noon.

Lin Yunwan rubbed her forehead, realizing she had slept for quite a while. "Who's here?" she asked.

Excitedly, Zaijun replied, "Uncle and Auntie are here!"

Lin Yunyi and Madam Xu came to the Crown Prince's residence to congratulate the Crown Prince and Crown Princess on their newly appointed titles.

Lin Yunwan hadn't had a chance to properly meet her younger siblings yet, so she suddenly became spirited. "Quick, help me with my makeup. Why didn't you wake me up? Letting Madam Xu wait for so long."

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Cuqin smiled. "Madam, it was the Crown Prince's decision. His Majesty and Lu Mama are entertaining guests."

After so many years of marriage, he was still as attentive as ever.

Lin Yunwan sat comfortably in front of the dressing table, smiling. "Go tell the Crown Prince that I'm already up."

Cuqin sent a maid to convey the message, while Zaijun stood nearby with a purse tied to his waist.

Lin Yunwan casually reached out and felt inside, finding a jade ring! It was the one that Crown Prince had left with him before.

"How come this is with you? Didn't you return it to your uncle?" she asked.

Zaijun complained about how the ring ended up back in his possession. He even mentioned how his grandfather had thumped his head and made it hurt!

Lin Yunwan only just found out about this incident and instructed him, "Keep it safe and don't leave it lying around."

Zaijun replied, "Grandfather liked it, so I wore it to make him happy."

Lin Yunwan called his maid and gave her a stern instruction.

Then she went to see Madam Xu. Though not remarkably beautiful, Madam Xu had a likable charm, akin to a gentle flower.

After having lunch together, Madam Xu remained somewhat reserved.

As they were leaving, Lin Yunyi asked Lin Yunwan quietly, "Sister, how do you find your younger sister?"

Lin Yunwan smiled. "You've always had good taste."

Lin Yunyi nodded. "Of course."

He then left with Madam Xu. Madam Xu nervously asked, "Is the Crown Princess really..." She had only heard rumors and couldn't believe they were true.

Lin Yunyi spoke seriously, "Don't spread rumors. Sister is now the Crown Princess. We don't want her reputation tarnished."

Madam Xu vowed, "I absolutely won't say a word. My husband, trust me."

Lin Yunyi held her hand, smiling. "I didn't say I didn't trust you. What's the need for vows?"

Madam Xu lowered her head, smiling shyly, reveling in the bliss of their newlywed life.


Meanwhile, at the Prince's Residence, Lin Yunwan called for A'Fu and inquired, "Have you found Lady Guo yet?"

A'Fu replied, "Not yet. But we have some leads. It seems that the unique fragrance powder Lady Guo possesses is being sold in a shop somewhere."

Lin Yunwan hastily instructed A'Fu to follow up on the leads.

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