ROTCGIS, Chapter Sixty Four


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Rebirth of the Charming Girl in Space

 Chapter 64: 

Really Ungrateful

Shen Baotou said anxiously: "I understand, I understand."

 “In that case, do whatever you have to do.”

"Yes." Shen Baotou stood up immediately, glared at Mo Ershan and Gao Shi fiercely and said, "Come here, capture these two audacious people!"

Mo Ershan immediately became anxious when he heard this, "Master, this man was really injured by Murong Kuan. I saw it myself."

"Then tell me how you saw it? Why did Murong Kuan hurt him? Tell me the whole process!"

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"This..." Mo Ershan was stunned. If he told the truth and let outsiders know that he crossed the river and burned the bridge, what would the people in the village think of him? How could he stay?

Seeing his silence, Chief Shen said impatiently: "Don't waste time, take him away quickly!"

Mrs. Gao said anxiously: "Ershan, tell the truth. No matter what, it's better than going to jail."

Mo Ershan hesitated for a moment. Mother was right. Telling the truth was embarrassing, but it was better than going to jail. After thinking about it, he told her exactly what happened just now.

  It turned out that he went up to the mountains to hunt early this morning. Not long after he left, he saw the masked man and another man fighting. He hurriedly hid behind a tree and observed quietly.

After a short beating, the other man fell to the ground covered in blood, and the masked man threw the dead man into the grass.

This was the first time in his life that he saw a murder scene. He was afraid of being discovered by the other party. After the masked man dumped the body, he wanted to leave quietly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he escaped here, the masked man suddenly kicked him to the ground from behind, and then came to strangle him and wanted to kill him.

He tried with all his strength to call for help. He had never thought that there was anyone on the mountain, but Murong Kuan appeared and wanted to save him.

 The masked man fell down after fighting with Murong Kuan, his face covered in blood. He thought the man was dead, so he hurried down the mountain.

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Mo Ershan finished speaking with a bitter look on his face and said with a dejected look on his face: "That's the thing. Every word I said is true. I really didn't lie. I just wasn't sure whether that person was dead. I was a little anxious, but I really didn’t report a false case on purpose.”

Li Zhuang was angry, "You actually want to harm others after they saved you. You are really ungrateful."

Murong Zhe’s eyes were red with anger. He never expected that there was such an inside story. His son was kind enough to save people, but he didn't expect to be bitten back.

Shen Baotou walked to Wei Jingxuan's side, bent down and said, "Sir, that corpse he was talking about?"

Wei Jingxuan expressionlessly raised his head and said, "It's over there."

The Yamen officers ran over to take a look and saw a corpse wearing the same clothes as the masked man. They quickly called on their men to carry the person out.

Captain Shen asked again: "Sir, how should we deal with this corpse and this unconscious person?"

 “You can dispose of the corpse as you wish, but keep the living ones.”

"Yes, sir, this official will obey."

Helian Rongjiu said suddenly: "Wait a minute."

Shen Baotou quickly turned around and said, "Do you have any other instructions, sir?"

“It takes at least an hour to get back and forth from the city. Why did you come so fast?”

Shen Baotou replied respectfully: "A house in the next village was robbed, and someone reported it. We investigated and found no clues. We were about to walk back and met this woman on the side road."

Murong Lingran raised her eyebrows, this Gao family is really lucky.

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