ROTCGIS, Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Five


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Rebirth of the Charming Girl in Space

 Chapter 175: 

 Do You Take Me for a Fool?

"You can fetch at least fifteen taels of silver for them. This way, you'll have money to buy land, and your grandson can marry sooner," Mrs. Chen suggested.

Murong Liang snorted, "As the mother of the money-handler, you should figure out how to get your child married instead of eyeing the clothes of your in-laws. Do you even know the meaning of filial piety? Didn't you hear what Lingran said earlier? Many people saw them bringing these things over. If you take them away, and they don't see me wearing them for a long time, how will I face others in the future?"

Chen had prepared her explanation, earnestly saying, "Dad, wearing silk in these wild mountains isn't suitable. It might get torn easily. Cotton is more practical. So, let's use the fifteen taels of silver that come from selling them. Take ten taels to buy land, and the remaining five taels can be used for your expenses. With five taels of silver, you can buy a lot of cotton fabric. You can have new clothes every month, and there's still money left for meat."

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"You're dreaming! Do you take me for a fool? Let me tell you, don't even think about taking these silks! I know exactly what you're thinking. You're only pretending to care about us, but it's all for your own benefit!" Murong Liang said angrily. "Don't think I don't know what you're up to. You see that there's nothing suitable for you, so you don't want us, the two old folks, to have them either. It all sounds nice, but it's all for yourself!"

Mrs. Chen awkwardly smiled, "Dad, you're overthinking."

Saying this, she turned her hopeful gaze toward Mrs. Liu.

Mrs. Liu cared the most about whether Murong Cai could get married. Hearing that selling the silks they could buy land, she might agree, right?

Unexpectedly, as soon as Mrs. Liu saw her eyes, her expression tightened. Hugging the two pieces of silk obviously meant for her, she coldly said, "These were given to me by Eldest. You need to figure out the land issue yourself. Don't keep thinking about taking from your in-laws. Being a daughter-in-law to this extent is embarrassing!"

No woman doesn't like luxurious fabric or clothes. Even though she was getting older, she still liked them. She was already old; if she didn't seize the time to wear something good, she might never get the chance again.

Chen said with a bitter expression, "Mother, I'm doing this for Murong Cai's good."

Mrs. Liu glanced to the side and saw Murong Cai looking at her calmly. She quickly said, "A’Cai, your grandmother really likes this silk. You won't let her give it up, right?"

Murong Cai shook his head, "These were given to Grandma by Uncle. Grandma can decide."

Seeing her grandson so understanding, Mrs. Liu felt relieved, "Good child. Your dad is doing well now, so don't worry. We'll have land sooner or later."

With the old man watching, it shouldn't be easy to ask for money from the Eldest. Mrs. Liu grit her teeth and looked at Mrs. Chen, "How about this? I'll give you the money later. Tomorrow, you go and buy two piglets. When they grow up and, combined with the money Murong Cai earns, it should be enough to buy land next year."

Mrs. Chen hesitated, "Mother, last month, I already followed your advice and bought ten chicks, ten ducklings, and ten goslings. Do we really need to raise pigs? With just the three-tenths of an acre in our yard, whatever we grow can only feed ourselves."

"If we raise pigs, we'll have to rely on me and the kids to go up the mountain to find food for them and also forage for wild vegetables. These days, I also have to help Dad make clothes. If we add pig-raising to the mix, I'm afraid I won't have time anymore."

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