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Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

Chapter 23:


"Old Madam Grandmother."

Lu Zhengliu, upon hearing that Lin Yunwan had come to Yu Shou Tang, rushed over immediately. Old Madam Lu frowned and questioned him first, "Did you order someone to tie up Qiao Da and beat him?"

She really did report everything.

Lu Zhengliu glanced at Lin Yunwan and walked in, saying, "Yes, it's an insolent servant. If we tolerate this, outsiders might ridicule the Lu family for not being able to manage their household."

Lin Yunwan smiled.

"Why are you smiling? Just because you persuaded my grandmother to stop me, you think I wouldn't dare to act against him?"

Lin Yunwan replied calmly, "I see that the Young Master has become muddled during his years away from home and forgot about life saving debts."

"Oh? I'm eager to hear the details."

Lu Zhengliu coldly smiled, showing that he wasn't genuinely interested.

"When the Old Master was still alive, Qiao Da followed him through thick and thin. Do you remember how much the Old Master valued him? And how did his son die? The Young Master should also have forgotten that."

Lu Zhengliu was momentarily stunned; he had indeed forgotten.

Lin Yunwan reminded him, "Seven years ago, when the Marquis barely escaped alive, it was thanks to a few loyal subordinates and Qiao Da's son, Qiao Xiaoda, who protected him. Many of the Marquis's subordinates were maimed or killed, and Qiao Da's son was one of those who died."

Since the boy was a servant's son, Lu Zhengliu hadn't paid much attention at the time. In the chaos of the Lu family, with the emperor threatening to strip the title of Maquis, he didn't give much thought to Qiao Da's affairs. Now, with the calm after the storm, it was indeed something he couldn't ignore.

Lin Yunwan continued, "Qiao Da lost his son, his grandson died early, and he is now alone, with no family, yet he has still contributed to the Marquis of Wuding's residence. If the Young Master wants to beat him, it doesn't matter; even beating him to death wouldn't matter."


"If the Old Master were still alive, or if the Marquis was still clear-headed, they would never treat a loyal servant like this."

After this logical argument, Lu Zhengliu had nothing to say. Even if Old Madam Lu intervened or not, she would have to stop Lu Zhengliu. 

"According to your reasoning, should a master endure such a servant who takes advantage of age, relying on past merits?"

"Do you think Qiao Da is taking advantage of age and exploiting the master? Does the Young Master know why Qiao Da would do such a thing?"

Lu Zhengliu was silent for a moment and then said, "I don't know."

Lin Yunwan calmly said, "His son and grandson passed away, and the residence provided some compensation silver. However, after using that silver for a decent burial, there wasn't much left. Due to his old age and inability to do much, the residence arranged a light and profitable job for him, considering it a means for him to support himself."

"But after Miss Bao'er arrived, the residence cut his original job, and naturally, he harbored resentment."

Lu Zhengliu frowned, "If that's the case, you shouldn't have cut his job."

As soon as he finished speaking, Madam Wei also arrived. Upon hearing the last sentence, she immediately accused Lin Yunwan, "Why did you cut Qiao Da's job? If the Young Master really injures Qiao Da because of this, do you know how people outside will criticize the Marquis and the Young Master, how they will criticize the Marquis of Wu Ding's residence?"

Old Madam Lu scolded her, "Shut up!"

"Lady, I..."

Madam Wei was infuriated, her face turning red, and her neck thickening. To make matters worse, she received a disdainful look and became even angrier.

Old Madam Lu spoke with a cold expression, "It was my decision to remove his job."

Lu Zhengliu remained silent, and Madam Wei was left speechless. After all, Lin Yunwan had been managing the household for seven years; when had she ever done such a foolish thing?

"Respectful greetings to Mother-in-law."

Lin Yunwan stood up slowly. Madam Wei awkwardly said, "Please, have a seat," as she approached Old Madam Lu to pay her respects.

The small hall suddenly quieted down, and no one spoke a word against Lin Yunwan anymore.

Old Madam Wu broke the silence, "The past is in the past; let's not discuss it any further."

Old Madam Wu looked at Lin Yunwan and said, "Your mother-in-law makes sense. The Marquis's residence cannot afford to have a heartless reputation. Find a way to settle Qiao Da properly. You come up with a plan to make him behave."

"Old Madam, your daughter-in-law has already thought of a good place for him, but... it still needs your decision."

"What place?"

"In his youth, Qiao Da learned carpentry and tile laying. Why not let him work in the front yard, doing maintenance and repairs around the estate? It aligns with his interests, and he can earn more money. This way, he will be content, and everyone can coexist peacefully."

The Old Madam didn't immediately agree. This matter had been previously discussed by Lin Yunwan, but repairing the estate involved expenses for tiles, wood, and landscaping, with significant profits in between.

The lower-ranked individuals inevitably take a share of the profits, and the masters turn a blind eye, ensuring those benefits go to their close associates. In this case, it involves her husband and son, who are responsible for managing that area, so, Madam Wei supported the idea, saying, "This is a good suggestion!"

Even the heir nodded slightly.

However, Old Madam Wu objected, "Not good. He's old, and if he has an accident... Think of another way. Are there any alternatives?"

"Old Madam, please enlighten me. What other options are there?"

"Let him retire peacefully to the rural estate, without the need for any labor. Everyone will be happy."

However, in the rural estate, the local head has authority, and someone like Qiao Da, without family or descendants, might face mistreatment, making the suggestion less ideal.

Old Madam Lu knew that Qiao Da wouldn't go "peacefully." In essence, she still wanted to force her to drive Qiao Da away.

Acknowledging the decision, Yunwan replied, "Alright, I'll go convey the message that the Old Madam grants Qiao Da retirement in the rural estate."

As she made the movement to leave, Old Madam interjected sharply, "Hold on!"

It seemed Old Madam Lu wasn't satisfied. Yunwan turned back, asking, "Is there anything else you'd like to instruct, Old Madam?"

The Old Madam couldn't articulate a clear reason and finally said, "Forget it, let him go and repair the mansion."

Lin Yunwan responded, "Certainly."

Old Madam Lu hesitated and then called Yunwan back, instructing, "You go deliver the message." She also signaled for the maid, Yan Mama, to accompany her.

With a nod, Yunwan didn't mind this additional task.

As evening approached, Old Madam Lu dismissed everyone.

Within, Lu Zhengliu's emotions were mixed. Despite the chaotic incident caused by the insolent servant, Yunwan managed to emerge unscathed. Strangely, he found himself not disliking the tension in their interactions.

Meanwhile, Ge Bao'er, who had bathed multiple times, worriedly asked her maid, Wu'er, repeatedly, "Do I still smell? Is there any odor left on me?"

Wu’er sniffed and reassured, "No, there isn't any smell."

Feeling aggrieved, Gao Bao'er instructed Wu’er to find out how Lu Zhengliu dealt with that Qiao Da. When Wu'er returned, her eyes held a glint.

“Wu’er, how did the Eldest Young Master punish that old guy?"

Wu’er hesitated, "Um... He didn't punish him."


"Not only was there no punishment, but he also assigned him to repair and renovate the buildings. It's quite a lucrative position."

Ge Bao'er widened her eyes.

How could this be?


It was pitch dark outside.

Qiao Da was still busy carving wood, and people from the same courtyard advised him, "Take a rest!"

Qiao Da grinned, "I'll finish making this stool first."

He had a pile of wood beside him, and besides the stool, he planned to make a luxurious chair for the lady. He would paint it with the most beautiful lacquer, and when summer arrived, the lady could enjoy the chair he made.

As the day broke, Qiao Da finished making a pair of small stools.

Zhang Feng'an, also known as Teacher Zhang, had moved into the Wu Ding Marquis's mansion and was staying in a guest room. He bumped into Lu Chang Gong on his way in.

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