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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 230: 



"I'll just have a seat here!" Lin Yunwan climbed up the hill of the Temple and stood in the pavilion for a while, not feeling inclined to ascend further.

Cuiqin and Lu Mama instructed the maidservants, "Spread the cushion for Madam."

They refrained from addressing her as "princess" outside to avoid attracting attention. The maidservants laid out soft cushions in the pavilion and set up a tea stove, brewing a pot of tea.

Lin Yunwan sat in the pavilion to rest.

Down the mountain, a pair of women also ascended. Madam Chen from the Xingguo Marquis's Mansion was arm in arm with Madam Chang from the Yīn Family of Shuntian Prefecture, chatting and laughing.

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Madam Chang was actually pleasantly surprised. She had only heard of families like the Xingguo Marquis's Mansion from hearsay, and never imagined she could actually form a connection with the Chen family.

Who would have thought that Madam Chen would be so easy to talk to? They had just met, yet she was so friendly.

"Madam Chen, please go first," Madam Chang smiled.

Madam Chen returned the smile, "Why be so polite? Let's go up together."

Madam Chang nodded in agreement. Both women were not accustomed to frequent outings, and their physical stamina was not as good as that of their servants. They walked slowly along the way, chatting idly.

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Madam Chen mentioned her niece's marriage, "As an aunt, I must lend a hand. You wouldn't believe how difficult it is to manage a girl's marriage compared to a young master's."

Madam Chang immediately thought of her own daughter. She sighed, "Indeed."

Madam Chen continued, "Why are you troubled by this? I heard your eldest daughter married exceptionally well. Her in-laws are quite reasonable, aren't they?"

Madam Chang replied helplessly, "I have two daughters. My youngest just came of age this year. She's a bit spoiled..."

She hesitated to speak ill of her daughter, adding, "Girls are a bit wayward before marriage. Once they enter their in-laws' house, things will naturally improve. But finding a reasonable in-law is not easy."

Madam Chen smiled but remained silent. One of the maids behind her spoke softly, "I heard that the Chang family is currently considering a match with the young master of the Lin family..."

Madam Chang was startled by this revelation. She glanced at the maid with a cautious expression, "Where did you hear this from? Matters regarding a girl's reputation should not be taken lightly!"

Before the marriage was settled, such news should not be spread!

Madam Chen pulled Madam Chang along, continuing to climb. She patted Madam Chang's hand gently and whispered, "Don't worry. Actually, someone asked this maid from our family to speak positively about the child from the Lin family in front of you."

Madam Chang suddenly understood. She thought today's encounter was a coincidence! She didn't expect it wasn't at all!

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"Madam Chen, why didn't you say so earlier!"

Madam Chang covered her heart, complaining, "You scared me! I thought it was because the news was spreading loosely from the Lin family's side, and that our Chang family might..."

"We're not like that."

Madam Chen quickly reassured her.

Madam Chang was also curious. She said, "I heard that the child from the Lin family is very good. Despite being an orphan with a widowed mother, he's been studying at the Mingshan Academy from a young age, and his reputation among his peers is excellent. I've heard he's a filial and responsible child."

"Madam Chen, since the Lin family has sent someone to you, have you met the child? Is he really as good as others say?" 

Madam Chen hesitated to speak.

Madam Chang had a bad feeling and asked nervously, "Madam Chen, when it comes to my daughter's marriage, you must tell me everything!"

It's better to miss out on something good than to encounter something bad.

Madam Chen sighed, "Since I've been entrusted by someone, there are some things I can't easily say."

"Madam Chang, there are some things you should already know. Think about it yourself."

Upon hearing this, Madam Chang's mind went blank. 

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This seemed to be a serious matter indeed!

After calming down for a moment, she thought about what might be going on with the Lin family.

"Young Master Lin, his poor sister has been dead for many years, hasn't she?"

Madam Chang thought of the Lin family's legitimate daughter, a woman who was deeply pitiful.

Madam Chen replied, "That's his sister's matter. When the Chang family marries their daughter, it's about marrying the Lin family's son. What does it have to do with a deceased woman from the Lin family! Think about it again."

That meant they had to consider Lin Yunyi himself.

After pondering for a moment, Madam Chang furrowed her brow and said, "I heard he's exceptionally learned, but three years ago, in that imperial examination, not only did he fail to pass the provincial examination, he didn't even pass the preliminary round for the top scholar..."

The more Madam Chang thought about it, the more uneasy she felt. She glanced at Madam Chen, hoping to elicit the truth from her.

However, Madam Chen sighed and said, "...There are some things I cannot say."

Madam Chang became anxious, "Please just tell me!"

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But Madam Chen shook her head, still refusing to comply. She remained tight-lipped, insisting, "After all, I was entrusted by someone else. If I couldn't accomplish it, it's over. How could I speak about others' unsavory matters?"

This greatly distressed Madam Chang. She had no choice but to inquire with the other accompanying lady.

Seeing Madam Chang's expression, the lady walked over to Madam Chen's side and whispered, "Madam Chen, forgive me for being presumptuous, but please hear me out."

Madam Chang nodded eagerly.

The lady then asked, "Does Madam know that the young master from the Lin family didn't just fail the exam three years ago, but he didn't even attend it in the first place!"

"I know, it's because he had diarrhea," replied Madam Chang, recalling the widely known incident she had inquired about before.

"Perhaps Madam isn't aware, but among the students at Ming Shan Academy, he was the only one who had diarrhea. Isn't that strange?" The lady from the Lu household analyzed, "There are only two possibilities: either he truly had food poisoning, or he pretended to have it."

"If it's true, it means he's unlucky. If it's false, then..." The lady paused, her tone laden with implications, "There would be a lot of gossip."

Madam Chang was completely absorbed in the conversation, forgetting her surroundings as she nervously asked, "What do you mean, Madam?"

The lady whispered, "If he was harmed by someone, why wouldn't they harm others? Why target only him? If he didn't want to attend, why wouldn't he just skip the exam? He's known for his outstanding academic abilities, so why would he avoid the exam?"

"Why..." Madam Chang murmured, pondering for a moment before blurting out, "He's afraid!"

Indeed, only someone with a guilty conscience would be afraid to face the truth in the examination hall!

Who exactly was this young master from the Lin family?

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If her daughter married into such a family, wouldn't it be like throwing her into a den of wolves?

The lady sighed, wearing a pained expression. "Due to certain relationships, our Madam really can't refuse, but she also can't bear to see your delicate and beautiful daughter..."

Madam Chen looked helpless.

Madam Chang clenched her teeth and sneered, "Madam Chen, rest assured, I won't breathe a word of today's events to anyone! Even if this marriage doesn't go through, I'll find another reason to save face for the Lin family, so you won't be embarrassed!"

She was truly grateful. "Madam Chen, I'll remember your kindness. If you don't mind, there's a small golden Buddha statue at home..."

Madam Chen nodded with a smile. "You're too polite."

Madam Chang breathed a sigh of relief that her daughter had narrowly escaped a disaster. "It's the least I can do."

As they approached the pavilion, they heard a clear and authoritative voice from above, sounding surprisingly young. "I never expected the mistress of the house to resort to such despicable means to tarnish the reputation of the Lin family."

"What did that young master from the Lin family do to offend you? Is this how you choose to retaliate?"

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Madam Chen and Madam Chang were both startled.

They took a step onto the platform, seeing many discreetly dressed but dignified servants surrounding the pavilion.

The speaker, however, remained hidden inside the pavilion, not showing their face at all.

Madam Chen was not one to be easily intimidated.

She stepped forward, demanding, "Who dares eavesdrop from up there?"

Lu Mama, with a cold glare, rebuked, "Step aside!"

This startled Madam Chen. Who did she think she was? She had lived for so many years, and it had been a long time since anyone had been so insolent in her presence!

The servants of the Duke's household stepped forward angrily. "Who do you think you are, daring to speak to our Madam like this?"

Lu Mama sneered, "And who do you think you are, daring to shout in front of our Madam?"

Madam Chen couldn't help but chuckle.

In all her years as a Duchess she had never encountered such audacity.

The Duke's servants pointed at Lu Mama, raising their voices, "Do you know who you're speaking to? This is—"

"I don't care who you are!"

Cui Qin rolled her eyes as she stepped forward.

The servants of the Duke's household and Madam Chen were both furious. How dare a young servant show them disrespect! Their audacity knew no bounds!

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