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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 205: 

 The Bridal Chamber

"Are you alright, Yunwan?"

After Yunwan had boarded the sedan chair, Qi Lingheng didn't rush to mount his horse. He held onto the sedan door, his voice deeply resonant.

"I'm fine."

Qi Lingheng nodded, then released his grip to mount his horse. Only then did the matchmaker dare to announce loudly, "Set off!"

As the sedan chair moved, Yunwan's body swayed along with it. She steadied herself against the sedan wall, ensuring her headdress didn't tilt.

She couldn't shake off the concern Qi Lingheng had just shown. Had he noticed something about her time at the Lin household? She didn't want him to worry about her past, but the journey ahead was not easy. Yunwan didn't have much time to dwell on this as the sedan chair continued its journey, with sounds of hustle and bustle outside.

Her waist ached from the long journey, and she only heard Xiruo whispering softly, "Miss, we're almost there."

"Alight!" The matchmaker called out, and the sedan chair came to a steady stop. Yunwan was helped down from the chair by Xiruo.

Following the matchmaker, she entered the main hall of the prince's mansion and performed the customary bow. Originally, they were supposed to pay respects to the emperor and empress, as well as the concubines of the palace. However, since this was in Jiangqian, these formalities were skipped.

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"Escort to the bridal chamber!" Following the matchmaker's instructions, Yunwan moved step by step, and soon someone grasped her hand. It wasn't Xiruo's hand anymore!

It was a pair of white, gentle yet strong hands, with large palms that held her firmly. "This way," Qi Lingheng said with a slight smile, his voice still low amidst the noisy crowd.

Lin Yunwan followed him step by step into their new courtyard, which was their new home. Qi Lingheng didn't have many relatives here, and the only ones causing a fuss in the bridal chamber were a few children from the Zhao family, who dared not misbehave.

"Your Highness, pick a happiness scarf!" 

"Look at the new bride!"

"Hehe, let me see what the prince's bride looks like!"

Yunwan's eyes gradually lit up as she saw Qi Lingheng standing in front of her, tall and straight, dressed in a vibrant red and golden wedding robe. He set down the happiness scale and smiled lightly at the matchmaker.

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The matchmaker cleverly brought over a bowl of tangyuan[1] for Yunwan to eat. She tasted one and said, "It's raw..."

The matchmaker chuckled and said, "But it's what the new bride herself said she wanted!"

This was a scene that every new bride went through after entering the groom's house, which elicited laughter from the relatives and children in the prince's mansion. Yunwan's face turned slightly red.

But her makeup was too heavy, and none of that could be seen.

After drinking the nuptial wine and experiencing everything that needed to be experienced, Qi Lingheng seemed to hear someone's stomach growl, but he ignored it. Instead, he pinched the cheek of a younger cousin and smiled, saying, "While I'm in the front hall, you're not allowed to bully your cousin-in-law."

This wasn't something said to a child; it was meant for the adults. A senior woman from the Zhao family laughed and said, "Your Highness, go and enjoy your drink! With us here, these children wouldn't dare to bother the princess."

Qi Lingheng nodded and only left after giving Yunwan a glance. Some people joked, "Look at the prince's gaze... Seemingly gentle, but so intense, as if he could pierce through a person."

Yunwan lowered her head, smiling softly. It was all just clichés, but she had to play along.

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"Looks like the new bride is shy!"

The woman who spoke earlier approached and introduced herself, "Princess, I am your uncle's sister-in-law."

She was Zhao Jingyi's aunt.

Yunwan addressed her as "Aunt." With this aunt present, Yunwan was spared a lot of trouble. After exchanging a few words with her aunt, all the adults and children in the room were sent away.

Her aunt whispered to Yunwan, "His Highness instructed earlier for you to rest early after freshening up and having your meal."

"Thank you," Yunwan replied.

She stood up, feeling the weight of the crown on her head and the various ornaments adorning her neck and wrists, making it difficult for her to lift her head due to fatigue.

"There's no need to thank me, Your Highness. Rest well. I'll go join the wedding celebration," her aunt replied.

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"Take care, Aunt," Yunwan said, requesting Xiruo to escort her aunt out.

Once her aunt left, Yunwan's new room became quiet. She sat on the bed, feeling relieved, and said, "Please help me remove all of this."

Her neck couldn't bear the weight anymore. Xiruo wasn't as skillful as Cuiqin. Just then, Cuiqin entered with a smile and said, "Your Highness, let me help."

Xiruo teased her, "You switched titles quickly."

Yunwan chuckled. After so many years, she had been just another lady in the family, but now, she was a princess. She wasn't used to being addressed like that by others. Hearing Cuiqin call her that way made her feel like a newlywed again.

"Your Highness, the bridal bedding has been sent in," Xiruo heard noises outside and went to check. It was A"Fu who brought the bridal bedding as ordered by Prince Qi Lingheng.

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A'Fu stood outside, still smiling, and greeted, "Greetings to Your Highness."

"Come in," Yunwan instructed A'Fu.

A'Fu led his men inside to arrange the bridal bedding. Yunwan had already let down her hair, letting her dark locks fall loosely behind her, slightly curled, giving her a relaxed appearance.

"On a day like this, why aren't you following Prince Qi Lingheng? Why come to me to deliver the bridal bedding?" Yunwan asked.

A'Fu was Prince Qi Lingheng's closest eunuch, and he should be assisting in the main hall at this time.

A'Fu chuckled, "The prince said to prioritize Your Highness's matters. After delivering the bedding, I was instructed to come and inquire if there's anything in the courtyard that needs assistance."

He added, "The prince has left a few reliable people outside, waiting. If Your Highness needs any help, feel free to command them."

Xiruo rubbed her hands together and smiled, "The prince is indeed considerate, thinking of everything."

Yunwan also felt touched by his thoughtfulness and said, "I understand. I'll call for assistance when needed."

For now, she couldn't spare time to greet the new arrivals.

After A'Fu left, Cuiqin also approached to help Lin Yunwan prepare the food, mentioning matters related to the dowry: "Everything has been stored in the warehouse, located in the rear side room. Zhao Mama and I have carefully checked it twice, and there are no issues."

She also talked about other miscellaneous matters and her observations since arriving at the palace, all positive. Linyunwan nodded gently, indicating her understanding. Although she was famished, exhaustion overwhelmed her, and she felt like sleeping. Nevertheless, it wasn't time for bed yet; she needed to freshen up and change into clean clothes."

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Lin Yunwan instructed her maids to assist her in bathing.

There was a bathhouse in the mansion, and she was nearly falling asleep in the tub; the water was too comfortable...

"Yunwan, aren't you cold?"

With her eyes half-open, Lin Yunwan saw Qi Lingheng.

Realizing she was still unclothed, she immediately woke up fully.

"Your Highness?"

Reaching out, Lin Yunwan didn't grasp anything, feeling a bit uneasy as she asked, "Have you finished your drink so quickly?"

She truly hoped the candlelight inside was too dim, and there were too many flower petals on the water surface for the Prince to see anything.

Her two maids were also at fault; they had both left when the Prince entered, without waking her up.

"They dare not force me to drink," he replied softly. Approaching the bath, Qi Lingheng grabbed her large fur cloak and bent down, saying, "Come out."

Lin Yunwan hesitated for a moment, then whispered, "You should go out first. I'll be done soon..."

His gaze had changed. Qi Lingheng pulled her out of the water, wrapped the cloak around her tightly, and held her close as he walked back to their chamber. The maidservants dared not even lift their heads, let alone open their eyes!

By the time they returned to their chamber, Lin Yunwan's body was almost dry.

It was a pity about the fur cloak; it probably couldn't be used again.

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[1] Tangyuan (汤圆): is a traditional Chinese dessert made from glutinous rice flour. These are small, round dumplings filled with sweet fillings like sesame paste, red bean paste, or sweetened ground peanuts. Tangyuan are cooked by boiling them in water and are often served in a sweet syrup flavored with ginger or pandan leaves.

In a wedding context, raw tangyuan may symbolize the sweetness and harmony that the newlywed couple hopes to achieve in their marriage. The round shape of tangyuan also symbolizes completeness and unity, reflecting the wishes for a harmonious and everlasting union between the bride and groom. Serving raw tangyuan at a wedding banquet may represent the beginning of this sweet and fulfilling journey together as a married couple.

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