ROTCGIS, Chapter Fifty Six


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Rebirth of the Charming Girl in Space

 Chapter 56: 

Ask for Help

Ms. Liu snorted coldly, "I told you the last time she forced me with a knife. She is not even afraid of death. What else can she not dare to do?"

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Ms. Chen curled her lips when she heard this. Although she didn't want to admit it, what Ms. Liu said was indeed right. Her daughter also told her about the last time Murong Lingran took a knife and asked her grandmother to kill her.

If a person does not care about their life, he can indeed accomplish anything, so they have to stop playing.

Murong Liang glanced at Mrs. Chen and shook his head helplessly.

He didn't rely on himself to get a wife, but relied on his son. How could he have choosen such a daughter-in-law to enter the family in the first place? It was really unfortunate for his family.

Murong Xue went back to her room angrily when she saw that her uncle's family had been allowed to pass easily.

Murong Qing looked at the wild pears on the table that were as big as an adult's fist. Although she had picked them when she went to the mountains, they tasted really unpleasant.

 But she didn’t know why, she just felt that Lingran would not give them something that even a pig would not eat for no reason.

After all, her uncle is a decent man, and he doesn’t bother to do things like this just to give others excuses. She suddenly said: "Grandma, if you don’t want to eat these wild pears, why don’t you just give them all to me."

Ms. Liu glanced at Murong Qing with a look of disgust and said in disgust: "Take it away, take it away, it's annoying to look at it."

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 “Thank you so much, grandma.”

Murong Qing happily washed all the wild pears and carried them to her room. After taking a bite out of curiosity, her eyes suddenly lit up.

  Why did Lingran’s pear have so much sweetness, while the one she picked last time was so sour that she couldn't even open her eyes?

Didn’t they pick the same one? Isn’t every tree sour?

She knew it, that Lingran was kind-hearted and would not give them something that even a pig would not eat for no reason.


Murong Lingran decided to go up the mountain with her third brother when she returned home. However, not long after walking, a strange sound suddenly came to her ears and she suddenly stopped.

 “A’Ran, did you hear something?” Murong Kuan also felt something was wrong.

Murong Lingran frowned, and then the voice from before came to her ears again. She suddenly pulled her third brother to squat down and slowly moved behind a tree.

The two of them cautiously stretched out their heads and looked in the direction where the sound came from. When they saw clearly what happened there, they were suddenly startled.

Not far from them, a masked man was sitting on a person and strangling a person's neck. The sound just now was the strangled person's cry for help.

Murong Kuan was about to rush out without thinking. Murong Lingran quickly grabbed his clothes and lowered his voice: "Third brother, are you sure?"

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 Although the third brother has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, he rarely fights against adults.

 “This...can’t just ignore someone dying.”

After saying that, he rushed out without waiting for his sister to speak, and said righteously: "Stop!"

The masked man pinched the other man’s neck for a moment, then turned his head and looked at the person fiercely. Seeing that it was just a child, he ignored him and started to use force on his hands again.

" me..." When the person who was weing strangled saw that there was someone, he quickly called for help, but when he saw that it was a child, his eyes gradually lost life.

Murong Kuan rushed forward and kicked the masked man in the head without fear.

The masked man didn’t expect that he would actually dare to attack an adult like him, so he quickly released his grip on his neck, got up and retreated to a safe position.

Murong Lingran wanted to go over and see the situation of the person on the ground, but she was afraid of causing trouble to her third brother, so she had to take out her knife and look at the other person warily. As long as the other party made dangerous moves, she would show no mercy.

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