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Rebirth of the Charming Girl in Space

 Chapter 263: 

 Catching Snakes Barehanded

Uncle Kou also said, "You've really misunderstood."

"I don't believe it." Lu Lezheng started to retreat, pulling his brother along. "Don't think I'm afraid of you just because there are more of you. I'll go back to the village and get help." After saying this, he tried to run, pulling Le Yun with him.

Murong Lingran hurriedly ran in front of him and patiently explained, "Big brother, we really have no malicious intent. We live in Lihua Village."

"Your village should also have daughters who married from Lihua Village. If you don't believe us, feel free to inquire. The entire Lihua Village knows that the Murong family, who settled in Lihua Village, lost three children, and it has been several months. Suddenly, there was news related to our brother, so we came to take a look."

"Even though we know he might not be the one, we still have family waiting. Please understand our desire to reunite. As long as there's a tiny bit of a clue, family won't give up."

"And, look at me, I'm still a child. If someone wanted to abduct children, why would they bring a child along? It's impossible."

After hearing her analysis, Lu Lezheng found her reasoning sound. He had been in a similar situation before, rushing to confirm any news he heard. He then eased his guard a bit, "You... are you really not deceiving me?"

Murong Lingran nodded sincerely, "Really, we have not."

Le Yun suddenly said slowly, "Big...brother, what...they...said...is...true. Just...now...I...mentioned...the...birthmark...on...my...hand."

Lu Lezheng, seeing his brother confirming their words, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although his brother had trouble speaking, his mind was intact, and he was clear-headed.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Lu Lezheng awkwardly scratched his head, "Well, sorry, I misunderstood you. I'm Lu Lezheng, and this is my brother, Lu Leyun. You've seen my brother's situation. He just speaks slower than usual, but his mind is fine. He can do household chores like washing clothes, and he's obedient. I'm just worried someone might try to sell him again."


Murong Lingran looked at the brothers' attire, and, recalling the mention of "big sister" by the child earlier, she roughly guessed a few things.

At that moment, Lu Lezheng's eyes suddenly widened, and he walked briskly towards Murong Zhe.

Murong Zhe, seeing him approaching abruptly, was prepared to defend himself, but then he quickly moved behind him. Crouching down and standing up shortly after, he returned to Lu Le Yun's side.

Upon closer inspection, Murong Zhe noticed that Lü Lezheng had acquired a gray snake.

Thinking Lu Lezheng was about to attack his father, Murong Zong took a big step forward. However, after careful observation behind his father and the surroundings, realizing there were no other snakes, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Lezheng held the snake's head with one hand, took out a small knife from his waist with the other hand, skillfully dissected the snake's gallbladder, and placed it in a bamboo tube he carried.

Then, he vigorously shook the snake's tail, causing it to lose all struggling strength.

After confirming that the gray snake had indeed ceased to breathe, Lu Lezheng, to prevent it from playing dead, continued to hold its vital part and planned to have a good meal with it later.

Murong Lingran raised an eyebrow; this person's reactions were indeed quick. The moment Changqi Shenjun warned her that her father was in danger, he already walked towards her father.

Moreover, he had quite the courage, daring to catch a snake barehanded.

Lu Le Yun seemed accustomed to it, showing no trace of fear when he witnessed his elder brother catching the snake. Instead, a hint of delight appeared in his eyes.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.



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