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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 154: 

Marriage Arraignments 

"The nanny talked about many things about the Lin family that wouldn't have been told to Miss Lin." Xi Ru sighed, 'I didn't expect Miss Lin's maternal relatives to be so wealthy in the past! Unfortunately, they fell on hard times later on. Otherwise, Lin Huabin wouldn't have dared to send Miss Lin to the countryside."

Lin Yunwan contemplated for a moment and instructed Xiruo, "Go find out how Ling Xiang is doing now."

"Give her the money she was promised. It still needs to be given to her."


Once everything was clarified, the senior mistress intended to release Ling Xiang. However, Old Madam Lin had given instructions, so it couldn't be done casually.

The senior mistress personally asked Ling Xiang, "Do you want to stay in Jiang Qian or do you want to go back?"

Without hesitation, Ling Xiang replied, "I want to go back!"

She quickly explained, "Not back there! I want to go back to my own home! I still have siblings... I want to go back and find them."

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If it weren't for the fact that the mistress sold her to someone, she would have been with her siblings now.

And her elderly parents... she didn't even know how they were doing now!

The senior mistress nodded and said, "Then I'll have someone escort you back."

Ling Xiang declined, saying, "No need, I have... I have money. I can find my own way back. I know how to get there."

She was already free and no longer feared being pursued by the authorities as an escaped slave.

The senior mistress didn't say much more and just said, "Alright. You may go." She instructed the servant by her side to escort Ling Xiang out of the Lin residence.

After Ling Xiang took the money and left the Lin residence, she disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The servant who escorted her returned to report to the senior mistress, "Someone has been assigned to follow her."

After pondering for a moment, the senior mistress said, "The old mistress wants them to keep a close watch, to see if she truly goes home and who she meets once she's there."

The servant replied, "Madam, rest assured, I've already informed the person who went."

Ling Xiang returned to her hometown with the money, reunited with her relatives, and found shelter at her family's home. They even prepared a feast for her.

Her mother had passed away, and her father was now hard of hearing.

She divided some of the money and gave it to her father, as well as to her siblings.

When her family asked about her future plans, whether she wanted to return and be with her children or...

Ling Xiang shook her head tearfully and said, "I don't want to go back anymore!"

Her family didn't insist any further.

Ling Xiang tightly held her father's hand and said, "Dad, I'll stay by your side from now on and take care of you in your old age."

Her father, being deaf, nodded when he saw his daughter's mouth moving.

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When people in the village asked about her, her siblings and sisters-in-law would say, "Poor sister, she's a widow. She's come back to take care of Dad in his old age."

Ling Xiang gradually settled down in the village.

When the First Madam heard about it, she frowned and asked, "Hasn't she gone to see anyone?"

The person who had gone with her reported, "No, she just stays at home every day, feeding the chickens and pigs."

After some consideration, the First Madam decided to truthfully inform the Old Madam.

"The Old Madam, do we need to continue inquiring?" 

The Old Madam replied with closed eyes, "No need."

With everything investigated thoroughly, there was nothing more to inquire about.

Who had Second Young Master offended?


"The girl, Ling Xiang, has returned to her hometown."

After pondering for a while, Lin Yunwan said to Xiruo, "We don't need to worry about her for now."

Ling Xiang didn't even bother to come and collect the money from her, it seems that the prince has already handled it well. 

If she were to meddle further, she might leave herself vulnerable.

"What's the date?" 

Xiruo promptly replied with the date.

Ling Yunwan furrowed her brows slightly. "It's almost May..." She sighed, "The child is almost a month old." Zhuqing's daughter... it's a girl, right?

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A maid entered and conveyed, bowing her head, "Miss Xiruo, Madam Dong has sent over an invitation."

Of course, here's the revised passage with "Lin Yunwan":

Xiruo immediately went to fetch the invitation and handed it to Lin Yunwan.

Lin Yunwan looked at the invitation and smiled. "Shuangshuang invited me to meet at the Cien Temple."

Xiruo frowned. "But how will you go out?"

Ever since her argument with Lin Huabin, Madam Zheng hadn't left the house and stopped attending to household matters. She even forbade her daughter from paying respects.

It's not that she didn't want to manage things, but she heard her reputation had been tarnished and Lin Yunjiao was causing a ruckus, making it difficult for her to intervene.

Lin Yunwan said calmly, "Just go directly to Zhao Mama and tell her I want to pay respects, and ask her to arrange it. Say that Master has agreed."

Xiruo went to Zhao Mama to discuss the matter of going out, and Zhao Mama sought Lin Huabin's approval.

"Master, Miss said she wants to go to the Cien Temple to offer incense to... to... Madam Xian."

Zhao Mama was actually hesitant to mention Madame Xian. 

Knowing that things were unsettled in the mansion recently, she didn't want to bring up sensitive topics. But to her surprise, Master didn't show any anger.

Lin Huabin calmly said, "Madam is busy, take Miss out."

Zhao Mama responded, "Yes."

She was puzzled as she went out to make arrangements... Master indeed doted on Miss a lot!

In the past half month, Lin Huabin's complexion had been poor, far from his usual gentle demeanor; his gaze was always dark.

In the evening, he still went to Madam Zheng's room.

The couple still didn't talk much.

Madam Zheng sat on the couch, her face still smeared with green ointment, with a long scratch visible. 

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Everyone thought she had been slapped during an argument with Lin Huabin, but in reality, it was when they were pushing each other that she accidentally hit the table and got scratched by scissors!

The wound wasn't deep, but it was bound to leave a scar. She valued her appearance greatly and refused to see anyone now.

"How's your face?"

Lin Huabin sat down, took a scroll of book, and said calmly, "The doctor said when the wound itches, it means it's healing. Take care of your hands."

Madam Zheng bowed her head, tears streaming down her face, and pitifully said, "I should have died long ago!"

Lin Huabin put down the book, his expression cold, and said, "Why are you saying such things again!"

Madam Zheng wiped her tears with a handkerchief.

"Now everyone outside says I'm a malicious stepmother. I never wanted to be that kind of person. We grew up together, and I always thought I'd marry you. If it weren't for the old lady's interference... how could I not tolerate Miss Lin? I may be foolish, I may seem malicious, but has anyone ever considered that if I were your lawful wife, our child would be our only child? Would I have any reason to drive away your other children with other women?"

As she spoke, she grew increasingly distressed, and the wound on her face seemed on the verge of reopening.

Unable to bear it, Lin Huabin grabbed her hand and said, "Alright, stop crying. I... I haven't blamed you, have I?"

Madam Zheng complained, "But you only come once every five or seven days..."

Lin Huabin fell silent. Of course, he was still angry, that's why he deliberately ignored Madam Zheng.

"After this, refrain from such actions. If Old Madam catches wind of it, the rumors outside will be even more unpleasant," Lin Huabin said sternly.

Madam Zheng agreed, and cautiously proposed, "Master, I know I've made mistakes. Can you give me a chance to make it up to Miss Lin Yunwan?"

Lin Huabin was skeptical. He asked coldly, "How do you intend to make amends?"

Madam Zheng replied, "As long as I can restore our reputation, I'm willing to do anything. I want to arrange a good marriage for Miss Lin Yunwan."

Lin Huabin pushed her away, firmly refusing, "No. Yunwan's marriage is none of your concern." He scrutinized Madam Zheng and added, "Stay out of Yunwan's marriage affairs."

He stormed off in anger.

Zheng Shi sat trembling on the couch, realizing she had misunderstood her position with her husband and daughter. She had thought they were the most important people in his life, but it seemed she was mistaken.

"In that case, it's even more crucial to arrange a good marriage for her," she murmured to herself.

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