ROTCGIS, Seventy One


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Rebirth of the Charming Girl in Space

 Chapter 71: 


This morning, the sky was clear and cloudless.

Murong Lingran was carrying a satchel on her back and had a basket in her hand. After paying the entry fee, she entered the city smoothly.

 While the family is building a house, her father must be there to keep an eye on it.

As for the third brother, as the saying goes, it takes a hundred days to mend the muscles and bones. Now he uses a cane everywhere he goes, and really, he can only stay at home during this period.

Last night she went to see the cherry tree in her space again. She had already harvested the red cherries for several times. Six hours after picking them, the tree was full again. It would be a pity to let them not see the light of day outside. . .

Now that the house has under construction and the land has not been fully cultivated, the family cannot just sit back and do nothing, they still have to find ways to make money.

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 She did not go to see her mother first, but went to Shitou to see if there was any news about her three younger brothers.

Of course, after just a few days, they had found nothing and so she left some more food and she left.

Seeing that it was still early, Murong Lingran came to a busy street and made sure that no one was selling the same thing as her. She found the manager and paid the market fee, then found a hidden place and took out part of the cherries from the space. .

Because they look so good and the red color is very eye-catching, as soon as it was put on the display, a woman came up and said with a novel look on her face: "Oh, this cherry looks so good, so juicy, girl. How much are you selling these for?"

These cherries are also too big, one is bigger than the two or three combined she saw being sold at the market a few days ago.

Murong Lingran did not expect that business would come to her door so quickly. She smiled lightly and said, "Auntie, twenty cents per catty."

The woman frowned, "Twenty cents? It's too expensive. The ones I bought a few days ago only cost five cents a catty."

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"Not expensive, not expensive. These are definitely worth twenty cents per catty. They are just picked from the tree. Look at them. They are big and plump. They are appetizing. If you don't believe me, try it. The taste will definitely not be the same as yours. It’s different from what I have bought before.”

As Murong Lingran spoke, she grabbed a large handful and put it in the woman's hand without feeling any distress.

She has also lived in the capital. At first glance, this woman looks like someone who comes out to buy for a wealthy family. It is nothing to be generous to a big customer who has the potential to make a purchase.

The capital can be said to be a gathering place for the rich. Minghua Street is one of the busiest streets in the capital. Rich families like to come here, so she doesn't think the price is high at all.

The woman felt happy when she saw that she gave her a handful so generously. This child is really good at pleasing people.

After she tasted one, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she couldn't help but start to eat a second, and then a third. It didn't take long for a dozen of them to enter her stomach, and she was still craving the taste, and her eyes suddenly became like a starving wolf staring at the cherries in the basket.

Murong Lingran knew from the look on the woman's face that she was very satisfied. There were multiple varieties of cherry saplings in her space, all of which were developed after years of research.

Although this is not the best, the taste and sweetness are not comparable to the original varieties of Xuan Qingguo.

 Coupled with the fact that it is produced by her Space, it of course is a high-quality product, and the taste is even better.

Although the woman didn't eat enough, she didn't have the nerve to ask for another taste. She had never tasted such delicious cherries, and they were indeed worth such a high price. She immediately said cheerfully: "My child, give me ten catties."

“Ten catties? Auntie, cherries spoil quickly and really don’t last long. Your family...”

The woman has never seen anyone who thought she was buying too much. She could see that this child is considerate of others, and she immediately likes her. "My family has a large population, don't worry, I can finish it all, and it won't go bad."

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