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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 196: 

Naming Ceremony 

"I think you've gone crazy!" 

Lin Huabin pushed away Madam Zheng, completely surprised by her absurd idea. 

He exclaimed, "Changing Yunwan's birth details to Yunjiao's? Are you out of your mind?! If the Old Madam finds out, she'll skin you alive!"

Madam Zheng was also afraid, but she felt it was a necessary action. 

Better to do this than to live in constant fear and anxiety watching her stepdaughter marry into a prestigious family. 

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She hardened her resolve and said, "Master, have you even considered what will happen if Miss Lin becomes the Princess Consort and learns about the Su family's situation in the future?"

"We won't be able to come up with that much money... I'm not just thinking about myself; I'm thinking about you too!" Over the years, it wasn't just her love for clothes and jewelry; Lin Huabin's collection of antiques and calligraphy in the secret chamber were also priceless. 

Lin Huabin was momentarily stunned.

He calmed down a bit, sat down to rest for a while, and then said, "Don't worry about this. Everything will be fine. Yunwan is still my daughter no matter what, and you are her stepmother. She wouldn't dare to do anything to us. Even if she becomes a princess, she still has to adhere to filial piety. It's unreasonable to turn against her biological father and stepmother just because she marries into a royal family."

He didn't dare to tell Madam Zheng that the Su family's money had nothing to do with their daughter.

"However, sir..."

"Enough, let's not talk about this anymore."

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Madam Zheng found it difficult to speak, and he certainly wasn't worried about himself!

Lin Huabin spoke gently, "After the naming ceremony, the wedding date will be set. As a stepmother, you should act like one and stop picking fights with Yunwan all the time."

"If she has a good marriage, won't you also look good?"

Madam Zheng twisted her handkerchief, her eyes turning red. As soon as she spoke, tears streamed down her face, "She might have a good marriage, but what about my precious daughter..."

Thinking about this, Lin Huabin felt uncomfortable too.

He comforted Madam Zheng, "Since things have come to this, let's not dwell on it anymore. Yunwan's marriage has reached this stage, so let's quickly marry her off generously and then focus on arranging our precious daughter's marriage."

"Arrange? With whom?" Madam Zheng was very unwilling. "Have you already decided?"

Lin Huabin remained silent for a moment before saying, "Let's have Yunjiao married off as well. It's not a big deal... I'll make sure to support Wenhai in the future. I think he's a promising young man. Perhaps he'll pass the imperial examinations in the future and have a bright future."

It's better than becoming a nun with hair twisted into knots.

"Master!" Madam Zheng gritted her teeth. How could Wenhai be worthy of Yunjiao?

"Don't cry anymore. There have been many guests these days, and it's embarrassing for people to see you like this. My brother still has guests. I'll go and accompany him first."

Lin Huabin wiped away Madam Zheng's tears before leaving.

He really didn't want to entangle with Madam Zheng anymore. The old lady was right - it's better to send the Buddha to the west, to settle Yunwan's marriage as soon as possible.

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Madam Zheng still harbored some reluctance. She watched her husband's back and sneered, "In the end, you still don't care about Jiao'er."

But she understood her husband's character the best.

"If you don't push him a bit, it won't work... I just want to see, once everything is settled, what you all have to say!" Madam Zheng went to see Lin Yunjiao.

Zhao Mama waited outside. When Madam Zheng approached, she asked, "How has Miss Yunjiao been lately?"

Zhao Mama replied, "She's been fine. Just not eating much."

But it was different from her usual lively self.

Madam Zheng felt a mix of emotions in her heart. She dismissed the maids and went inside to see Lin Yunjiao.

Lin Yunjiao was in the room picking flower petals, plucking the newly bloomed chrysanthemum petals one by one.

Upon hearing the sound, she looked up, intending to call out, but then she sulkily lowered her head and threw away the chrysanthemum in her hand, stomping on it fiercely.

"What do you want?" 

She had her back turned to Madam Zheng.

Last time, when she mentioned that she could marry Cousin Wenhai, Mother slapped her. When has Mother ever hit her before? And Cousin Wenhai... He isn't that bad, is he?

"Sit down," Madam Zheng said sternly, a rare tone for her.

Lin Yunjiao turned to look at her mother with reluctance and sat down.

"There's no time left. Jiaor, your marriage, Mother can't do much about it anymore."

Madam Zheng closed her eyes briefly, gritting her teeth as she asked, "Jiaor, Mother asks you, do you really want to marry Wenhai, or are you willing to..."

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"Marry who?" Lin Yunjiao looked puzzled, then irritated. "At this point, what difference does it make whether I'm willing or not?"

"Do you want to marry the prince?" Madam Zheng asked.

Lin Yunjiao was stunned. "Mother, what are you talking about? The prince didn't save me, how could I possibly marry him?"

Madam Zheng replied, "Don't worry about that. Just tell me, do you want to marry him or not?"

"I... guess."

Lin Yunjiao felt uneasy. Originally, marrying Cousin Wenhai was fine, but seeing her elder sister marrying the prince, she couldn't help feeling resentful. Growing up surrounded by luxury, how could she not know the difference between being a princess and being the wife of a scholar?

"Just wanting is enough."

Madam Zheng stood up. "Stay in the courtyard, focus on embroidery and your studies. Don't see Wenhai and his mother again!"

"I'll kick them out tomorrow."

"Mother!" Lin Yunjiao grew anxious.

For the past few days, Lin Yunjiao had been trying to gather information about the situation in the mansion, but Zhao Mama kept a close watch, and she couldn't find out much. However, she still knew that Cousin Wenhai had been staying at the Lin mansion. 

Now that her mother wanted to drive Cousin Wenhai away, what was she planning?

Madam Zheng pressed her down to sit. 

"Remember this, if you don't want to be overshadowed by Yunwan forever, you better behave yourself."

Before leaving, she gently touched her daughter's cheek and whispered, "Eat properly, you've lost so much weight. It won't look good when you get married."

"Mother..." Lin Yunjiao wanted to follow her, but as soon as Madam Zheng left, the door was closed.

She felt very uneasy. "What is Mother planning?" She used to be fearless, but now she felt lost about the future. "Cousin Wenhai, it's all your fault!"

Lin Yunjiao wanted to create a scene, but she hesitated. 

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She didn't even know what outcome she wanted to achieve.

"To become the Princess Consort or... to marry Cousin Wenhai?"

She didn't know.

On the fifteenth day of the eighth month, the Lin mansion's third household celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival together, admiring the moon. They even invited people from the West Lin mansion, making it very lively.

Lin Yunwan played the zither, composed poetry with her cousins, and gained a lot of attention, which was also the intention of the Old Madam and Fan Mama. Her current reputation was too mediocre. Before getting married, she had to stand out more to be worthy of the title of Princess Consort.

Fortunately, it wasn't difficult.

The Mid-Autumn feast ended joyfully.

The next day, officials from the Ministry of Rites came from the Jiangqian post station for the naming ceremony, which went smoothly.

In the evening, Lin Yunjiao was called by the Old Madam Lin to have dinner. As she changed her clothes to go inside, she overheard Lin Huabin talking to the Old Madam Lin, "Mother, Yunjiao's marriage cannot be delayed any longer. I... I want to handle her and Yunwan's marriages together."

The Old Madam Lin scoffed, "Is this your idea, or Madam Zheng's?"

Lin Huabin bowed his head and said, "It was discussed between me and her. I can't treat someone else's daughter well and mistreat my own daughter."

The Old Madam Lin didn't give him any face, "And have you mistreated her any less?"

That girl is practically a wandering ghost now!

Lin Huabin looked ashamed.

The mother and son were in constant verbal sparring.

Lin Yunjiao waited outside for a while.

She didn't know what schemes Madam Zheng and Lin Huabin had cooked up, and whether the Old Madam Lin would agree to them.

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  1. Thank you for the chapter! It seems as soon as the novel updates i have to read it. Just confessing my adoration for the novel; it is absolutely amazing, a great read. Thank you for your hard work.


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