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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 188: 


"Your Highness, please this way," said Lin Huabin as he led Prince Qi Lingheng and his brother to pay respects to Old Madam Lin.

The two brothers, with cheerful faces, followed along. Prince Qi Lingheng taking the initiative to pay respects to their family's Old Madam was quite a face-saving gesture.

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As they walked, Qi Lingheng asked, "Is Old Madam Lin's health holding up lately?"

First Master Lin had already exchanged words with the prince several times. Seeing his younger brother eager to step forward, he remained silent, allowing Lin Huabin to engage with the prince.

"Your Highness, Old Madam's health is fine, but she has some age-related ailments and needs to take some tonics regularly," Lin Huabin replied.

Qi Lingheng smiled faintly. "Would it disturb Old Madam if I were to visit her now?"

"How could it! Old Madam would be delighted," Lin Huabin hastened to assure him.

When they reached a corner, Lin Huabin politely gestured, "Your Highness, please proceed this way," allowing Qi Lingheng to go ahead first.

Qi Lingheng also inquired after Fan Mama's well-being, "In the earlier years, Fan Mama served by the side of the late Empress of Yan. When I was young, I had the opportunity to meet her a few times."

As for Fan Mama, he actually didn't recognize her at all.

However, it was said that this maid has been teaching Lin Yunwan recently, so he had to ask.

Lin Huabin felt quite flattered. It seems that Prince Huan has suddenly taken a keen interest in the Lin family!

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He hesitated and didn't reply.

Only then did the master continue, "Fan Mama follows Old Madam to enjoy her old age, just as good."

Qi Lingheng paused and said, "That's good."

As they passed by the side door of the garden, they saw an old woman running out in a panic, shouting as she ran, "Miss fell into the water! Quick, someone come! Miss fell into the water! Is anyone there?!"

Qi Lingheng and the others stopped in their tracks. The old woman collapsed to the ground after running out, her face devoid of color.

Master Lin furrowed his brows and scolded her, "What are you running for! Who did you say fell into the water just now? Where did they fall in?"

The old woman knelt on the ground, anxiously replying, "The Miss from the second courtyard fell into the lotus pond. Her maid ran over to call for help, but this servant doesn't know how to swim!"

Looking at Lin Huabin, First Master Lin said, "Why does it sound like it's one of your maids? How did she end up at the lotus pond?"

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Lin Huabin's expression changed, and his beard trembled.

Just now, Yunwan went to pick up Wenhai's mother. Could it be that she was the one mentioned?!

"Oh no, it's Yunwan!"

His heart sank, how could he explain this to Zhao Jingyi!

"Big brother, you take the Prince first, I—" 

"Prince! You... you..." 

Lin Huabin's words had just fallen, and Qi Linghe had already disappeared.

He and his elder brother looked at each other.

"Big brother, this..."

How could the Prince run into the Lin family's garden!

First Master Lin was also stunned. Without time to think carefully, he frowned and said, "Quick, follow and see. If anything happens to the Prince, our entire Lin family will be in trouble!"

Lin Huabin's heart jolted, his limbs turning cold. Trembling, he said, "Let's go and see!"

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Yunwan is just Zhao Jingyi's illegitimate daughter. If she was rescued after falling into the water, it wouldn't be a big deal. Even if she couldn't be saved, it would still be an accident.

He had thought that maid's incident was orchestrated by Zhao Jingyi. But when he visited the Zhao family last time, Zhao Jingyi didn't mention a word about it, which didn't fit his character. It indicated that Zhao Jingyi wouldn't go to great lengths for an illegitimate daughter.

But Prince Huan is different.

"The Prince must not have any mishap..." 

If something happens to him, not only the Lin family but the entire Jiangqian would be turned upside down.

"Prince Huan is causing trouble." Lin Huabin couldn't help but blame. 

By the side of the lotus pond, it was a chaotic mess.

Fan Madam fainted, Lin Yunjiao was sobbing, and before she could recover, Wenhai looked at Lin Yunjiao foolishly and murmured, "Wasn't it Eldest Miss? How come it's you?"

Lin Yunjiao raised her hand and slapped him.

"You... How dare you say... I... I was..." 

Wen's mother succeeded, but after her success, she didn't know what to do and was also in a panic.

She said, "Miss, why don't you go back home first. You're all soaked, you shouldn't catch a cold."

But in her heart, she thought, Madam Zheng had already told her that she would bring someone over soon.

"Hurry up and come!" 

It's all falling into place perfectly. Once this happens, the marriage will be secured!

Watching their every move, Linyun Wan was observing from the sidelines. 

Until the unexpected arrival of someone who shouldn't be there, Lin Yunwan was shocked, "Why is the Prince here?" 

Xiruo took a closer look, "It really is the Prince."

"He must be here to find me."

Lin Yunwan no longer hid, quickly revealing herself and going over.

Running all the way, Qi Lingheng breathed heavily until he saw Lin Yunwan from a distance, finally calming down with narrowed eyes.

He smiled helplessly. Worry leads to chaos; it was his impulsiveness. With her intelligence, how could she possibly have been tricked into falling into the water?

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Seeing Qi Lingheng's flustered expression, Lin Yunwan guessed why he had rushed over in such a hurry.

They exchanged a smile.

Lin Yunwan gently bit her lip, suddenly having an idea in her mind. Since he had come all this way...

Why bother going through the trouble of arranging their marriage?

This was an extremely rare opportunity!

"How are you, Yunjiao?"

Lin Yunwan walked over quickly to check on Lin Yunjiao.

Lin Yanjiao, still shaken and not fully recovered, heard Lin Yunwan's voice, and with a forceful push, she shouted, "Get away!"


Lin Yunwan fell into the water!

Lin Yunjiao was dumbfounded. She hadn't intended to push Yunwan into the water!

Standing by the shore, she stared blankly for a moment. Somehow, she felt like laughing.

Falling into the water was great! It wasn't embarrassing for her alone, right?

Even Wenhai was shocked, scolding Lin Yunjiao, "How could you push your sister into the water! People could die!"

Lin Yunjiao glared at him, "Mind your own business! Stay put! I won't allow you to rescue her!"

He still wanted to touch the bodies of the two women. How absurd.

Wenhai hesitated, looking towards Madam Wen.

Madam Wen was even more dumbfounded. How did both of them end up falling into the water? Was her son going to marry both sisters?


A figure plunged into the water, causing ripples on the surface of the lotus pond, accompanied by the fragrance of lotus blossoms.

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"Who is that?"

Lin Yunjiao stared blankly at the man who jumped into the water, forgetting about her own drenched state. Her wet clothes clung to her body, outlining her youthful curves.

Lin Yunjiao, Wenhai, and Madam Wen turned around to see the two Lin patriarchs appearing, causing them to panic.

Lin Yunjiao didn't know where to hide, especially since her clothes were still wet!

"Wenhai, quickly, pull His Highness out of the water!" Lin Huabin ordered in panic.

First Master Lin couldn't care less and went into the water himself to rescue him. Lin Huabin, fearing something might happen to Prince Huan in the Lin mansion, helped pull Qi Lingheng ashore.

"Miss Yunjiao is over there," Lin Yunjiao's maid's voice came from another direction, speaking tearfully to the stewardesses.

A large crowd gathered at the edge of the lotus pond.

Qi Lingheng carried Lin Yunwan out of the water.

Afú emerged from the crowd and quickly brought Qi Lingheng's clothes, helping him put them on. However, Qi Lingheng covered Lin Yunwan with the clothes, enveloping her in his arms to shield her from prying eyes.

He cast a cold glance at the First Master Lin, commanding in a deep voice, "Clear the area. I and Miss Lin need to change clothes."

The Lin patriarch nodded blankly, dragging his soaked lower body, "Yes, yes, of course."

Such a big incident had surely alerted the Lin matriarch. The First Madam hurried over to manage the situation, preparing guest rooms, clothes, and hot water.

Lin Yunjiao followed suit, but she had already forgotten about her own fall into the water, her mind only recalling how her father referred to that young and noble man—the Prince.

"Huan... he's Prince Huan, he actually is Prince Huan!"

"So, Prince Huan saved... my eldest legitimate sister?"

Lin Yunjiao was completely dumbfounded.

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  1. LOL

    This is great!!
    I believe there was only one novel I've read where the heroine fell into the water and had to marry, but I think it was in a past life/and rly due to calculations.

    Who'd think Lin Yunwan would really go "oh, let me conveniently fall into the water so we can speed up the marriage" 😂
    She's so well behaved and cautious, I truly wasn't expecting this.
    I mean, this IS quite a risk.
    Instead of rightfully marrying they could have made her a concubine because of this, or could incur her in-laws dislike (tho there's a chance they'd be treating any woman who "fix" their son like an ancestor lol).

    It's a bit sad that the romance was kinda subdued (this could easily have had pride and prejudice vibes), but it goes to show that she really trusts him :)


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