Chapter 15: Oh! My Sweet Liar! (Wang Fei Bu Kao Pu)


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Wang Fei Bu Kao Pu

Chapter 15:

(ancient china) a beautiful young woman nervously standing on a path in the palace

Masterpiece, Best Quality, flat, M...

 She is Just a Woman

“Ying’er, why make such a fuss over a mere woman?” Li Jingsui stepped forward, speaking casually.

Xiong Xiru nodded in agreement, “Yes, yes, I’m just a woman. There’s no need to fuss over me.”

Why must things always end in punishment or death? It’s no fun at all.

“Cough, it seems this young lady may have misunderstood my meaning,” Li Jingsui suddenly cleared his throat and changed his tone.


I misunderstood? What do you mean? Xiong Xiru looked at Li Jingsui in surprise.

Aren’t you here to plead on my behalf?

Li Jingsui continued, “The palace is filled with countless beauties. Ying’er, as the Crown Prince, you can have any woman you want. If you need someone to bear your child, there are many to choose from. It’s better to deal with a woman who upsets you sooner rather than later.”

Ugh, you’re a bastard! Not only are you not helping, but you’re also encouraging the Crown Prince to get rid of me. What good does that do you? Damn it!

I see now; no one here is a good person!

Xiong Xiru tightened her grip on the Crown Prince’s legs, “No, no, don’t get rid of me. I won’t make you angry anymore. I’ll make you laugh. I’ll draw comics for you every day so you’ll be happy and never angry with me again. Please, don’t get rid of me…” Tears streamed down her face.

Why is it so hard to save my own life?

“Is it you who drew these comics?” Li Hongyi, surprisingly, didn’t push Xiong Xiru away but looked at her with curiosity.

He had thought the comics were a new work from Dong Yuan, not realizing that this madwoman had created them.

Xiong Xiru nodded vigorously, “Yes, yes, I drew them. Please, don’t get rid of me. I’ll keep drawing comics for you.”

Xiong Xiru finally understood what the tale “One Thousand and One Nights” was about. To avoid being killed by the king, the heroine used storytelling to captivate him, preserving her life for another day.

Now, Xiong Xiru was in a similar tragic situation, using comics as bait to save her own life.

Li Hongyi looked down at Xiong Xiru clinging to his legs with a hint of surprise in his eyes. He hadn’t expected the startling comics were her work. It was surprising that someone so eccentric could have such talent.

It made sense, though. Only someone as unconventional as her could create such rule-breaking, chaotic artworks.

Seeing Li Hongyi’s sudden change in attitude, Li Jingsui was puzzled. Could it really be that the comics made Li Hongyi smile, and not for any other reason? He was now curious about what made these palace maid's comics so special.

“Get up. I won’t kill you,” Li Hongyi said suddenly, showing unexpected mercy. Although his voice was still cold, his face remained impassive.

To Xiong Xiru, these words sounded extraordinarily pleasant.

Xiong Xiru froze, her eyes wide, uncertainly staring at the Crown Prince.

He really isn’t going to kill her? What if he changes his mind once she lets go?

“How long are you going to hold onto me?” Li Hongyi asked, starting to look irritated again.

Without a word, Xiong Xiru quickly released her grip from his legs.

Wow, this Crown Prince is not someone ordinary people can serve—moody and difficult, almost like he has a case of melancholy!

Xiong Xiru straightened up, patted her sleeves, and pretended to adjust the folds of her clothes to hide her embarrassment from earlier.

If it weren’t for saving my life, I wouldn’t have clung to you like that.

Xiong Xiru thought to herself.

Li Hongyi turned to Li Jingsui and said, “I apologize for any trouble my personal matters may have caused, Uncle. If there’s nothing pressing, I won’t keep you any longer.” It was clear he was dismissing his guest.

Li Jingsui, not one to overstay his welcome, glanced at Xiong Xiru, who was still fussing with her clothes, and then at Li Hongyi. “You all take care. I won’t intrude further.” With that, he left.

Li Hongyi stared in the direction Li Jingsui had departed, deep in thought.

He had deliberately provoked Xiong Xiru, knowing she would use the excuse of carrying his child to plead for her life. This performance was meant to gauge Li Jingsui’s reaction to the news of his potential heir.

Unexpectedly, Li Jingsui was so eager to dispose of his child, readily suggesting that there were countless beauties in the palace who could bear him children, and that Xiong Xiru should be dealt with swiftly!

Uncle, Uncle, are you so impatient to seize my position? Is your ambition so blatant?

Seeing Li Hongyi lost in thought, his expression growing colder, Xiong Xiru dared not approach him.

It’s clear I can’t provoke him. History has already taught me that lesson twice.

If I can’t provoke him, I can at least avoid him.

“Unless there’s anything else, I’ll be leaving now,” Xiong Xiru said timidly, and before Li Hongyi could react, she quickly made her exit.

It’s better to leave before he recovers his composure and decides to do something unpredictable.

Having finally escaped the East Palace, Xiong Xiru sighed with relief, letting go of the tension from earlier.

Phew, I’ve managed to keep my head this time. I should head back to the rear courtyard of the Hanlin Academy; it’s much safer and more comfortable there.

As Xiong Xiru wandered through the palace, she once again found herself lost. Looking at the same paths, she lamented her poor sense of direction and lack of geography knowledge.

Every time she got lost, she remembered how important it was to learn, feeling regret for not studying geography better.

Xiong Xiru was already feeling a headache when Aunt Jingyi hurriedly approached, "Miss Xiong, I finally found you!"

Seeing Aunt Jingyi drenched in sweat and looking anxious, Xiong Xiru asked in confusion, "What’s wrong, Aunt Jingyi? What happened? Oh…” Before Aunt Jingyi could respond, Xiong Xiru gasped in shock.

Could it be that the handsome Huangfu Jixun was discovered?

No way, she had only been gone for a short while. How could such a big thing happen so quickly?

"Let’s go, Aunt Jingyi, quickly take me back," Xiong Xiru said, pulling Aunt Jingyi along, not giving her a chance to explain.

Xiong Xiru was so anxious.

Huangfu Jixun, Huangfu Jixun, you must hold on. Don’t you dare pass away before I get back.

As they reached the courtyard entrance, Xiong Xiru, who had been about to rush in with Aunt Jingyi, suddenly had a thought and abruptly stopped, making Aunt Jingyi halt as well.

"Never mind, Aunt Jingyi, you go about your business. I can go in by myself. Thank you," Xiong Xiru said, dismissing her.

Aunt Jingyi, already accustomed to Xiong Xiru’s peculiar behavior, left her to her own devices and returned to her duties.

Xiong Xiru took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves before cautiously stepping into the courtyard.

As soon as she entered, she saw two palace maids stationed at the entrance. They were guards, suggesting that someone important had arrived.

Oh no, did someone really discover Huangfu Jixun?

Xiong Xiru could easily imagine a scene of bloodshed and chaos inside.

She decided it was best to leave. If she were caught, they would surely find out she had helped the young man, and she would be in serious trouble. All her efforts to save her own life might be in vain.

Xiong Xiru turned to leave.

Young man, you’re out of luck. Don’t blame me for not saving you; I’m just trying to save myself.

“Xiong Xiru!” A clear, melodious female voice suddenly called out to her.

Xiong Xiru’s heart skipped a beat, her foot frozen in mid-air, unable to move. She was caught between advancing and retreating, unsure of what to do.

“Xiong Xiru, you’re finally back,” the voice grew closer, and she turned to see Princess Li Fangyi approaching.

It wasn’t a search for Huangfu Jixun.

Xiong Xiru felt a wave of relief. She lowered her foot and put aside her worries, smiling happily, “Princess, what brings you here?”

The princess smiled warmly. “I made some dishes and wanted you to try them. But when Aunt Jingyi told me you were out with my elder brother, I was worried.”

Out with your elder brother? What kind of date could involve being beaten? Aunt Jingyi is just spreading rumors; I went to save my life, not for any romantic tryst.

Xiong Xiru was at a loss but couldn’t explain to the princess. She just managed a sheepish smile.

“Come in and try my cooking,” the princess said cheerfully, taking Xiong Xiru’s hand and leading her inside.

As Xiong Xiru entered the room, she was immediately greeted by the smell of delicious food. The dining table, usually so forlorn, was now covered with a variety of mouth-watering dishes. Her eyes lit up with excitement, and she eagerly grabbed a chicken leg and took a bite.

After all, she had only eaten a bun in the morning and hadn’t had any food since. The sight of so many delicious dishes made her forget her manners.

“Slow down, these are all for you,” Princess Li Fangyi said with a happy smile. She had been looking for someone who appreciated her cooking, and now she had found that person in Xiong Xiru. She was pleased that her future sister-in-law would enjoy her meals, and the future relationship between them would be harmonious.

As Xiong Xiru enjoyed her food, she realized she might have been too eager. She wiped her mouth and asked, “Princess, did you come specifically to find me?” She wondered if someone had sent the princess to search for Huangfu Jixun.

With a crucial person hiding in the room, Xiong Xiru felt nervous and uneasy.


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