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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 251: 


"Why did the prince suddenly leave his seat?" 

When Prince Huan entered, his first glance went to where Lin Yunwan and their son were, seeing that they were fine and there was no panic on their faces, his tone remained relatively mild.

The prince replied, "I heard there was a bit of commotion in the banquet hall, so I came to take a look."

"Bring a chair for Prince Huan," he ordered.

A maid promptly fetched another chair.

Rather than sitting down immediately, Qi Lingheng walked past Madame Lu and seated himself beside Lin Yunwan.

As Old Madam Lu was sitting too close, the maid pushing her wheelchair had to move her back a bit.

Once the Old Madam was out of the way, Lin Yunwan felt a sense of relief, as if the air around her had become a bit fresher.

Feeling much more comfortable, she addressed him, "Your Highness."

"Father," Qi Zaijun wrinkled his nose, clearly displeased.

Qi Lingheng patted his son's head and subtly squeezed Lin Yunwan's hand under the table. When he lifted his head and met the prince's gaze, his expression remained unchanged, but he had already gained the upper hand in the conversation. "The matter mentioned by the prince wouldn't happen to involve my residence, Prince's palace, would it?"

The prince merely smiled without saying a word.

Old Madam Lu promptly interjected, "Your Highness..."

Qi Lingheng addressed both the Crown Prince and Old Madam Lu, saying, "Aside from this individual, is there anyone else here to falsely accuse my wife, the Princess of Huan? If there is, Prince, kindly invite them in as well. Let's not let a madwoman linger here and ruin the atmosphere."

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He showed no fear of being exposed at all!

The Crown Prince smiled and said to the princess, "Let the ladies retire."

"Of course," she responded. However, it wasn't a genuine retreat. If they truly withdrew, who would bear witness to today's events?

The princess continued, "In case any men act rashly, please retire to the warming chambers."

There were warming chambers on both sides of the banquet hall, each equipped with screens. Even if men entered the hall, they wouldn't see the appearances of these ladies. However, the ladies, with their intentions, could still observe the situation inside the hall from the warming chambers.

While the guests didn't want to be implicated, they were also curious to know the truth!

"Let's go, quickly, into the warming chambers," they urged one another.

The ladies entered the warming chambers one after another.

However, the first to enter was not a man but Ge Bao'er. She knelt before the prince and Qi Lingheng and introduced herself, "I am Ge Bao'er from the residence of the Marquis of Wuding."

The two men in front of her didn't pay much attention to her. It was the Crown Princess who asked, "Did you come here today with your family's Old Madam?"

Ge Bao'er hesitated before answering, "...Yes."

In truth, it was Ge Bao'er who brought along the Old Madam from the Lu family!

She just said she could go see Lin Yunwan, but that old lady didn't know what happiness looked like and agreed to come along.

But she was quite satisfied with the old lady's reaction.

As long as the Crown Prince and Crown Princess are not blind, they will naturally realize that Lin Yunwan's identity is suspicious.

She doesn't need to do anything else; once the Crown Prince believes it, he will naturally make a big deal out of it.

The Crown Prince finally said a word to Ge Bao'er: "Are you sure that the Princess Consort of Huan and your former mistress of the Lu family look very similar?" His gaze wandered somewhere, not looking at Ge Bao'er.

Ge Bao'er glanced at Lin Yunwan, very sure: "Replying to Your Highness, indeed... the Princess Consort of Prince Huan does resemble... the mistress of the Lu family exactly!"

She gritted her teeth, emphasizing the last few words.

The Crown Prince didn't ask any further. He closed his eyes and breathed softly.

Ge Bao'er was a bit anxious: "Your Highness, I brought a few maidservants who used to serve my mistress. If Your Highness asks, you'll know!"

The Crown Prince looked at Qi Lingheng as if asking him whether to continue the interrogation.

Qi Lingheng smiled with a hint of amusement, "Since Your Highness has invited them all, let's have them all come in and take a look."

The Crown Prince instructed Ge Bao'er, his voice chilly, "Bring them in."

Ge Bao'er went out and summoned four maidservants. One of them was named Xiliu, and the other three had previously served under Lin Yunwan.

When they entered, none of them dared to raise their heads.

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It was the Crown Princess who asked, "Do you recognize the Princess Consort of Huan?"

Several maidservants lifted their heads. Xiliu was the first to be stunned, her jaw dropping in disbelief. Wasn't this their former mistress?

The other three were equally startled. How could a dead person come back to life?

Lin Yunwan remained composed, unmoved like a mountain. She looked at them indifferently, as if they were strangers, showing no recognition at all.

Observing the reactions of the maidservants, the Crown Princess realized that something was amiss.

She asked them, "Do you recognize her?"

The maidservants looked at each other in confusion.

When her gaze swept over them, one maidservant with a timid disposition immediately knelt down.

The Crown Prince coughed lightly and asked the maidservant, "Yes, or no?"

He didn't speak often, but when he did, there was a chilling air about him.

The maidservant prostrated herself at the Crown Prince's feet, feeling a chill in her palms as she looked at his golden-threaded embroidered boots. She also remembered the promise made by Madam Ge...

She was just telling the truth! She didn't lie!

"Yes... Your Highness... Yes..." the maidservant replied.

The Crown Prince glanced at the others, who also confirmed it. Only Xilu bit her lip, her face pale as she said, "This servant... dares not be certain."

The Crown Prince smiled faintly and asked, "How is it that they all confirm, yet you dare not?"

Xiliu also spoke the truth: "Though the appearance is similar, but the Wangfei... she is more noble and gentle than our former mistress. Her gaze is different."

Qi Lingheng himself didn't notice any change in Lin Yunwan.

He turned his head slightly and glanced at her, as if she seemed even gentler than before.

Lin Yunwan held Qi Zaijun with one hand and held her husband's hand with the other, her demeanor gentle.

Ge Baoer kept her head down but boldly spoke, "Your Highness, while expressions may change, voices are harder to alter. Why not let the Wangfei speak..."

The Crown Prince looked at Qi Lingheng and said, "Brother Seven, what do you think..."

Qi Lingheng sneered, "What are you, exactly?" looking at Ge Bao'er.

The Crown Prince didn't get angry either, saying softly, "If Sister doesn't want to speak, she doesn't have to."

He then asked Ge Bao'er, "With just a few maids from your household, how can I know if what you're saying is true or false?"

Ge Bao'er bit her lip and said, "Slandering the Wangfei is a capital crime. Even if I'm bold, how would I dare..."

The Crown Prince, impatient with the concubine's talk, said coolly, "If it's nonsense, spare me."

Ge Bao'er paused, then said, "Our master... has an item in his possession that can prove..."

"Let him in," the Crown Prince interrupted Ge Bao'er.

Lu Zhengliu must have been waiting nearby, as the Crown Princess sent someone to summon him. He entered with long strides, holding a painting, and knelt beside Ge Bao'er.

The maids gradually retreated, with Xiliu unable to resist glancing back at Lin Yunwan once more.

"It's... what is this?"

The Crown Prince inquired of Lu Zhengliu.

Lu Zhengliu uncovered the painting and said, "It's a portrait of my deceased wife."

"I dearly missed my late wife, so I taught myself to paint after her passing and created many portraits of her. Upon a single glance, Your Highness will recognize that this was painted several years ago."

"The Princess Consort only returned to the capital this year. If not for their striking resemblance, I would never have been able to paint this portrait."

Lin Yunwan's hand was tightly held by someone. She furrowed her brows and glanced at Qi Lingheng, only to see his expression darken slightly, hinting at his anger.

Linyunwan also gave Qilingheng's hand a reassuring squeeze, signaling him not to worry.

Lu Zhengliu's affection was cheaper than roadside weeds.

She never took it seriously.

Qi Lingheng felt his wife's reassurance, his lips curling slightly, his eyes narrowing, showing contempt for that person.

If he couldn't have it, he wanted to destroy it.

Such a man was too despicable!

He simply couldn't be allowed to stay.

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