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Rebirth of the Charming Girl in Space

 Chapter 254: 

The Person with Authority Over Life and Death

Murong  Zhe really didn't want to disappoint his daughter, but there were some things he had to say, "A’Ran, oh A’Ran, Father apologizes to you."

The four siblings were simultaneously stunned. Why was Father suddenly apologizing?

"A’Ran," seeing their confusion, Murong Zhe had to explain, "The injustice on Father has not been cleared. Unlike selling vegetables, it's not just about showing up; it involves directly serving it to others."

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

"Although Ninth Young Master and the Ministry of Rites don't care about our family's past, there are surely others who do. If those hostile people want to suppress us, it only takes a moment, a little tampering in your cakes, and our shop could close."

"A’Ran, Father has been watching how hard you've worked these days. It's extremely difficult, and Father really doesn't want your hard work to go to waste in an instant."

Murong Lingran frowned, "Father, isn't Ninth Young Master there? With his care, shouldn't everything be fine? The vegetable business seems to be going smoothly now, right?"

Murong Zhe sighed, "Ninth Young Master, such a distinguished figure, has shown remarkable patience in supporting our vegetable business for so long. We should be content and not ask for too much."

After all, Ninth Young Master was not a true member of the Ning'an Marquis's Mansion but a person with significant authority over life and death.

Accompanying such a person was like accompanying a tiger; the emperor's mood was always unpredictable.

He allowed them to sell vegetables as a way of repaying a life-saving favor.

Even though he repeatedly helped them, allowing their family to peacefully earn a considerable amount of silver and resolving the trouble of the forced land seizure from the mansion, the debt of gratitude had long been repaid.

If they continued to take advantage of his influence, Ninth Young Master might see them as greedy and lacking in discretion.

He might become displeased and withdraw support for their vegetable business, or worse.

Then they might be easily dispatched with some pretext, and they would be in trouble.

Murong Lingran frowned. Originally, she wanted to say that Ninth Young Master and their family's old madam also enjoyed eating the vegetables, so he shouldn't be unhappy. But thinking about Ze Qu coming to bring her clothes and jewelry last time, her father had probably already thought about it.

Looking at her father's once lively face turning immediately into a worried one, she knew he was concerned about her safety and it was for her own good. Suddenly, she smiled and said, "Okay, Father, you have much more experience. I'll listen to you. But you don't need to apologize; being framed is not something you can control, and I don't blame you."

With such an understanding daughter, Murong Zhe instantly felt relieved. He was truly afraid that his daughter would insist on going to the city.

Murong Zhe looked at the remaining cake crumbs on the plate and sighed, "A’Ran, your hard work during this time might be in vain. Father is truly sorry."

If he had known about his daughter's idea of opening a shop in the city, he wouldn't have let her work so hard in the first place.

Murong Lingran casually shook her head, "It's okay, Father. Trust me, your grievances will be cleared someday, and by then, it'll be useful. Besides, you all like the cakes, and I can make them for you."

Murong Zhe nodded, acknowledging her reasoning.

Internally, he quickly thought about how to compensate his daughter in the future.

After chatting for a while, when each went their separate ways, the three Murong siblings entered their sister's room. Seeing her sitting with her back to the door, Murong Zong comforted, "A’Ran, don't blame Father for overthinking. Both Father and I share the same concerns. It's normal to fear losing someone who cares for us, especially when we've finally found someone who doesn't mind our past."

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.



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