Chapter 12: Oh! My Sweet Liar! (Wang Fei Bu Kao Pu)


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Wang Fei Bu Kao Pu

 Chapter 12:

(ancient china) older empress dowager
 Masterpiece, Best Quality, flat, Manga Scan, Anime, cinematic lighting, drawn Art...

Temporarily Caught

"By the way, how's my comic being circulated in the palace?" Xiro suddenly remembered the important matter.

"Well, I wouldn't know. I'm still hiding everywhere, so how could I know what's happening in the palace?" Huangfu Jixun shrugged.

"Then how did you know about Li Hongyi's smile?" Xiro asked, narrowing her eyes suspiciously.

"Oh, you mean to say I’m a pig? Everything in the palace, including the birds and beasts, knows about it. Maybe it's just you who’s been eating and sleeping all day and hasn’t heard the news," Huangfu Jixun said with a playful smile.

"Are you implying that I'm like a pig?" Xiro glared at him, annoyed.

"I didn’t say that," Huangfu Jixun said, wiggling his finger in the air as if to deflect responsibility, still smiling.

"Keep teasing me and I might just spill everything about you," Xiro threatened with a grin, "Scared, huh?"

"I’m not afraid. Our fates are intertwined. If you expose me, you’ll be implicated as well," Huangfu Jixun replied calmly.

"You never take jokes well. Fine, I won’t waste any more time with you. I need to go check on how my comic is being circulated in the palace." Xiro said, heading towards the door.

After all the days of eating and sleeping, mainly due to the exhaustion from painting nonstop, she needed to restore her energy.

But as soon as she stepped outside, she found herself lost. Looking at the identical narrow paths, she scratched her head, completely confused about where she was or how to get back.

“Why do all the paths in the palace look the same? I don’t even know where I came from or where I’m supposed to go!” Xiro was frustrated.

Just then, two palace maids appeared in front of her.

One maid was supporting another who was limping, having injured her foot.

"I'm sorry, Auntie, I accidentally twisted my foot. I can serve the Empress Dowager, but I'm having difficulty moving and fear I might neglect her, which would lead to punishment for everyone," the injured maid said apologetically.

"Forget it. You should stay in the rear court and rest properly. I’ll find someone else," the other maid said.

Xiro watched as the maids went into a room. She looked around but still couldn’t figure out where she was or where she should go.

“Which palace are you from?” the matron suddenly came out and, seeing Xiro, walked over and asked.

Xiro’s face brightened. “I’m from the Hanlin Academy.” She quickly approached, thinking this matron must be familiar with the palace and could help her find her way back to her quarters.

Before Xiro could even ask for directions, the matron said, “Perfect timing. We need someone here. Come with me to serve the Queen Mother.”

Without giving Xiro a chance to refuse, the matron grabbed her hand and started leading her away.

“The Empress Dowager is the Emperor's mother, right? How long will I be serving?” Xiro asked, unable to decline.

“Of course, she is the Emperor's mother. To serve the Empress Dowager is a blessing we servants earn through a lifetime of good deeds. You should be grateful. You’ll be serving for a day, replacing Jingfang’s position,” the matron explained as she led Xiro along.

Xiro’s mouth twitched slightly. 

She couldn’t understand how serving others could be considered a blessing. She would rather spend her days eating and sleeping than have such a “fortunate” experience.

The matron hurried Xiro to the Empress Dowager’s side, leading her to bow before the Empress Dowager. “Long live the Empress Dowager.”

“Rise and come with me to the Eastern Palace,” the Empress Dowager said, her tone steady and calm.

Xiro carefully lifted her eyes to look at the Empress Dowager. She saw a woman dressed in magnificent robes adorned with numerous hairpins and decorations.

The sight of so many metal ornaments on the Empress Dowager’s head made Xiro feel a bit uneasy, worrying that they might be too heavy and displace her neck.

Previously, Xiro had only seen such luxurious attire on television, but seeing it in person felt rather overwhelming.

Rising with the matron, Xiro followed the Empress Dowager, who was accompanied by four other palace maids. Including Xiro and the matron, there were six in total.

She and the matron walked at the end of the line.

Throughout the journey, everyone kept their heads slightly bowed, while Xiro continuously glanced around, curious to see the palace’s scenery.

Unfortunately, she was disappointed to find that no one seemed to be reading her comic.

Could it be that Dong Yuan didn't deliver her comic to the palace and kept it for himself?

Or perhaps the people in the palace were simply uninterested in her comic, and it was discarded, ignored by everyone.

Either way, the thought made Xiong Xiru feel disheartened.

She wandered through the halls absentmindedly, not even realizing that she had arrived at the Eastern Palace until she noticed the maids were bowing to the Crown Prince.

Flustered, she hurriedly mimicked their gestures, realizing she hadn't heard the Crown Prince's voice.

Curious, she looked ahead and saw the Crown Prince helping the Empress Dowager to her seat and then taking his own place beside her.

Seeing the other maids standing near the Empress Dowager, Xiong Xiru quickly followed suit and stood behind the Empress Dowager.

The Empress Dowager picked up her teacup, took a sip, and then set it down, her demeanor graceful and composed, a model of dignified age.

"Yi'er, I heard that you smiled, so I came to see you," the Empress Dowager said.

Xiong Xiru was surprised, glancing between the Empress Dowager and the Crown Prince.

So it was true that this was a significant event—just the Crown Prince smiling had brought the Empress Dowager herself to visit.

It was clear how unamusing and stoic the Crown Prince must be, if a mere smile could stir such a commotion in the palace.

At that moment, Crown Prince Li Hongyi's expression, while still reserved, seemed slightly more approachable than usual.

"Grandmother, thank you for visiting," the Crown Prince said politely.

“Yi'er, you haven't smiled for so many years. Why did you suddenly smile? Did something interesting occur to you, or did you see something amusing? Share it with me,” the Empress Dowager said kindly, genuinely intrigued by the news of Li Hongyi’s smile, finding it even more fascinating than the latest theatrical performances.

The Crown Prince suddenly seemed a bit awkward. He glanced around at the attendants; originally, he hadn't planned to speak up with so many maids present. But then he noticed Xiong Xiru among the crowd.

While everyone else had their heads bowed respectfully, Xiong Xiru was gazing around with curiosity, her eyes darting around as if she was very interested in his quarters.

Why was this Xiong Xiru now working as a maid by the Empress Dowager’s side?

Xiong Xiru was absorbed in examining the room’s décor.

Wow, so many vases and porcelain pieces.

The craftsmanship of the bowls, plates, and teacups was exquisite.

In the modern world, these would be priceless antiques.

If she could take a few of them, she would be set for life—no more worries about retirement funds, college admissions, or finding a job. She could even support her parents. It sounded perfect.

As she fantasized, her eyes sparkled with excitement, her gaze reflecting gold coins as if she had dollar signs in her eyes.

Suddenly, her gaze met a pair of icy eyes.

She jolted, realizing it was the Crown Prince looking at her. She glanced around to see everyone else with their heads bowed and quickly lowered her own.

Oh no, what was happening? Why was the Crown Prince looking at her of all people?

Even if he was handsome, she didn’t want him as a husband. He was too cold, and sleeping next to him might freeze her to death.

Li Hongyi, not bothered by Xiong Xiru's presence, withdrew his gaze and said to the Empress Dowager, “Grandmother, I smiled because I read a comic.”

He was very respectful toward the Empress Dowager, so he felt compelled to answer her questions.

Xiong Xiru was incredulous. He smiled because of her comic?

Heaven, have I succeeded again? I made the Crown Prince, who never smiles, laugh.

This is the highest praise for me; my little heart is so thrilled.

“Oh? Because of a comic? What is this comic about? How slow is it? Is it performed with a slow pace?” the Empress Dowager asked with a series of questions.

“Pfft…” Xiong Xiru couldn’t help but laugh.

“How dare you! Which maid is mocking me?” The Empress Dowager's sudden reprimand echoed.

Xiong Xiru felt countless eyes on her.

Oh no, she was in trouble again!

Xiong Xiru regretted laughing and quickly knelt to apologize, tears streaming down her face. “This maid is at fault.”


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