ROTCGIS Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Three


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Rebirth of the Charming Girl in Space

 Chapter 163: 

What Trick Did She Play Again?

"Murong Lingran, you're ruthless!"

Murong Zong, who had followed them in secret and saw that they didn't have a major conflict, breathed a sigh of relief.

After Fei Xiaocai left, Murong Zong came to his sister's side and furrowed his brows, "A’Ran, what you said is true? Did the people from the Ministry of Rites and Lihua Village know about our past?"

Murong Lingran nodded seriously, "It's true. Don't you know what kind of person Father is? Li Zhuang has taken good care of our family, how could he bear to hide it and let Father face difficulties in front of the entire village?"

Murong Zong thought so too. When he was escorting caravans, he was worried that their past might be exposed one day, and Father might be expelled from Lihua Village.

Now that he knew everyone was already aware and didn't reject their family, he felt relieved.

The siblings returned to their seats together.

Seeing Fei Xiaocai go for a moment and return with an unpleasant expression, Ms. Xu frowned and said, "What's wrong with you? You look like someone owes you money. Let me tell you, these people are the honored guests of the Madam. I don't care about your past grievances with Miss Murong. If you dare to offend her, be prepared for both the Madam and the Master to deal with you when you go back!"

Fei Xiaocai was startled, "Master? Does the Master also know about the Murong family's affairs?"

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Ms. Xu sneered, "Did you forget whose household you are serving in? The master of the Ministry of Rites is the master. What in the house does he not know? Recently, when Madam and the Master were enjoying cherries so suddenly, which have such good benefits for health, how could the Master not be suspicious? A person who has reached the rank of the second-grade minister engages in daily struggles and intrigues. How could his thoughts be simple?"

Fei Xiaocai suddenly felt a chill. She was grateful that she didn't act impulsively until now, and only now did she believe that what Murong Lingran had just said was not a bluff.

After a while, the guests who had eaten their fill gradually left.

Wei Yushan had never eaten lunch in such an environment, and had never tasted the food of a farmer. Although she found the villagers chattering a bit noisy earlier, she found it quite intriguing.

After eating, she took a look at the vegetable field and indeed saw a large area of lush vegetables.

Ms. Xu, who had planted vegetables before, could tell that these vegetables were indeed somewhat different from what they usually ate.

"Miss, it seems that what Miss Murong said is true. The vegetables from her family are indeed good."

Wei Yushan nodded and smiled, "Let's go, let's go back and tell Mother. She should be very happy."

Yes, her purpose in coming today was twofold: firstly, staying in the mansion every day felt a bit dull, so she wanted to visit the countryside; secondly, she also wanted to see what the vegetables were like that her mother was so obsessed with.


Murong Lingran personally saw Wei Yushan off, watching the carriage gradually disappear from sight, and frowned slightly.

"A’Ran, what's wrong with you?"

"Big brother, although Miss Wei is domineering and willful, looking at her true nature, she's not bad. I don't know why the Ministry of Rites would leave someone like Fei Xiaocai by her side."

"Maybe she played some tricks again."

Murong Lingran nodded. Someone who could bribe government officials should not be underestimated.

But now, she couldn't care about others. She'd remind Madam Wei later, and turned back to continue standing at the door, seeing off the guests.

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