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Rebirth of the Charming Girl in Space

 Chapter 279:

Keeping Watch

"Mother, save me! I don't want to end up in the prison; I'll surely die in there!" Feng Jifang pleaded in fear.

Yongsong, upon hearing about being taken to the authorities, also began to beg, "Please, just let me go. I promise not to offend again. I beg you, don't send me to the prison."

Mrs. Pan also implored, "I know my son has been reckless, but he's my only son. If he's thrown into the prison and, God forbid, something happens to him, my husband and I won't be able to go on. Please, show mercy, spare him this time. As long as you don't report him to the authorities, I'm willing to do anything for you."

Upon thinking about Mrs. Pan's bedridden husband, the village head sighed, realizing that revealing her son's theft in front of him would be devastating. He said, "A’Zhe, I understand it might be a bit much to ask for your forgiveness, but I would like to request mercy for Chang Yongsong, not for his sake, but for the sake of his parents. As for Feng Jifang, considering we're from the same village and for the village's reputation, feel free to set any conditions. I'll supervise them to fulfill your requests, alright?"

Murong Zhe glanced at his daughter, and Murong Lingran calmly stated, "If you want us not to pursue this, it depends on their future behavior. If satisfied, we can consider."

The village head, knowing they wanted to investigate further, signaled them to continue.

Murong Lingran continued slowly, "Firstly, tell me who orchestrated the theft at our house?"

Chang Yongsong, thinking that revealing the truth to Murong Lingran would lead to their release, promptly exposed Feng Jifang.

The three outsiders, including the chubby man, occasionally interjected with a few words.

It turned out that since Xiao Gao wasn't selected to work in the Murong household, she cursed the Murong family every day at home, urging her family to keep their distance.

translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Feng Jifang, harboring a desire for revenge on behalf of his mother, wanted to teach the Murong family a lesson. He had complained to Yongsong several times. However, the Murong family often had people at home, and later, they even got a dog, making it difficult for him to find an opportunity.

Yesterday, after having his breakfast, Feng Jifang, as usual, kept an eye on the Murong household. When he saw the entire family leave, and it seemed like the dog wasn't at home either, with the three outsiders conveniently nearby, he joined Chang Yongsong and decided to ransack the Murong house together.

Once inside after picking the lock, Yongsong kept watch while the four of them engaged in burglary.

However, they hadn't expected that every room in the house was locked. So, just unlocking each door consumed a significant amount of time.

After breaking into four rooms and searching haphazardly, they only found ten taels of silver. Yongsong spotted Murong Lingran's carriage returning from a distance, quickly notifying the others to leave. This led to the scene they encountered upon their return.

Chang Yongsong, disheartened, said, "That's right, I'm not the mastermind. I was just keeping watch, and Feng Jifang prepared those rats for us."

Murong Lingran glanced at Feng Jifang, sneering, "So, Feng Jifang, do you agree with what they're saying?"

Would Feng Jifang dare to disagree now? Everyone was blaming him, so he could only nod.

Xiao Gao's face immediately reflected her frustration. She couldn't accept admitting to such things! Murong Lingran continued, "Since that's the case, let me state my second request. Yesterday, we lost a total of ten taels of silver. You rummaged through everything, and the clothes I recently bought for my family got quite dirty. It took considerable effort to clean them up."

"Last night, none of our family members slept well, and today our spirits are not at their best. It has taken a toll on our health. Therefore, I demand not only the return of the stolen items but also an additional ten taels of silver as compensation for the mental distress. In total, you must return twenty taels of silver to us."

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.


Sorry for the delay! I spent the day writing a lesson plan and syllabus for nouns. I’m debating whether I should start a second blog to post all my lesson plans for anyone who would like to use them. 

But I promise to be better at posting more tomorrow! 


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