Chapter 3: Oh! My Sweet Liar! (Wang Fei Bu Kao Pu)


Translating Chinese Historical Dramas for your enjoyment... and mine! :)

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Wang Fei Bu Kao Pu

Chapter Three:

(ancient china) handsome prince, walking in the palace, 
 Masterpiece, Best Quality, flat, Manga Scan, Anime, cinematic ...

I am the Prince’s Woman

The icy and indifferent tone of the prince made Xiong Xiruo shiver.

Good grief, doesn’t he realize that she’s his future wife!

Xiong Xiruo couldn’t believe that this emotionless prince had no compassion and was ready to have her killed without a second thought.

This is way too much. Is this how a husband is supposed to behave?

Even though this prince looked more handsome and cool than Yang Yang, Li Yifeng, Kim Soo-hyun, and Song Joong-ki, she absolutely refused to tolerate domestic violence!

“Yes, Your Highness.” The leader accepted the command and turned to order, “Take her away.”

“Wait!” Xiong Xiruo snapped back to her senses and shouted, “Wait! I have something to say!”

Hearing Xiong Xiruo’s shout, the prince paused in his steps and turned to look at her coldly, as if waiting for her to continue.

“Although I’m a fan, I still have my dignity. I’ve seen many handsome and cool people, and even though you’re the most handsome and coolest, you can’t trample on my dignity! Don’t think that just because you’re good-looking and cool, you can ignore my existence and treat my life like it’s worthless!” Xiong Xiruo bit her lip, angry at the prince’s coldness. “I’ve decided that even if heaven wants me to marry you, I refuse! I, Xiong Xiruo, like warm-hearted men. I don’t like you, a cold-faced ice mountain. Hmph!”

Xiong Xiruo huffed, turning her face away with a strong sense of pride.

“Please, Your Highness, forgive me. When we captured this woman, she was already behaving crazily. I will take her away and execute her right away,” the leader, Liu Tongling, said, kneeling and apologizing to the prince.

“It’s fine,” the prince said shortly, his expression indifferent. His icy demeanor didn’t change at all as he coldly added, “I won’t waste my time on a person about to die.”

With that, the prince turned away, not even glancing back at Xiong Xiruo. As he turned, he slightly pursed his beautiful lips and said, “Liu Tongling, have her executed by the staff.”

“You... you’re taking revenge!” Xiong Xiruo’s eyes widened as she jumped up, pointing at the prince’s retreating figure and shouting.

“Gag her and take her away!” Liu Tongling seemed unwilling to be troubled by Xiong Xiruo’s words and decisively ordered, “Execute her immediately!”

“Oh my god! Damn it! I, Xiong Xiruo, shouldn’t die here!” Seeing the murderous intent in the guards' eyes, Xiong Xiruo’s heart was in chaos. Looking at the prince’s resolute back, she thought, “Damn it, you cold-faced ice mountain! If you’re unkind, I’ll be ungrateful!”

With a determined heart, Xiong Xiruo threw herself at the prince, clutching his leg and crying out, “Your Highness, you can’t treat me like this! I’m already carrying your child. Are you going to abandon your own flesh and blood? How could you be so cruel? I’ll beat you up!”

As she spoke, Xiong Xiruo raised her tiny fists and pounded on the prince’s leg. “Beat you up, beat you up, you cruel person trying to kill the mother of your child! Wuwu~”

“Seize this madwoman!” Liu Tongling ordered the guards, “Protect the prince!”

“Who dares!” Xiong Xiruo turned around, her nose and eyes streaming with tears. “Who dares touch me? I’m the mother of the prince’s future child! I’m carrying royal blood. If you dare harm royal blood, you won’t fear being exterminated?”

“This...” Liu Tongling hesitated, looking confusedly at the prince. “Your Highness, is this woman... saying...”

He wanted to ask the prince if Xiong Xiruo's claims were true, but seeing the prince’s dark and shadowed profile, he swallowed his words.

If it were true, this madwoman indeed needed to be handled with care.

“Wuwu... You said you would love me forever. You said you’d hide me away in this palace so no one would find us, and that after I gave birth, you’d give up your status as prince and take me away. I always believed your feelings for me were real. I never expected that now, when everything is exposed, you’d be so cruel to me. Am I blind? Tell me, why are you treating me this way? Is your heart made of stone? Do you not remember a single one of the vows you made to me?!” Xiong Xiruo clung to the prince’s leg, crying more and more heartbrokenly.

From tearful sobbing to being almost unable to speak, Xiong Xiruo put in all her effort to act distressed.

It wasn’t that she truly had feelings for this prince, nor was she heartbroken by his cruelty. It was just that her life depended on her acting skills!

“Mountains without peaks, heaven and earth united, I would dare to part with you! Wuwu… But I’ve encountered a heartless man. Fine, if you don’t care about me or our child, then I’ll go die!” As she cried, Xiong Xiruo realized her one-sided performance was a bit monotonous, not rich enough. And after crying for so long, there seemed to be no way out. The prince remained unmoved, like an ice mountain, and Xiong Xiruo was afraid her acting talent would be wasted due to his indifference.

Xiong Xiruo got up from the ground and faced the prince’s back. Her desire to perform was as uncontrollable as her tears. “Prince, my love, I hope I never meet you in the next life. Farewell!”

With that, Xiong Xiruo made a move to crash into the nearby pillar.

Seeing everyone stunned and not stopping her from crashing into the pillar, Xiong Xiruo couldn’t help but look down on them in her heart. How could they be palace guards with such slow reactions?

Helpless, Xiong Xiruo grabbed the equally stunned Liu Tongling. “Liu Tongling, don’t hold me back! Let me die! I don’t want this child anymore, whether or not it’s of royal blood, I don’t want it. Let me die!”

Liu Tongling snapped out of his shock and hurriedly stopped Xiong Xiruo. “Miss, please calm down! You’re carrying the prince’s child. How can you recklessly seek death? This is absolutely unacceptable!”

Liu Tongling addressed her as "Miss" instead of the earlier terms like "female assassin" or "madwoman."

Xiong Xiruo thought, well, this effort wasn’t in vain.

“But the father of my child has abandoned us,” Xiong Xiruo bit her lip and touched her abdomen. Oh, she was starving; she hadn’t realized acting was so physically demanding. “Even if you think I’m a real assassin, you should still take me to the ruler for questioning. But he, he wants to kill me as soon as he sees me. He must be afraid that our affair will be exposed.”

“Your Highness, allow me to speak further.” Liu Tongling, guided by Xiong Xiruo’s words, shifted his attitude towards her. “The royal blood is of great importance. Whether this young lady stays or goes, it should be decided by the ruler!”

At last, the prince turned around with a bit of mercy.

He looked at Xiong Xiruo’s pitifully crying face and the sorrow in her eyes. He couldn’t help but frown slightly. “What is your name?”

“You...” Xiong Xiruo bit her lip and looked at the prince with a hurt expression. “You’ve even forgotten my name.”

But in her heart, she thought, Damn it! Why would I tell you my name? If you know it, will you seek revenge later? So grudging and still so handsome—hmph! Not telling you!

“Xiong Xiruo?” The prince’s cold gaze flashed, and he correctly named her.


Damn it! Xiong Xiruo moaned internally. How did he remember? She had just mentioned it. This guy’s memory is too good. Swallowing hard, Xiong Xiruo avoided the prince’s icy gaze and tearfully told Liu Tongling, “Liu Tongling, I want to see the ruler! Only the ruler can save my child now.”

“Very well, Miss.” Liu Tongling nodded and then, with a bow, asked the prince, “Your Highness, will you accompany this young lady to see the ruler?”

“No need. Cough, cough, I’m not feeling well,” the prince coughed lightly and gave Xiong Xiruo one last cold glance before leaving.

He left so nonchalantly, as if Xiong Xiruo had nothing to do with him.

Even with such a commotion, his eyes didn’t blink. Impressive!

Xiong Xiruo couldn’t help but feel curious about this prince. Just how unflappable can someone be? Though she was sure he was no prince from the Qing dynasty!

“His hair quality is just too good!” Xiong Xiruo gazed longingly at the prince’s retreating figure and muttered enviously.

“Miss, what did you say?” Liu Tongling didn’t catch what Xiong Xiruo said.

Xiong Xiruo sniffed and, with a touch of sadness, said, “Nothing, just expressing my reluctance to part with my loved one.”

“Miss, please follow me. If you have any grievances, you may present them to the monarch. The monarch will certainly provide justice,” Liu Tongling guided Xiong Xiruo.

Although Liu Tongling was aware of the prince’s cold and taciturn nature, he didn’t expect him to be so heartless even toward his own flesh and blood. He couldn’t help but pity Xiong Xiruo in his heart.

“Thank you, Liu Tongling.” Xiong Xiruo nodded slightly, but her anxiety was rising again.

She had hoped the prince might save her, but he just glanced at her and wanted to kill her. So cruel!

The ruler, being the prince’s father, might be even more ruthless. What if he executes her on sight without even looking at her?

She couldn’t keep pretending to be pregnant with the prince’s child. The ruler wasn’t a fool and would likely have a physician examine her. Although she didn’t fully trust ancient Chinese medicine to detect a pregnancy, there was no pregnancy if there was none.

What to do? What other options are there?

Telling the truth might be even worse than execution, maybe even torn to pieces without a whole corpse left behind. That would be terrible!

Having already faced the prince, now she had to meet his father. Was she supposed to squeeze every ounce of her acting talent out? Though she thought she had the talent, and could regenerate her cells, she was so hungry, how could she have the energy to act? Just thinking about it was exhausting.

In her thoughts, Liu Tongling had led Xiong Xiruo to a palace and asked her to wait for a moment.

Soon, Liu Tongling came out and said, “Miss, the ruler wishes to see you. Please follow me in.”

“Oh... okay.” Xiong Xiruo forced a stiff smile, nervously following Liu Tongling into the hall.


I’m starving having only just typed out her performance! I can’t imagine how exhausted and hungry our poor Xiruo is. ;) 

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