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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 213: 


"How is the princess?"

The doctor came to check Lin Yunwan's pulse. Qi Lingheng had official business to attend to today, but he was reluctant to leave. He waited in the inner room until the doctor finished examining Lin Yunwan's pulse before asking through the curtain.

The elderly doctor bowed and said, "Your Highness, there are no signs of pregnancy."

"But... the princess's health is excellent."

Qi Lingheng chuckled at the news. "Give the doctor a reward," he instructed.

Cuiqin gave the doctor some silver and escorted him out.

Lin Yunwan rolled down her sleeves, smiling helplessly. "Your Highness, it's getting late. You should go attend to your duties."

Qi Lingheng nodded, already on his way out, but he turned back and said, "As long as you are healthy, everything else is fine."

Lin Yunwan's gaze softened at his words. "Your Highness."

Not long after, Xiruo came in with joy. "Madam Dong has given birth, it's a boy!" The messenger was waiting outside.

"A boy?" It seemed their wishes had been granted.

Lin Yunwan was happy for Dong Shuangshuang. "Now she has both a son and a daughter."

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Lu Rong couldn't move yet, and the Lu family's old lady would undoubtedly cherish her only grandson even more.

"A pregnant woman is at her weakest after giving birth."

After some thought, Lin Yunwan said, "Xiruo, personally deliver some tonics and baby items. Ask for the child's birth details, and then say... the Prince's Huan Mansion wants to help name the child."


The next day, Xiruo went to the Lu residence.

When Dong Shuangshuang saw Xiruo, she breathed a sigh of relief. Since the delivery went smoothly, she could already sit up and talk. She smiled and asked, "How is the princess?"

"Madam Dong, you're so considerate. Our princess is doing well."

Xiruo conveyed Lin Yunwan's instructions. 

Dong Shuangshuang suddenly teared up. She knew that the princess was trying to support her, fearing that her mother-in-law might come and snatch her son.

With the Princess's concern, even if her mother-in-law wanted to take her son, she would have to think twice.

Dong Shuangshuang instructed her maid, "Write the little master's birth details for Miss Xiruo."

The maid wrote down the young master's birth details and gave them to Xiruo.

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A month later, the Lu family held a full moon celebration, and Lin Yunwan attended.

Cuiqin, who had just turned fourteen, had shorter legs than Lin Yunwan and Xiruo. She finally caught up to Xiruo, panting, and asked, "Where is the princess?"

Xiruo pointed to the lake pavilion behind the study and said, "The princess took a boat over there."

Cuiqin grumbled, "The princess left in such a hurry. I wonder if someone went to the island to serve tea?"

She looked around but didn't see any boats. Both boats had already reached the opposite shore.

Xiruo chuckled and touched her nose. "There are floods in Yulin County every year, and the water level has risen this year. The prince has been away for a month. Can the princess not be in a hurry?"

Chuiqin pondered for a moment. "I've never seen the princess so anxious before."

"Think about how the prince treats the princess. If you were in her shoes, wouldn't you be worried if the prince had been away for so long?"

Xiruo didn't find it strange; she had been by Lin Yunwan's side for a long time and knew everything.

Cuiqin nodded. Being born and raised in the Lin mansion, she had seen many masters, but none of them had pampered their wife as much as the prince did.

"Yunwan, give me your hand."

Qi Lingheng was receiving guests in the pavilion on the lake when he heard the sound of water outside and saw a servant rowing a boat to bring Lin Yunwan over. He immediately came out to help Lin Yunwan ashore.

"When did you come back, Your Highness? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Lin Yunwan asked.

"I returned just after you left for the banquet," Qi Lingheng replied, pausing for a moment before saying meaningfully, "I had to attend to some guests, and I wasn't sure when I'd be back, so I didn't inform you."

"What guests? Can I meet them?" Lin Yunwan asked, aware that there were guests inside but not feeling obliged to meet them if it wasn't appropriate.

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Qi Lingheng smiled and said, "You'll find out once you go inside."

He held Lin Yunwan's hand and led her inside.

"What are you up to..." Lin Yunwan was puzzled.

As soon as she entered, she saw a young man standing by the window overlooking the water, wearing a bamboo hat. Despite his slender figure, he stood tall and straight. Although he was young, there was a weighty air about his shoulders, as if he were mature beyond his years.

Who could it be?

Lin Yunwan dared not recognize him, her heart pounding as she released Qi Lingheng's hand.

The young man turned around, his features strikingly handsome.

Lin Yunyi removed his bamboo hat, smiling faintly. "Sister."

"Yun... Yunyi!"

Lin Yunwan hurried over, almost throwing herself into her brother's arms. She embraced his shoulders and looked him up and down, realizing he had grown taller than her!


Her voice trembled, unsure of what to say.

Separated by miles between the capital and Jiangqian, Lin Yunwan thought she might have to wait a year or two, or even longer, to see her mother and brother again.

Lin Yunyi had been enduring for so long, but now he couldn't hold back anymore, choking up as he called out, "Big sister..."

Qi Lingheng quietly stepped out and closed the door behind him.

Outside, it was still a vast expanse of white, but it wasn't boring at all.

Inside, the siblings talked for half an hour before Lin Yunwan opened the door and said, "Your Highness, please come in!"

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Qi Lingheng nodded and went in to join them for tea.

Lin Yunwan's eyes were red. As Qi Lingheng poured her tea and handed it over, he gave her hand a comforting squeeze.

"Your Highness, did you go away for a month just to bring Yunyi here?"

Qi Lingheng set down his teacup and said, "Not entirely. Father ordered me to oversee the river channels. I spent most of the month in Yulin. The roads from the capital side were already unblocked, and Yunyi wrote to express his desire to come for a 'study tour,' so I took Afu and went to pick him up."

He casually added, "It was along the way."

Lin Yunwan glanced at Lin Yunyi.

Lin Yunyi smiled, his eyes still bright as before, but there was a difference. The youthful arrogance had disappeared since his sister's "death."

He spoke gently, "Sister, Brother-in-law took good care of me on the way."

Lin Yunwan was very pleased, but now wasn't the time to repay His Highness.

She asked Lin Yunyi, "Did your Tutor allow you to go on this study tour?"

Lin Yunyi touched his nose and said, "I've only been out for a little over half a month. It's not like I'm studying the whole time."

In fact, he came just to see Lin Yunwan.

Lin Yunyi felt regretful upon learning of his sister's marriage in the letter. He couldn't come over, fearing suspicion, especially from the Lu family, who seemed obsessed with the Lins.

So, he could only claim to be on a study tour.

"Big sister, I'm no longer studying at the same place. I'm now at Mingshan Academy."

Lin Yunyi said excitedly, "Chang Gong is also there."

"Chang Gong is already able to study at Mingshan Academy?" Lin Yunwan was very surprised.

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