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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 190: 

How To Get Married 

"Why isn't Madam in the courtyard?" 

As soon as Lin Huabin returned and found the main house empty, he felt overwhelmed. 

With such a big incident today, why did Madam Zheng leave the courtyard after coming back? 

The maid replied, "Madam went to Madam Wen's courtyard." 

Since she was in Wenhai's mother's courtyard, it wasn't convenient for him to go over as a brother-in-law. 

Lin Huabin lifted the curtain and instructed the maid, "Go and urge Madam to come back." 

The maid nodded, "Yes." 

The courtyard was eerily quiet. With Madam Zheng gone and the maids afraid of getting involved, none of them dared to show themselves if they didn't have to. 

Madam Zheng was still arguing with Madam Wen. 

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This was her home, and she would have her way. 

Madam Zheng gripped Madam Wen's neck, and even the maids didn't dare to intervene.

Her eyes were wide with fury. "How dare you push my daughter into the water!"

Madam Wen struggled to speak. "Cousin, it's a misunderstanding! If you don't believe me, ask Fan Mama. It really wasn't me!"

"Yunjiao slipped in by herself, and I was just trying to... *cough*... save her. But then I fell too."

People were rolling their eyes. If this continued, someone would really get hurt. 

The maids finally managed to pull Madam Zheng away. "Madam, please, speak calmly. Madam Wen can't breathe!"

Madam Zheng was exhausted. 

She wasn't used to physical exertion, and now her hands were weak and she was panting as she sat on the bed, glaring resentfully at Madam Wen.

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Madam Wen's hair was disheveled as she climbed up from the bed, panting and crying. "Cousin, it's not my fault... Wenhai is kind-hearted too. When he saw Yunjiao falling into the water, he was afraid she'd drown, so he jumped in to save her."

"If you blame our Wenhai for saving Yunjiao, then we..." 

"We'll leave now."

"We won't disturb you and your husband any longer."

Madam Wen's mother began to gather her belongings.

Madam Zheng, seeing her like this, felt a headache coming on. Angrily, she said, "Stop what you're doing!"

Helplessly, Madam Wen's mother replied, "Do you dare me to leave?"

Turning around, Madam Wen's mother looked at Madam Zheng with a pitiful expression, tears streaming down her face. "Cousin, what can I do to make you satisfied?"

Madam Zheng was furious. "Do you think I believe you? You plotted against my precious daughter, and now you're here trying to garner sympathy!"

Madam Zheng was deeply distressed. 

"Now that everyone in the household knows that both Yunjiao and Yunwan fell into the water and were rescued, if you take Wenhai away now..."

What would happen to her daughter's reputation?

Madam Wen's mother glanced at Madam Zheng and whispered, "My Second Miss comes from a noble family. Marrying your Wenhai would be beneath her."

Beneath her? What nonsense.

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Her son had become a scholar at the age of thirteen! He might even become a government official in the future and marrying such a wilful young lady... That would be a true injustice to her son!

Seeing Madam Zheng's hostile gaze, Madam Wen's mother quickly changed her tune. "Well, of course, our Wenhai is not worthy of the Second Miss. But the Lin family is influential, and finding a suitable match for the Second Miss shouldn't be difficult. We just need to lower our expectations a bit."

It sounded easy enough! But was finding a suitable match really that simple?

Madam Zheng was seething with anger.

A maid sent by Lin Huabin's wife shouted from outside, "Madam, Master requests your return."

With a throbbing headache, Madam Zheng turned and barked back, "Tell Master I know, and I'll return soon!"


The maid left.

Exhausted, Madam Zheng rested for a while before rising and glaring coldly at Madam Wen's mother. "You better stay put here. If you or Wenhai dare to leave the Lin estate, I'll tear you two apart!"

Madam Wen, appearing obedient, replied immediately, "Cousin, you can rest assured. I won't leave without your permission."

Though she seemed compliant, Madam Zheng found her utterly nauseating.

Turning away, she left with her maid.

Madam Wen sneered, "Still daring to flaunt your arrogance in front of me. Wait until you marry into our Wen family, then see how I deal with you and your daughter!"

She called for the maid, "Quickly tidy up this place. Are we here to freeload at the Lin estate?"

The maids hurried in to attend to the task.

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Madam Zheng felt a surge of satisfaction. Before long, these maids would address her as "Madam"! 

"A woman's reputation is more important than her life!" Old Madam Lin's words echoed in Madam Zheng's mind, cutting her like a knife.

"Yunjiao can forget about marrying into a reputable family. Even if she marries a poor scholar or a low-ranking official, they might still criticize her for being unchaste and impure!"

"Where are these so-called suitable matches?"

"How can my daughter bear this?"

With these thoughts in mind, Madam Zheng decided not to rush back to see Lin Huabin. Instead, she told her maid, "Let's go check on Yunjiao first."

Although she had sent Old Zhao Mama and the maids to watch over her, she couldn't shake off her worry about her daughter's condition.

"Zhao Mama, how is Yunjiao?" Madam Zheng hurried over and asked Old Zhao Mama first. Her heart felt like it was being roasted over a fire.

Zhao Mama's expression was calm. "Madam, don't worry. Miss Yunjiao is fine. She's just feeling uncomfortable from inhaling water."

She added, "The doctor has also checked on her, and there's nothing wrong with her body."

Madam Zheng couldn't quite describe the feeling in her heart.

How could this happen?

She knew her daughter's temperament best, so why wasn't Yunjiao making a fuss?

"Yunjiao," Madam Zheng rushed in to see Yunjiao, who was having her meal and had already eaten half a bowl.

"Mother," Yunjiao put down her bowl.

Madam Zheng smiled and said, "Why did you stop eating? If you're hungry, eat some more."

Yunjiao put down her utensils and said, "I'm not hungry. I've lost my appetite."

Madam Zheng looked at the food in the bowl... it didn't seem like she had lost her appetite.

She didn't have the heart to scold her daughter, so she sat down and hugged her, tears streaming down her face.

"It's all my fault," Madam Zheng said in a trembling voice.

"Blame you for what?" Yunjiao thought her falling into the water was an accident.

Where would Madam Zheng dare to tell the truth?

She wiped her tears and said, "Blame me for not keeping you close, for not having someone look after you."

But Yunjiao, understanding as always, said, "Mother, it was an accident. Nobody wanted it."

Madam Zheng felt something was off, but couldn't quite put her finger on it.

She hugged Yunjiao tightly, gently comforting her, "Don't worry. Your father and I won't just... marry you off to a poor scholar like that!"

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Yunjiao bit her lip.

"Mother, but... but Cousin Wenhai saved me. I... can I really marry someone else after that?"

Madam Zheng became resolute, "Of course you can! You are the legitimate daughter of the Lin Family!"

Yunjiao suddenly asked, "What about Sister? The Prince saved her, will she marry the Prince?"

Madam Zheng felt a sting in her heart.

She scoffed, "Dream on! What's the Prince's status? Even if she marries him, is she worthy? Being a concubine is already a favor to her."

Yunjiao blinked, "But if she becomes the Prince's concubine, her status won't be low either. The Prince's concubine is still a side consort. If we ever meet her, do we still have to bow to her?"

She muttered, "I don't want to bow to her!"

Madam Zheng reassured her, "You can rest assured! The Prince won't fancy her. Didn't your father say so? The Prince is about to marry, how could he take another concubine so soon?"

Yunjiao then asked, "What will happen to her then?"

"What will happen? Haven't you heard of what happens to women who lose their chastity? They either spend their lives in a nunnery, praying to the Buddha, or they meet their end," Madam Zheng said, growing happier as she spoke.

She couldn't be blamed. Originally, she wanted to find a good marriage for her stepdaughter, but it was her stepdaughter's own fault for lacking fortune.

"Oh, I see..."

"Mother, then I can marry Cousin Wenhai, right?" Yunjiao looked at Madam Zheng with innocence.

Madam Zheng couldn't believe her ears, staring at her daughter in disbelief. "What did you just say?"

"Anyway, she's doomed," Lin Yunjiao giggled shyly. "I don't want to live like her, I want to marry Cousin Wenhai—"

"Shut up!" Madam Zheng slapped Lin Yunjiao across the face.

Lin Yunjiao froze, tears welling up in her eyes as she looked at Madam Zheng, bursting into tears.

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