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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 17: 

 Four Ounces Can Move Thousands of Pounds

Everyone was stunned to see that even Ouyang Nuan had arrived. The steward Sun, who was quite discerning, quickly stepped forward and greeted her respectfully, "Greetings to Eldest Miss." Seeing him do so, the others followed suit and bowed, saying, "Miss, be well."

Ouyang Nuan watched as the servants followed Sun into the flower hall, and after adjusting her attire, she returned the gesture of respect. She gently spoke, "There's no need for so much formality. Today, it's Li Niniang who wants to meet with you. I'm just here to accompany her, so you don't have to pay attention to me. Just focus on talking with her."

Afterward, Ouyang Nuan glanced at Sun and asked slowly, "Have you all understood the instructions from Old Madam?"

Sun He bowed again, saying, "Miss, as per your instructions, we are aware."

Ouyang Nuan nodded and replied, "That's good to hear. Li Niniang has just arrived at our residence, and she may not be familiar with many things. With your presence, I believe she should have no difficulty managing the affairs of the household. Isn't that right, Chief Steward Sun?"

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Sun He and the other stewards bowed and replied, "Miss, rest assured, we will do our best."

After Ouyang Nuan finished speaking, she remained silent and simply took the tea that the maid had brought, sipping it gently.

The crowd looked at Miss Ouyang, who sat gracefully at the head, speaking slowly and elegantly, with a refined and gentle demeanor that commanded respect.

Standing in the hall, Li Niniang smiled at everyone. "There's nothing much today, just here to meet everyone and get acquainted. There will be many tasks to trouble you all in the future, so I hope everyone will do their best to assist me."

Upon hearing Li Niniang speak, all the servants relaxed. After all, the arrival of a new official often meant some initial challenges. They didn't take this new mistress too seriously—it was just the same old routine.

Meanwhile, a maid brought a chair for Li Niniang, but she chose to sit beside Miss Ouyang, continuing her inquiries: "Which one of you will tell me about the tasks each of you is responsible for?"

In the crowd, a middle-aged woman with a round face and short stature went through several emotional changes. Stepping forward, she exclaimed loudly, "Niniang, your considerations are too hasty. How can we clarify everything in such a short time? Moreover, those who come from outside naturally need to be thoroughly questioned, but we, who have served the Ouyang family for decades, are standing here. Is it necessary to treat us like this? If Niniang has any questions, she can go and ask the Old Madam directly, can't she?"

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Li Niniang was taken aback. She thought that with the presence of Ouyang Nuan here, at least these people would maintain some respect on the surface. However, they unexpectedly disregarded even the Ouyang family's young mistress. She wanted to speak up but couldn't recall the name of this servant.

"Qian Mama," Ouyang Nuan's tea cup lid collided crisply with the saucer as she set it down. She suppressed her smile, calmly fixing her gaze on the woman who had spoken earlier. Her eyes were cold and clear, tinged with a hint of chilliness. Qian Mama's forehead began to bead with sweat; she couldn't understand how a young girl of about twelve could exude such intimidating aura!

The hall fell into a profound silence as everyone waited with bated breath.

"According to Mama Qian's opinion, what should Aunt Li do to handle this situation?" Ouyang Nuan spoke softly, her tone devoid of anger.

Qian Mama breathed a sigh of relief and lifted her chin slightly. "In the past, when Madam managed the household affairs, we never encountered such troubles. We just need to follow the established rules, as they were originally set by Madam. Is there anything wrong with that? Aunt Li is new to her position, but there's no need to complicate matters. Everyone has their own tasks to handle, so why make things more complicated than necessary?"

Ouyang Nuan glanced at Qian Mama, knowing full well that she must be aligned with Madam Lin. It was clear to her that ordinary servants wouldn't dare to speak out of turn at a time like this, especially with words so obviously disrespectful and defiant towards her.

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Qian Mama, seeing Ouyang Nuan's smile, paused for a moment, feeling unsettled. Why was the young mistress smiling at this moment? Even if she was adept at concealing her anger, she shouldn't be smiling. Yet, Qian Mama was determined to provoke Ouyang Nuan. It would be best if she were dragged out and given a sound thrashing. That way, she could firmly assert that she was punished for upholding Madam's rules. No matter how Ouyang Nuan chose to deal with her, it wouldn't bode well for her reputation.

Ouyang Nuan smiled and asked her, "Oh, did I say I wanted to change the rules set by my mother? Niniang, are you suggesting that you want to change the rules of this estate?"

Li Niniang immediately replied, "Of course not, Miss. I just want to understand the situation of the estate for easier management."

Under normal circumstances, when a new master takes charge of the household, they typically introduce some new rules to demonstrate their uniqueness and decisive leadership. Qian Mama had believed Li Niniang's intention was also to do so. However, she indeed did not express it explicitly. Qian Mama hesitated and said, "This servant thought..."

"Oh—So the servants in this household have become so clever that they can speculate about what's on their master's mind? Or are you trying to teach me how to do things?" replied Ouyang Nuan, her tone icy.

Qian Mama broke out in a cold sweat on her forehead, looking somewhat panicked. The young miss's words were completely different from what she had expected. At this rate, won't the blame fall on her? However, she had nothing to fear. The madam had promised to support her! With this in mind, she straightened her back and plucked up the courage to say, "Young Miss, I'm just reminding you to avoid making mistakes and facing blame from the madam afterwards..."

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Ouyang Nuan stared at Qian Mama, her gentle voice laced with a chilling coldness that sent shivers down the spine. "So, should I thank you for teaching me how to handle things? It seems that I, the young mistress of the Ouyang family, am not as competent as you, a mere stewardess. Should I trouble you to guide me in my tasks? Or perhaps, let's make it simpler. I'll go and inform the Old Madam that from tomorrow onwards, you'll be in charge of managing the Ouyang residence, and everyone else will follow your orders, alright?"

Upon hearing this, Qian Mama broke into a cold sweat. The young mistress was indeed formidable with her words. She felt completely trapped and immediately dropped to her knees, trembling as she spoke, "I dare not. I never meant such a thing."

Ouyang Nuan said coldly, "I thought you were here to assist me and Aunt Li, but now it seems more like you're creating obstacles for us."

Qian Mama's back was soon drenched in sweat as she hurriedly exclaimed, "I dare not, I dare not..." Her tone changed rapidly, resorting to calling herself "old slave" so quickly. Ouyang Nuan sneered inwardly at this.

Sun He, sensing the situation turning unfavorable, hastily intervened, saying with a forced smile, "Qian Mama misspoke due to her old age, please forgive her, Miss! Please forgive!"

Ouyang Nuan remained calm and unruffled, showing no signs of anger. With a gentle smile, she whispered softly, "Yesterday, Grandmother mentioned that there are too many idle people in the mansion who like to gossip but do little work. Since Qian Mama is getting older, it might be better for her to retire."

Qian Mama trembled slightly and hurriedly responded, "Miss, you're right. I was confused for a moment. I won't dare to do it again. From now on, whatever you say, we will do." 

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Ouyang Nuan smiled gently, her dimples showing, "Can Qian Mama remember what she's saying now? Don't forget it as soon as you turn around."

"I dare not forget! Never! Never!" Qian Mama repeatedly kowtowed, her forehead turning red from the impact. Ouyang Nuan waved her hand casually, and Qian Mama hurriedly retreated, her body soaked with cold sweat.

Ouyang Nuan leaned back slowly into the high-backed chair, sipping her tea lightly. "Anyone who can't remember this in the future is not fit for service in this household."

Originally, everyone thought Ouyang Nuan, with her gentle and delicate appearance, would be easy to deal with, like a half-grown child. But to their surprise, with just a light smile and a gentle reprimand, she quelled the atmosphere without even losing her temper or saying much. In doing so, she silenced everyone, leaving Li Niniang astonished at the sudden silence. For the first time, she experienced the feeling of being respected as a person in power, and it filled her with a sense of pride, as if she shared in that respect as well.

Ouyang Nuan saw the faint smirk on Li Yue'e's lips and inwardly chuckled. She knew that if Li Yue'e thought that Madam Lin's obstruction was just that simple, then she was being too naive. This was just the beginning; there would be more challenges and obstacles awaiting her ahead.

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