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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 104: 


"Old Madam, something big has happened!"

On Little New Year's Eve, the Lu family set up a stage to invite a theater troupe for a performance. They also invited relatives to join them for a big New Year's Eve dinner. Before Old Madam Lu went to the flower hall, she heard from Yan Mama that something major had occurred.

She felt a pang in her heart, didn't even have time to grab a string of Buddhist beads, and asked with a furrowed brow, "What happened?"

Yan Mama looked troubled and said, "There's a commotion in the flower hall among the relatives."

"People who are here for the Little New Year, what are they arguing about?"

Yan Mama replied, "It's all because of Mistress Ge."

"Because of her?"

Old Madam Lu dismissively said, "Didn't we already decide not to let her out? What's there to argue about?"

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Yan Mama explained, "The Lins have been causing trouble outside again recently. They're saying that the Lu family shouldn't have brought this concubine back, fearing that they might have the intention of favoring concubines and harming the main wife again."

"Old Madam, now the rumors outside are spreading like wildfire. When our people go out, they are pointed at and scolded by others. Everyone is losing face!"

"And somehow, the topic of Misstress Ge came up in the flower hall..."

Since the negotiation and separation between the two families, resentment had been building up. With such a spark, it was inevitable that conflicts would arise. However, as the Marquis of Wu Ding's residence was the main branch of the Lu family, people still considered the overall harmony of the family.

Yan Mama worriedly said, "If we don't deal with Mistress Ge, I'm afraid the peace within the family won't last much longer..."

Old Madam Lu snorted, saying, "What do they understand!"

"Let Madam go and handle it first. When they learn about my plans later on, they will understand my intentions."

"Now, enduring a bit of shame is only temporary. In case she really forms a connection with the Duke of Xingguo's residence..."

Yan Mama felt extremely uneasy and, thinking about having consumed the poisoned soup, continued, "Old Madam, this servant still believes that our Madam is better. It's not so easy to climb up to the wealth and status of the Duke of Xingguo's residence."

Old Madam Lu sighed, "How could I not know that Yunwan is good!"

"If she no longer aligns with the interests of the Lu family, what does it matter how good she is? The better she is, the more of an obstacle she becomes to our Lu family!"

Yan Mama had nothing to say.

Outside Yu Shou Tang, a commotion had broken out. Old Madam Lu furrowed her brows and asked, "What's going on?"

Yan Mama went out to take a look and returned in a panic, saying, "They've come here to argue! They say they want to send Mistress Ge away!"


Old Madam Lu stood up, intending to go out. From the window, she could see that the situation was getting out of control. She also heard the voices of several assertive women from the clan, as well as an elderly lady of her own generation.

Yan Mama advised, "You better not go out."

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Indeed, Old Madam Lu didn't dare to go out. She returned to her seat. If a scuffle broke out among those women, she would lose all face! She lay down on the bed, closed her eyes, and said, "Just tell them I'm unwell and ask them to disperse. Let's cancel this year's small feast for the Lunar New Year."

Yan Mama felt that hiding was not a solution.

She said, "If you hide tonight, what about the first day of the Lunar New Year when you need to pay New Year's respects? What about the entire Lu family?"

Old Madam Lu replied, "We'll say that I've been ill from today until the Lunar New Year. Once we're past the early days of the first lunar month, and when the anger of the clan has subsided, and the rumors outside have stopped, I can conveniently 'recover' from my illness."

Yan Mama didn't know what else to say. She was just a servant and couldn't speak out too much. In her heart, she felt that the Old Madam cared less and less about her reputation.


After Yan Mama went out, she sighed and persuaded the clan members of the Lu family to leave. Worried about any trouble on New Year's Day, she specifically advised Mistress Ge, "If you don't want trouble, it's best to keep a low profile. The eyes of the Lu family's clan members are all on you!"

Ge Bao'er's face was expressionless as she focused on her embroidery. Yan Mama found her uninteresting and left after speaking. Ge Bao'er stabbed the embroidery needle fiercely into the fabric, giving a cold smile.

"They will all have a miserable end!"

The affairs of the Lu family became a laughingstock in the capital.

During the New Year, while Old Madam Lu continued to feign illness and avoid the members of the Lu clan, neighbors and relatives coming to pay their New Year's respects, discussions about the Lu family's affairs were inevitable.

Lu's servants now even feel ashamed to go out. 

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Yan Mama came to serve the Old Madam and said, "I went to inquire with the servants in Chui Si Tang. I asked everyone who might know, but no one knows where the madam's jade pendant is hidden."

How is it still not found?

Hearing this, the Old Madam felt irritated and said, 'Where on earth could she have hidden it? Could she have been carrying it with her all this time?'

Searching the rooms is one thing, but searching the Madam's person... that's impossible."

Yan Mama asked again, "Old Madam, regarding the plan to administer medicine to the madam, should we proceed or not?"

"Now, of course, we cannot proceed!"

Old Madam Lu frowned and said, "Even though the medicine is not easy to detect, if she experiences any issues after taking it now, and a skilled doctor discovers something during examination, even if we find someone to take the blame, our Lu family won't be able to shake off the reputation of attempting to harm the mistress!"

"Affairs with the concubine are trivial matters, even if it's a bit scandalous for the young master. If anything happens to the mistress, that would be a real problem for the Lu family!"

"Forget about the matter with the medicine for now. Go and call Zhengliu."

"You and I cannot approach Yunwan closely, but Zhengliu is her husband; she can't avoid him."


Seeing the natural expression on the old lady's face, Nanny lowered her head and withdrew.


Lu Zhengliu was in the Yue Xing Ting.

Surprisingly, he felt most comfortable in the mansion when he was here with Zhuqing. 

Zhuqing offered him a cup of tea, saying, "Master, have some tea."

Lu Zhengliu took the tea and asked, "How do you feel now that you're pregnant?"

Zhuqing sat down and smiled, saying, "I feel a bit sleepy and nauseous. Other than that, there's nothing uncomfortable. Madam takes good care of me."

Lu Zhengliu nodded.

Lin Yunwan... She has always been kind to Zhuqing and the maids.


Seeing Yan Mama approaching, Zhuqing stood up to greet her.

Yan Mama smiled and said, "Mistress, please sit. I came to have a few words with Master."

Lu Zhengliu impatiently interrupted, "If it's not something important, please don't bother."

Zhuqing tactfully said, "I'll go outside and collect some snow."

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As the maids accompanied her outside, they heard Lu Zhengliu venting his frustration, smashing a cup.

Yan Mama was also startled, saying, "Master, it's all Madam's idea. Sigh..."

Lu Zhengliu didn't feel like talking. 

He was looked down upon outside, facing rejection in everything he did. Now, back at home, he had to listen to this and that!

Yan Mama helplessly said, "Master, if you find it bothersome, you should ask your own heart which path you truly want to take. Just ignore Madam and follow your own feelings!"

"My heart?"

Lu Zhengliu sneered, "I want to go back to eight years ago, is it possible?"

Eight years ago, he could be closely entwined with Lin Yunwan, harmonious and affectionate. The household was also peaceful, with a good relationship between the Lin family and the Lu family.

"This..." Yan Mama shook her head with a sigh. How could that be possible!

People cannot have both fish and bear's paw; sometimes, one has to make a choice.

"I will go to Yunwan," Lu Zhengliu decided after leaving the Yue Xing Ting. It wasn't for the jade pendant; he just wanted to be close to her.

When he reached the entrance of the Chui Si Tang, he saw the maidservants packing luggage.

"What are you doing?" Lu Zhengliu asked the maidservant coldly. He certainly did not agree to the separation!

Ping Ye, frightened, explained, "Master, Old Madam has been ill since the New Year. Madam is going to the family nunnery to pray for Old Madam's well-being."

Lu Zhengliu, while relieved, remained highly vigilant. The family nunnery of the Lu family was located on the south side of the main street of the Wu Ding Marquis Mansion. One had to leave the mansion to get there. Since there was a small Buddhist hall in the house, why go outside to pray for blessings?

When Lin Yunwan emerged from her quarters, she was dressed entirely in plain colors, with no accessories on her head. She truly looked like a widow or someone who had renounced secular life.

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