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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 146: 


"You have only one chance, make the most of it." 

Lin Yunwan spoke to the kneeling Ling Xiang.

Ling Xiang understood that Miss was not joking with her. She nodded and said, "I understand, I understand..."

"Let's go."

Taking Xiruo with her, Lin Yunwan left the room. Someone was guarding the room, and Lin Yunwan went to the innermost room to meet with Qi Lingheng.

"Your Highness."

Qi Lingheng asked her directly, "Is the interrogation over? What's your plan?"

Lin Yunwan then shared her thoughts with Qi Lingheng.

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"Take the case to the authorities. No matter how prestigious the Lin family is, they can't act recklessly on your territory. You've just been appointed as the Lord of Jiangqian. A new official in town lights three fires. I believe the head of the Lin family isn't that foolish."

They were leveraging the momentum of Prince Huan's fiefdom.

"Besides, Old Madam Lin's birthday is coming soon."

"Prominent families in Jiangqian will all come to celebrate the Old Madam's birthday. I don't want to ruin her celebration."

Qi Lingheng smiled faintly.

She knew to consider others, but would the people of the Lin family consider her in return?

Lin Yunwan suddenly felt that she had said too much. She slightly bowed and said, "I feel guilty about having you personally handle my affairs."

She did not hear Qi Lingheng's response. After waiting for a while, she finally heard him sigh and say, "It's a bit troublesome."

Lin Yunwan was taken aback, feeling even more guilty.

"What's the identity of the prince that he personally cares so much about this trivial matter, running back and forth..."

"Miss Lin, doing things like this is too exhausting. Have you ever thought about taking a simpler path?"

A simpler path? What is a simpler path? Where does she have a simpler path to take! Lin Yunwan frowned, feeling a bit strange in her heart...

"Your Highness, you should leave now."

"A'Fu mentioned, "Tomorrow, you need to inspect the Jiangqian Guard station. Today, you have to meet with the commander of the Jiangqian Guard and the overall military commander of the province."

Qi Lingheng and Lin Yunwan said, "I can't stay longer."

He walked over to her and said, "I will instruct A'Fu to handle your matter. However, things don't always go smoothly. Sometimes, you have to be a bit more ruthless than others."

Xiruo waited until Qi Lingheng was far away before entering and speaking to Lin Yunwan, "Miss, shall we go back now?"

"Yes, let's go back."

Lin Yunwan absentmindedly went back to find Madam Zheng. She was so preoccupied that she didn't even speak to Xiruo until they returned to the Lin Residence.

"Miss, you're back." 

Xue, who was guarding the door, saw Lin Yunwan returning and immediately greeted her.

Lin Yunwan nodded, "Has anything happened in the mansion?"

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Xue shook her head, "Everything is normal. The Master is in his study, and Madam is resting in her room. There haven't been any unusual activities."

Lin Yunwan pondered for a moment and said, "Alright, you may go about your duties. I have something to attend to in my room."

As Xue left, Lin Yunwan walked towards her room. She had a thoughtful expression, and her mind was occupied with the recent events.

Entering her room, Lin Yunwan found a quiet place to sit. She took a deep breath and muttered to herself, "Everything is becoming more complicated. I need to figure out the truth behind these schemes and conspiracies."

As she contemplated the situation, a servant knocked on her door and informed her that dinner was ready. Lin Yunwan decided to join the family for dinner, hoping to gather more information about the current state of affairs.

At the dining table, the atmosphere was tense. Lin Yunwan observed the interactions between family members and the servants, trying to discern any subtle clues. However, everyone seemed to be on edge, and the conversation avoided sensitive topics.

After dinner, Lin Yunwan returned to her room to plan her next moves. She knew that she needed to be cautious and strategic to navigate the intricate web of family politics and hidden agendas.


Lin Yunwan snapped out of her thoughts and asked, "What is it?"

Xiruo brewed tea and said, "You haven't spoken since we returned. Are you worried that things won't work out for Ling Xiang?"

Lin Yunwan smiled and shook her head. She wouldn't worry about such a trivial matter. She replied, "With Ling Xiang in the hands of the prince, everything will work out."

"What time is it?"

"It's almost the end of the Shen hour[1]."

"Wait until it's dark, then go and dig out what Ling Xiang mentioned. Find a way to deliver it to her hands. Don't alert anyone tonight."

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Xirou nodded, saying, "I understand."

After the sky had darkened completely, she stealthily went to the base of the wall at the back of the Bi Xi Tang to dig up the things. With her strength, it took less than two quarters of an hour for her to find the leather bag mentioned by Ling Xiang.

Xiruo opened the leather bag, revealing several layers of items inside. Due to the passage of time, the contents had become worn and indistinguishable, but the handwriting on the innermost prescription was still legible.

"The prescription, indeed." 

Ling Yunwan nodded, "She didn't lie." 

Xiruo said, "...It's been over ten years, even if Ling Xiang wanted to lie, it would be difficult. I believe she spoke the truth." 

"Send it out tomorrow. Do you know how to do it?" 

"I know. However, there might be questions from Madam Zhao."

"Go only once; she might be displeased, but she won't suspect much."

However, having Xiruo frequently leave the estate was inconvenient. What the prince said was true; she was restricted in her actions, lacking her own people and much freedom. Yet, for a woman to gain freedom, she had to marry and bear children.

"Xiruo, clean your hands and extinguish the lamp."

Master and servant went to sleep together.

The night passed, and the following morning, Lin Yunwan woke up determined to uncover the truth and bring justice to those who deserved it.


Upon receiving the prescription as evidence, Ling Xiang brought the complaint to the Jiangqian Prefecture government office to accuse the Second Madam of the Lin estate. However, she hadn't hurried to submit the prescription.

The officials in the government office were taken aback when they received the complaint: "Accusing the Second Madam of the Lin family?"

Hastily handing it over to the magistrate, they said, "That woman wants to accuse the Second Madam of the Lin family's Western Residence. Please review it." 

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Upon examining the complaint, the magistrate furrowed his brows. 

He nonchalantly commented, "Transcribe it and send it to Lin Huabin."

How could matters within a prominent family be spread outside? The birthday celebration for the Lin family's old lady was approaching, and the magistrate didn't want to offend the Lin family at this time.

"Understood," the magistrate dispatched a trusted subordinate, instructing, "Go and personally explain it to Lin Huabin. Let him think about how to handle it."

It's been over a decade, and it involves the Lin family's private affairs, making the investigation challenging. First, let's hear what the Lin family has to say.

Lin Huabin returned late today, and when he saw the official from the magistrate's office, it was already nighttime. He invited the official to the study in the inner courtyard for a conversation. The two talked for half an hour, and Lin Huabin personally escorted the official out afterward.

News of the official from the magistrate's office visiting the inner courtyard reached Bi Xi Tang. 

Xiruo whispered, "Miss, it must be about Ling Xiang's matter."

Lin Yunwan responded calmly, "I wonder how Master will handle it."

Should she seek justice for Ling Xiang outside the court, or continue to conceal the truth?

The next day, when she went to pay respects to Madam Zheng, she overheard their marital dispute. Fan Mama approached with an uneasy expression, saying, "Miss, Master is talking with Madam. Let's skip the greetings today!"

Lin Yunwan returned home with Xi Ruo.

As they left, she faintly heard Lin Huabin saying, "I've read the written complaint, and I've heard there's evidence. But the Old Madam's birthday is coming soon! I won't argue with you for now! Let's find her first and then talk!"

As soon as she stepped out, the doors of the master's and madam's courtyards were shut tightly, sealing off any information from leaking out.

Xiruo frowned and said, "Miss, it seems that the master intends to handle Ling Xiang privately..." However, dealing with it privately would lack fairness. 

Lin Yunwan sneered, "The master really doesn't disappoint me."

However, this is the best outcome; then she would have no reservations and could be a bit ruthless. "Xiruo, before Old Madam Lin's birthday, the Lin family is supposed to light three large incense sticks at the Cien Temple. On that day, we'll lead Ling Xiang to Cien Temple and confront her with Miss Lin. Help me pass along the message." At that time, there would be no escaping. 


A'Fu relayed Xiruo's words to Qi Lingheng exactly as they were.

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[1] Shen Hour: In traditional Chinese timekeeping, a day is divided into twelve double-hour periods, each associated with one of the twelve Earthly Branches and designated by a specific Chinese character. The "Shen" hour corresponds to the third double-hour period, specifically from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM in the modern 24-hour clock. Each double-hour is approximately two modern hours long. The Earthly Branches and associated hours are part of the traditional Chinese time system used in various contexts, including astrology and auspicious timing.

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