Chapter 23 TGBW


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 Chapter 23: 

Change ・Chu Wei Leng, Who was Only Good at Being a Follower 

Madam Zhao just went to Madam Wang's house to pick vegetables.

Hearing that Chu Wei Leng had returned, Madam Wang helped pick the vegetables and followed Madam Zhao over.

As soon as they arrived, they found Chu Wei Leng and Lou Jian Jia together in the same room.

The two of them exchanged a few words.

"They seemed to get along well yesterday. Jian Jia made a lot of food and Leng'er ate a lot. They also stayed up quite late last night..." Madam Zhao's voice trailed off at the end, barely audible.

Madam Wang, being experienced and fond of gossip, understood perfectly well.

"Well, well, isn't that nice? Leng'er spent three years in the military camp without seeing any women. Now he knows the value of having a wife," Madam Zhao said with a smile.

"Who knows, maybe in a little while, your family will have some good news," Madam Wang hinted.

Madam Zhao couldn't stop smiling.

She naturally loved hearing these words.

She couldn't wait for her daughter-in-law to conceive a child.

Family harmony is key to everything.

Before her son married his daughter-in-law, he was reluctant in every possible way. If she and her old man hadn't pressured him, he might not have married the girl from the Luo family.

Seeing him compromise, she never expected that on the day of their marriage, he would leave his wife and go to the border with His Highness.

Three years have passed, and perhaps her son has come to his senses. His daughter-in-law is also different from before.

Her daughter-in-law is a good girl, beautiful, intelligent, clever, obedient to elders, and can earn money. Such a good girl is hard to find even with a lantern.

Her son must know how to appreciate her.

Moreover, on the other hand, her son is in his twenties now, not a kid anymore.

After getting married, he went to the military camp without spending time with his wife.

Madam Zhao had already started thinking about whether it's better for her and her husband to have a grandson or a granddaughter.

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Soon after hearing the news of Chu Wei Leng's return, Madam Wang's son, Second Young Master Sheng, ran over.

"Mom, Aunt, where's Leng'er? I heard from Dad that he's back," Second Young Master Sheng asked excitedly.

Madam Wang smiled and said, "Why are you making such a fuss all day long? Your brother Leng'er is busy, come back later."

As soon as Madam Wang finished speaking, there was a "creak," and the door of the west wing room opened from the inside, and Chu Wei Leng walked out from inside.

"Second Sheng," Chu Wei Leng said.

"Leng'er!" Second Young Master Sheng quickly walked over to Chu Wei Leng.

"You're finally back, I've missed you so much," Second Young Master Sheng said excitedly.

Chu Wei Leng patted his shoulder and smiled, "Why are you still so weak? You haven't been exercising properly."

Second Young Master Sheng replied, "You weren't at home, so there was no one to train with me."

"Come on, let's go train on the mountain."

Second Young Master Sheng's eyes lit up, "Okay."

With that, the two of them bid farewell to Madam Zhao and Madam Wang, and headed towards the door.

With so many people outside, Lou Jian Jia naturally heard their voices.

Staying in the room any longer didn't seem appropriate.

She glanced down at the ointment in her hand, hesitated for a moment, and then decided to open it.

As soon as she opened it, a fresh scent wafted out.

The scent was different from what she had imagined.

After applying some of the ointment, Lou Jian Jia tidied up a bit and then headed outside.

As she stepped out, she noticed that Chu Wei Leng and Second Young Master Chu Sheng had already disappeared somewhere, while Madam Zhao and Madam Wang were engaged in conversation in the courtyard.

The moment Lou Jian Jia appeared, Madam Zhao and Madam Wang stopped talking and looked over at her simultaneously.

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Seeing her slightly flushed face and brightened eyes, as well as her newly combed hair, Madam Zhao and Madam Wang's smiles deepened.

Lou Jian Jia was originally a very calm person, but she couldn't help feeling a bit uneasy under the peculiar gazes of Madam Zhao and Madam Wang.

"Mother, Madam," she greeted.

"Oh, our lovely daughter-in-law," Madam Wang responded with a smile.

Their attitudes were even warmer than before.

Madam Wang's change in attitude stemmed from two factors. Firstly, Lou Jian Jia came up with a lucrative way to earn money, benefiting their family. Secondly, the close relationship between Chu Wei Leng and Lou Jian Jia led to Lou Jian Jia distancing herself from her maternal family, making Madam Wang gradually consider Lou Jian Jia as one of their own.

"Has Leng'er been bullying you?" Madam Wang asked. "If he has, you tell me, and I'll sort him out for you."

Lou Jian Jia shook her head.

"If you need any vegetables, just let me know. I can plant some more," Madam Wang offered.

"Okay," Lou Jian Jia agreed.

Madam Wang had chores to attend to at home. Since Chu Wei Leng had already met Lou Jian Jia, his purpose for coming over was fulfilled. So, they didn't chat for long before Madam Wang left.

After Madam Wang departed, Lou Jian Jia checked the time and began preparing food.

Knowing they needed to prepare an extra dish today, they started gathering ingredients two hours earlier.

As for the dishes, Lou Jian Jia made a stir-fried spicy and sour shredded potato and a stewed green bean dish.

After stir-frying the vegetables, Lou Jian Jia made an egg fried rice dish.

Madam Zhao looked at the egg fried rice, puzzled. "Why does it feel like there's much less egg fried rice today?"

Lou Jian Jia replied, "Yes, indeed. Today, I only made a five-jin batch."

Madam Zhao was surprised by her decision and asked, "Why? Wasn't it selling well before?"

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Lou Jian Jia explained, "Mother, today we also have five pounds of liangpi to sell. As you saw, there are only so many people at the dock, and the number of daily commuters is limited. Our egg fried rice and liangpi are both sold to wealthy customers. If they come to buy, they will inevitably choose one of the two, not both."

Madam Zhao had been selling food for two months now, so she quickly understood these principles and accepted her daughter-in-law's explanation.

"It's just like before, with only so many people working at the dock, we can only sell around ten or so catties of rice," Madam Zhao remarked.

"You're right, mother. That's exactly the point," Lou Jian Jia agreed.

"Being with you for so long, I feel like I've become smarter," Madam Zhao said with a smile.

"That's because mother is already very smart," Lou Jian Jia complimented.

Madam Zhao knew her own level well and smiled, saying, "I never went to school, can't read, haven't been to big places, and don't have much knowledge. I don't understand much. This family owes a lot to you."

Chu Wei Leng had just returned, but his footsteps were light, and coupled with Madam Zhao and Lou Jian Jia's conversation, they didn't hear his arrival.

He listened to the conversation between the mother and daughter-in-law in the kitchen, feeling truly astonished.

He knew his mother's character very well.

She was honest, soft-hearted, inflexible, had limited exposure to the world, didn't understand many profound principles, and sometimes even seemed a bit conservative.

He never expected to hear those words from his mother's mouth.

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If he hadn't heard it with his own ears, he wouldn't have believed it.

Not to mention his mother, even he didn't immediately understand what Lou Jian Jia had just said.

His mother, who hadn't read books and had limited exposure to the world, quickly grasped the situation.

At that moment, he heard footsteps approaching.

Chu Wei Leng saw his father coming out of the hall.

"You're back?"

"Yeah, I'm back, Dad."

"I heard you went to the mountain with Ersheng just now?"

"Yeah, we went to the mountain for a stroll. I got used to moving around in the military camp, so staying still feels uncomfortable."

"That's a good habit," Old Master Chu said. "But don't forget to visit the village head's house."

In their community, it was customary for the younger generation to visit the village head's house upon returning from a trip or conducting business outside the village. It was a sign of respect for the village head and also served as an update on their activities.

"I already went, Dad. As soon as Second Sheng and I came down from the mountain, we went straight to the village head's house. Not only there, but I also visited the clan head's house."

Old Master Chu nodded in approval. "Good, good."

Chu Wei Leng assured, "Don't worry, Dad, I understand."

As he spoke, Chu Wei Leng recalled the conversation he overheard between Lou Jian Jia and his mother. He recounted the incident to his father.

Soon, he realized that not only had his mother become more astute, but his father's insight had also improved significantly compared to before.

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His agreement with his mother's perspective was evident.

"Your wife is right," Chu's father remarked. "There are only about ten or so passenger ships each day, and sometimes even fewer. At best, we're talking a couple hundred people passing through, and only about one-tenth or so would be interested in stopping for a meal. They won't be attracted to our simple fare. Making too much would only result in waste."

Chu Wei Leng had initially assumed that his parents, given their temperament, would try to seize control of all these profitable businesses. They wouldn't consider how many people were actually around; they'd just assume everything could be sold. It would only be when they couldn't sell everything and were stuck with unsold goods that they would come to their senses.

Actually, Chu Wei Leng's thoughts were correct; his parents did indeed initially think that way, believing that they could sell all the surplus food. However, after experiencing several instances where they couldn't sell the excess, and with Luo Jianjia explaining things on the side, they naturally gained a better understanding.

From then on, whenever they encountered similar situations, they would know how to handle them.

"Dad is so clever, able to analyze so many things," Chu Wei Leng sincerely praised his father.

Chu Wei Leng's father chuckled, patting his son's shoulder and said, "It's not me who's clever, it's your wife who's clever. She's the one who taught me all this. I didn't understand any of it before. You've married such a good wife, so you must cherish her."

Deep down, Chu Wei Leng's father still wasn't entirely at ease about his son.

This son had shown reluctance to marry his daughter-in-law three years ago, and on their wedding night, he abandoned her at home.

With such actions, how could they believe he had any affection for his daughter-in-law?

Moreover, she truly was a good girl; it was their son who had acted wrongly.

Such a good daughter-in-law needed to be cherished; she couldn't be replaced if lost.

Was it Lou Jian Jia's teaching?

Upon hearing his father's words, Chu Wei Leng casually responded, "Understood, Dad."

After finishing the egg fried rice, it was nearly noon, and Lou Jian Jia began making cold noodles.

As the time approached midday, Old Master Chu and his group began loading the cart.

With Chu Wei Leng now at home, there was no need for the two elders.

Not only did they not need the two elders, but Chu Wei Leng also glanced at Lou Jian Jia's wrist and refused her help: "You go rest, I'll handle this."

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Lou Jian Jia's courtesy was only evident towards Madam Zhao and Old Master Chu; towards Chu Wei Leng, she had none.

She had just spent about half an hour cooking and was tired. Besides, her wrist was indeed aching a bit.

So when Chu Wei Leng told her to rest, she went to sit aside as he instructed.

Chu Wei Leng was tall and strong, with long arms and legs, and he quickly loaded the items onto the cart.

As they were about to leave, Lou Jian Jia went inside to get her veil and hat, putting them on.

Chu Wei Leng watched her actions and gave her a glance.

Since Chu Wei Leng had returned, naturally, he would accompany them to the dock.

On the way there, he pushed the cart alone.

Usually, if Old Master Chu pushed the cart, Lou Jian Jia would definitely help push for a while.

Throughout the journey, Madam Zhao also helped push alongside.

~ Part 2 ~

Today, while Chu Wei Leng pushed the cart, the other three individuals all tacitly withdrew their hands.

Lou Jian Jia genuinely didn't want to help and also felt that Chu Wei Leng didn't need her assistance.

Madam Zhao and Old Master Chu were engaged in lively conversation, boasting about their son's return to the village.

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During the trip, Chu Wei Leng pushed the cart ahead while Lou Jian Jia followed silently behind. Both of them remained relatively quiet.

Madam Zhao and Old Master Chu lagged a few steps behind, engaged in conversation with others.

By the time Chu Wei Leng and Lou Jian Jia reached the pier, Madam Zhao and Old Master Chu hadn't caught up yet.

Once they arrived, Chu Wei Leng began unloading the cart while Lou Jian Jia stood nearby, observing with a cool gaze.

Watching Chu Wei Leng's relaxed demeanor, she couldn't help but feel a fleeting sense of appreciation for having a man around, making many things more convenient. However, this sentiment passed quickly.

Upon reflection, she realized she was quite strong herself, perhaps even stronger than Chu Wei Leng. Thus, in her eyes, men weren't as important.

As Chu Wei Leng unloaded the items from the cart, Madam Zhao and Old Master Chu finally caught up.

"Why are you two late today?" asked a regular customer.

"Today, my son returned from the military camp, so we were busy at home," Madam Zhao explained with a smile.

Madam Zhao's words seemed like a simple explanation for their tardiness, but in reality, she wanted to show off her son who had been absent for three years. She wanted others to know that not only was her son alive, but he was also accomplished.

The regular customer followed Madam Zhao's gaze and couldn't help but feel a chill when he saw the young man.

The young master of the Memory Lane Restaurant seemed quite formidable at first glance, not like an ordinary person at all.

Having spent a lot of time at the pier, they had heard plenty of gossip about these people, including the rumors that the son of the Memory Lane Restaurant's owners had died on the battlefield.

"Young man looks quite impressive, Auntie and Uncle can enjoy their lives from now on," the customer remarked.

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"Thank you," Madam Zhao replied with a happy smile, grateful for the rare compliment.

Before long, more people started to arrive for meals.

Madam Zhao told many people about her son's return.

Seeing things running smoothly on that end, Lou Jian Jia carried a tray of cold noodles and began to promote them.

"Ice-cold and refreshing, smooth and delicious, perfect for cooling down in the heat. Would you like to try some?" she asked.

"Trying it won't cost anything, if it's tasty, then you can buy some."

Before long, Lou Jian Jia had attracted quite a few customers over.

"How much is this?" a customer asked.

"Five wen for a small bowl, and only six wen for a large one," Lou Jian Jia replied, showing both sizes side by side for comparison.

"Then the large bowl is more cost-effective," the customer remarked.

"You're right," Lou Jian Jia agreed.

Lou Jian Jia spent about ten minutes promoting before she didn't need to anymore. Once a few portions were sold, others became curious and approached.

Cold noodles, a summer essential and undeniably delicious, quickly drew a crowd to the stall.

People are naturally drawn to crowds. Many observed the bustling scene and the queue, assuming that the food here must be delicious, so they joined in.

"I've had this dish before when I traveled north with a caravan. It was exceptionally tasty, and I've been longing for it for years. Unfortunately, the journey is too long, and I haven't had the chance to taste it again. I didn't expect to encounter it here," a merchant chatted with someone nearby.

"Really? Is it that good?"

"Yes, it's delicious. It's especially refreshing to eat in the summer, perfect for cooling down. I just hope this place's version lives up to expectations..."

The more one anticipates, the more afraid they are of disappointment.

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Another person overheard and reassured, "Don't worry, sir. You can trust the taste here. I've had a meal from this place before, the one right there, and it was excellent."

"That's fantastic news!" the merchant exclaimed happily.

Before long, it was his turn. The merchant wasted no time and began eating right away. There were others behind him, some curious about the taste, while others urged him to hurry up and leave so they could take his place.

Ignoring the commotion, the merchant took a few bites. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he exclaimed, "Quick, give me three more bowls! I want three!"

Upon hearing this, those behind him became even more expectant about the food. Four bowls cost twenty-six wen, and the merchant happily handed over a few extra wen as a tip.

It was Chu Wei Leng's first time participating in selling food. Unfamiliar with the process and not particularly skilled at it, he stood by and assisted as best as he could.

He watched as his introverted parents chatted happily with the workers at the dock and observed how the usually reserved and quiet Lou Jian Lia sold food with such eloquence. This deeply impressed him.

Originally, he was supposed to be the most articulate and skilled at conversing with customers. Before coming here, he had even thought about helping out.

But unexpectedly, he found himself at a loss for words, unsure of what to say. He could only wash dishes and watch the three of them enjoy doing business together.

The feeling... was truly wonderful.

When he was out there fighting, no longer needing to worry about his parents not taking care of themselves.

Thinking about it, he really should be grateful to Luo Jian Jia.

This Luo Jian Jia was truly different from before.

Her temperament changed, her demeanor changed, and her way of dealing with people and things was no longer the same as before.

As Chu Wei Leng gazed at Luo Jianjia's figure, he overheard some gossiping among the diners at the table nearby.

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"Before, everyone said that Uncle Chu's son had died, but now not only has he returned, he's also become a junior officer in the army."

"Really? That's impressive. So, does that mean the Sun family, who used to bully them, will be in trouble now?"

"They deserve it! They encroached on Uncle Chu's land and even tried to pass off as their own brand. Isn't that despicable?"

"Exactly! Their food may be cheap, but it's mixed with worthless wild vegetables dug up from the ground, and there's hardly any profit in it."

"And it's not clean either. Last time I found a bug in my food."

As they spoke, those few people looked over to where the Sun family usually sat, only to find that they weren't there today.

"Huh? The Sun family isn't here today," one diner remarked.

The others exchanged knowing glances and said disdainfully, "They must have heard that Uncle Chu's son is back and chickened out."

"What a disgrace! I'm never going to eat there again."

"Exactly, we shouldn't support such unethical people."

Listening to these words, Chu Wei Leng's expression turned slightly cold, and his gaze towards the dishes in his hands was filled with a chilling intensity, as if those dishes were his enemies.

Patiently finishing washing the dishes, Chu Wei Leng brushed off imaginary dirt from his clothes and walked towards the table where those diners were seated.

A quarter of an hour later, Chu Wei Leng returned to his own spot to continue cleaning up the dishes.

However, there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

The Sun family, huh?

He remembered.

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  1. Oop, watch out sun family! ML is out to get you hehehehe


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