Chapter 16 TGBW


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 Chapter 16: 

Eating Meat ・Business Booming 

The future seems bright, but reality is rather bleak.

"Yes, we can go to the county seat[1]," said Lou Jian Jia as she finished washing the pot.

Madam Zhao had never been to the county seat, and she rarely ventured even to the town. The thought of the distant and prosperous county seat made her both nervous and excited.

"Or... maybe we shouldn't go," Madam Zhao said as she placed the firewood into the bottom of the pot.

As a rural person, she felt it would be embarrassing to go to the county seat.

"Alright, we won't go to the county seat," Lou Jian Jia said.

However, she silently added in her mind. Not to the county seat, but to the capital.

Hearing her daughter-in-law's words, Madam Zhao felt both relieved and slightly disappointed.

However, soon these emotions were replaced by the attraction of the dishes in front of them.

The potatoes and meat were already cut into pieces.

After finishing her words, Lou Jian Jia put the sliced pork belly into a pot of cold water, added seasoning, blanched it, and then washed it thoroughly.

Madam Zhao felt heartbroken watching Lou Jian Jia pour out the water used to cook the meat. She opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but seeing Lou Jian Jia busy at work, she didn't say anything.

Lou Jian Jia didn't notice Madam Zhao's expression.

She cleaned the pot, heated it up, and then put the pork belly in, stir-frying it to render out the fat and give it a slight brown color. She then removed it from the pot and set it aside.

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Next, she added sugar to the pot and stir-fried it until it turned slightly yellow. Then she added back the pork belly, stir-frying until it turned slightly golden, before adding the scallions, ginger, garlic, and some more seasoning. She stirred everything evenly.

After frying, she poured in some boiling water, covered the pot, and started to simmer the dish.

Madam Zhao watched Lou Jian Jia cooking the whole time, marveling at her skill.

When Lou Jian Jia covered the pot, Madam Zhao couldn't help but ask, "With both sugar and salt, won't the flavors clash?"

Lou Jian Jia explained, "No, Mother. Sugar can enhance color and freshness."

Still feeling puzzled, Madam Zhao asked, "But isn't sugar sweet?"

Lou Jian Jia smiled and replied, "Mother, you'll see in a moment."

Seeing Lou Jian Jia's confident smile, Madam Zhao's doubts disappeared, and she felt a sense of anticipation.

When the aroma filled the air, Madam Zhao couldn't help but exclaim, "It smells amazing."

She hadn't realized meat could be prepared in this way.

In the past, she had always either stir-fried or stewed it, never imagining there were so many possibilities.

"Later, Mother, have some more," Lou Jian Jia said.

"Alright..." Madam Zhao began, then quickly changed her mind, "No, um, don't worry about it. You and your father should eat more, I'll just waste it if I eat."

Lou Jian Jia smiled but didn't say anything more.

After stewing the meat, Lou Jian Jia added the diced potatoes and stirred them in, letting them cook for about ten minutes until they became soft and absorbed the sauce before serving them.

Meanwhile, Madam Zhao cleaned the pots in the kitchen while Lou Jian Jia went to the vegetable garden to pick some cucumbers and green beans.

After washing them, she boiled the green beans until they were cooked, then cut them into pieces.

She smashed the cucumbers, cut them into pieces, and placed them in a dish.

After preparing these, she chopped some garlic, made a sauce, and poured it into two dishes.

Lou Jian Jia worked quickly, and the two cold dishes were soon ready.

Today, the Chu family indulged in four dishes and steamed white rice.

Madam Zhao was most curious about the braised potato with pork dish.

Looking at the richly colored and aromatic braised pork, Madam Zhao picked up a chopstick and carefully tasted a mouthful.

Before even biting into the meat, the flavor of the broth had already filled her mouth.

Suddenly, Madam Zhao's eyes lit up.

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"The taste is wonderful!" Madam Zhao exclaimed with delight. "Not too sweet at all, and very delicious."

Afterwards, she turned to Old Master Chu and said, "Old man, you must try it."

Old Master Chu chuckled and said, "Alright, alright."

Everyone enjoyed the meal immensely.

Madam Zhao particularly favored the braised pork, while Old Master Chu clearly enjoyed the minced pork with eggplant.

At first, Madam Zhao was reluctant to eat too much, but with the persuasion of Old Master Chu and Luo Jianjia, she couldn't help but eat more quickly.

As the weather gradually warmed up, and it wasn't advisable to keep the dishes for too long, the three of them finished all four dishes, feeling extremely full.

"I haven't had such a good meal in a long time, it's like celebrating New Year's... no, even better than New Year's," Madam Zhao said with a smile.

Old Master Chu nodded in agreement.

While they were chatting, Madam Zhao suddenly thought of another person at home.

"Oh..." Madam Zhao sighed deeply. "I wonder how Leng'er is doing now."

As a mother, she couldn't help but think of her son who was out of touch whenever she enjoyed a delicious meal.

Hearing his son's name, Old Master Chu's smile disappeared instantly, and he couldn't help but sigh.

Luo Jian Jia, who was savoring the meat just now, suddenly heard the name of the male protagonist and her eyes flickered.

Madam Zhao looked at the broth in the bowl, choking up as she said, "I don't even know if he can have a bite of meat."

Old Master Chu sighed softly and said solemnly, "Just being alive is enough."

At the mention of "alive," tears streamed down Madam Zhao's face uncontrollably.

~ Part 2 ~

Seeing Madam Zhao and Old Master Chu in such a state, Luo Jian Jia couldn't bear it.

Especially now, after spending so much time together, their relationship was different from before.

She couldn't stand seeing Madam Zhao so despondent.

Luo Jian Jia lowered her head and looked at Madam Zhao's trembling hand, reaching out to hold it.

Feeling the slight warmth on the back of her hand, Madam Zhao looked up at Luo Jianjia.

"Mother, he... My... husband must still be alive," Luo Jianjia said firmly.

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Luo Jian Jia had said this countless times already, and Madam Zhao had become somewhat numb to it, though she still felt worried every time she heard it, despite feeling happy at the same time.

"Since he's alive, why hasn't he come back to visit even once?" Madam Zhao complained slightly. "At the very least, he could send a message home."

"He might be too busy, or there could be other reasons," Lou Jian Jia reasoned, trying to find excuses for the male lead.

She had read the novel in its entirety, but she couldn't remember all the details, let alone why the male lead hadn't returned in these past few years.

The despair on Madam Zhao's face remained, making her look instantly older.

Old Master Chu was usually much more clear-headed than Madam Zhao, but today, for some reason, he seemed just as despondent, hanging his head in silence.

Lou Jian Jia remained silent for a long time before saying, "Perhaps he'll be back soon."

Instantly, both Madam Zhao and Old Master Chu looked over at her.

"Soon?" Old Master Chu murmured.

"Lou Jian Jia, what do you mean by that?" Madam Zhao asked anxiously.

Unable to bear it, Lou Jian Jia began to lie.

"I heard it from some travelers at the dock a few days ago. They said the soldiers at the border might have leave and could be coming back soon," Lou Jian Jia explained.

Madam Zhao's heart soared with hope, but she had waited too long and feared it might be another false alarm. She asked again, "Did they say when?"

Lou Jian Jia thought that Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao worrying all day wasn't good for their health. Besides, the male lead really was coming back soon, so she decided to give them both some reassurance.

"Next month," she replied.

Next month.

This was an incredibly precise timing.

Precise to the point where it felt tangible.

Three years.

A full three years.

It was the first time Madam Zhao and Old Master Chu had heard such a clear timeline.

Upon hearing this information, their demeanor immediately changed from somber to joyful, unlike moments before.

"Jian Jia, can Leng'er really come back next month?" Madam Zhao's voice choked with emotion.

Tears mingled with smiles.

Lou Jian Jia nodded. "Yes, next month."

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If the timeline in the book hasn't changed due to her arrival, then it's next month.

"That's good, that's good. It's good that he's coming back... I need to tidy up, the house is too messy," Madam Zhao said, already starting to get up to clean.

Old Master Chu was clearly happy too.

However, he still had some rationality left.

After the excitement passed, he pulled on Madam Zhao's sleeve and said, "Dear, don't get too excited. Our daughter-in-law just said it was what someone else said; this might not necessarily be true."

"It should be true, shouldn't it?" The joy on Madam Zhao's face diminished slightly. "Otherwise, they wouldn't say it like this."

Saying this, Madam Zhao turned to look at Lou Jian Jia, seemingly seeking her support and affirmation.

Lou Jian Jia caught the look and glanced at Old Master Chu.

"Father's consideration isn't unreasonable," Lou Jian Jia said.

Just as she finished speaking, the smile on Madam Zhao's face disappeared. She immediately added, "However, whether it's true or not, we'll know next month. Mother doesn't need to be sad now. Let's wait until next month."

Old Master Chu also agreed, "Yes, let's wait until next month."

This statement was not only comforting his wife but also himself.

The news Lou Jian Jia received last night was like a small stone thrown into calm waters, causing ripples.

The next morning, she noticed that both Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao had unusually dark circles under their eyes, indicating they hadn't slept well.

It was surprising that despite the lack of sleep, they both seemed very energetic.

After getting up, Madam Zhao immediately started tidying up, feeding the chickens, and sweeping the yard. Since Lou Jian Jia arrived, these chores had been done by her.

Unexpectedly, Madam Zhao started working again today.

"Mother, let me do it," said Lou Jian Jia.

"No need, no need, I'll do it. You take a break," Madam Zhao said with a smile.

Having spent a long time with Madam Zhao, Lou Jian Jia could probably sense that her words were firm, and she genuinely didn't want her help.

Seeing that there wasn't much work to do, Lou Jian Jia suggested, "Alright, then I'll go cook."

"Okay, you go cook," said Madam Zhao.

Lou Jian Jia went to make carrot pancakes and brewed a pot of egg and vegetable soup.

After finishing cooking, Old Master Chu returned.

She thought he had gone for a stroll in the village, but he came back carrying a bundle of firewood.

"Dad, why did you go chopping firewood again? Didn't we agree that I would handle these things?" Lou Jian Jia frowned slightly.

Old Master Chu wasn't in good health, so Lou Jian Jia took on all the heavy and tiring tasks herself. After all, she was very strong and didn't find these tasks difficult at all.

Old Master Chu smiled and said, "Well, it's better to stay active than idle. It's good for the body."

During the meal, Lou Jian Jia glanced at Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao several times.

They seemed a bit strange today, looking very cheerful.

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Could it be because the male lead is coming back?

Not long after, Lou Jian Jia overheard Old Master Chu and Madam Zhao mentioning the male lead.

Indeed, that was the reason.

After the meal, Madam Zhao started cleaning the house, tidying up here and there.

Lou Jian Jia felt slightly puzzled for a moment but then let the matter go.

Being happy is always better than being sad, and when one's mood improves, their health tends to follow suit.

She was glad to see these two in such good spirits.

Due to the success of yesterday's egg fried rice sales, Lou Jian Jia cooked an additional two jin of it today.

These five jin of egg fried rice quickly sold out.

There were even customers from yesterday who came back to buy more.

They waited specifically for Lou Jian Jia and her family to arrive after stocking up and then left from there. Upon buying, they purchased three jin, eating them on the way.

At five wen per portion, three jin amounted to just seventy-five wen, which was a drop in the bucket for them. The quantity wasn't important; what mattered was the taste.

Even more surprisingly, today was the first time Luo Jian Jia received a tip; twenty-five wen.

The merchant gave a silver coin without asking for change.

Suddenly, they became the center of attention in the neighborhood. While everyone else was making a few wen, they received silver.

The unexpected attention left Madam Zhao and Old Master Chu both excited and somewhat bewildered.

However, Luo Jian Jia handled it with ease.

After turning down several times, she accepted the silver coin.

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The surrounding people looked at them with envy, beginning to whisper among themselves.

The people around their place also asked, "Uncle and auntie, why do so many people still buy this egg fried rice when the portion is so small?"

Madam Zhao explained, "Because the ingredients are good, we use expensive rice and oil, so the taste is very good."

Before long, other merchants at the dock also noticed the situation here, and some were recommended by the previous merchant.

In less than a minute, all the remaining egg fried rice was sold out, and some people missed out.

One of the customers asked, "Boss, do you still have egg fried rice?"

Old Master Chu replied, "No, it's all sold out just now."

The merchant frowned.

Seeing the dissatisfaction of the customers, Old Master Chu and Zhao didn't know what to do. They regretted not cooking enough today and worried that the customers would get angry.

Seeing the unsold stir-fried dishes beside them, Luo Jianjia asked, "How about trying some of these?"

The merchant glanced at the stir-fried dishes but didn't say anything.

Luo Jianjia continued to promote, "Both the egg fried rice and these stir-fried dishes are cooked by me, and they taste similar."

Upon hearing this, the merchant gave Luo Jianjia a reluctant look and said, "Okay, I'll have some of that."

Madam Zhao didn't expect this turn of events and looked at her daughter-in-law with admiration before happily serving the food to the customers.

People always have an innate curiosity.

Initially uninterested in the food sold by Luo Jian Jia's stall, the merchants couldn't resist coming over to buy some when they saw how happy others were while eating.

Usually, it took more than half a day to sell out their food, but today, it was sold out in less than half that time.

Seeing the bustling business at Memory Lane, the surrounding merchants looked at them with envy and jealousy.

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[1] County seat: refers to the administrative center or town of a county. It's a term commonly used in some regions to denote the primary town where county government offices and services are located. In this context, it signifies a larger and more urbanized area compared to the village where Madam Zhao and Lou Jian Jia reside.

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